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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.
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I can't tell the difference but I like gay owl
ngl i like both, but the pacing in hazbin was so bad i dont understand why its more popular
Stolas is cute.
Yeah I wasn't a fan of the pacing. Probably like that because of amazon and to appeal to a wider audience without losing peoples' attention.
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Hazbin only watcher, whats the deal with Blitzo and horses
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I'm the opposite. While yes stuff felt too rushed at times in hazbin, I prefer short but a tad rushed over plot that feels like it's meandering or prolonging some points too moch before development and resolution. In helluva, especially s2, I've felt they've taken too long with some stuff
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Damn, sure glad Helluva exists in its own space and isn't made fast by alphabrains.
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same desu
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He just likes them.
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It's partly A24's fault for only ordering 8 episodes. If you look at the early drafts of HH, it was going to have filler episodes with the crew doing silly stuff and bonding together but they had to scrap all of that. I'm worried for season 2 since apparently the script has already been written and the vas are already in the process of recording their lines. Invincible only has 8 episodes per season too...
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I think Hazbin's main problem is its low run time per episode. Invincible has 8 episodes per season but each episode lasts 45 to 55 minutes while Hazbin's average runtime is 24.5 minutes.
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They've said there are more songs in s2, and I assume that means there's more episodes or longer runtimes, because 3 songs in a 25min episode would be bad
>3 songs in a 25min episode
guaranteed that'll be the case
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He's the cutest Helluva/Hazbin guy imo. The pre-clown version is sexier like omg but this one is more cute.
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All of the HB main cast is cute, but you're right he is the cutest
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Politely requesting any older stuff of Blitz or Fizz with Ozzie that might not get posted anymore? Looking for older goodies I might have missed.
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I don't have much since I'm mostly a Stolitz fan, but I think I have a few...
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I didn't have a few of these thank you!
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I love these two. Charismatic badasses, I hope they return in the next season.
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so kyoot
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1 more week until heartbreak
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I have fallen so hard for Fizzarolli recently, he's so cute
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Am I the only one that thinks the new episode was really boring?
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no, i hate when shows focus on uninteresting side characters, the agents are a snorefest. still better than getting rushed eps like hazbin, though.
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