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Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
discord thread do not reply
discord thread? replied
not a discord thread, replied
bros i love boys bros
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I can't quit Evangelion. Kawoshin a best.
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I wanna suck Shinji's dick
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knew about the ship since like 2018 and watched the show a couple years ago but didn’t care for kawoshin let alone kaworu until about a month ago. these two are my life now, i’m so fucked
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They're powerful
OP here, I only started watching Evangelion like 1-2 days ago and it's an amazing anime, I love it.
Same but I've just finished the series+the end movie and it's so fucking good, I can keep studying it for a week or so
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think it’s an actual sample to a series of oneshots in a doujin they published a while back. it’s in their gallery somewhere
I love Shinji
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Fuck off
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I'm going to do it for him.
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Which one? There's two boys in your pic
Just a friendly reminder that the original English dubs, and original subtitle translations are way gayer than what's currently on Netflix.
If you haven't seen the show yet, highly recommend tracking down one of the original versions.
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if you watch anything on streaming services you dont belong on this website to begin with
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most pirating sites use the Netflix subs these days, which is unfortunate for any new viewers
I miss evangelion. Will a spinoff about the time skip ever come out?

I watch on Internet Archive
time skip?
The time skip between 2.0 and 3.0
was shinji a good pilot?
Good ridder.
would things have been better if Kaworu was around from the start?
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For the show? Probably not. His 1 episode appearance at the end is amazing and it's probably helped by the 23 preceding episodes being Shinji spiraling deeper and deeper into hopelessness.
For Shinji? Maybe. Probably. It seemed like they would have been good friends. But there's still the whole angel problem.
Me too. With all of my heart.
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I want to make him feel loved
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is it gay if im a guy and i like kaworu
Yes, Shinji
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>Probably not. His 1 episode appearance at the end is amazing and it's probably helped by the 23 preceding episodes being Shinji spiraling deeper and deeper into hopelessnes
i disagree. i think giving Kaworu time to cement himself into the cast and build his relationship with Shinji would have really added to the weight of his betrayal, and how lost shinji was in the aftermath.
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As abrupt nge Kaworu's appearance and then disappearance seemed, I think it suited the context of the anime that he was superficially given the same treatment as the other angels, i.e. the monster of the week. Shinji regularly exterminated the other angels, and then after killing Kaworu, was forced to question why killing this particular angel was any different from the others. This is in the case of the original anime series, though. In other media like the manga, I think it's just fine to explore him being introduced earlier in different world lines.
i need to masturbate
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Everybody finds love...in the end.
But then you ditch your love for big booba
Boobs are gross
what exactly makes gay boys so adorable?
Has any NGE character been retconned as gay? Feels like half of the cast can be spinned as "actually she/he is queer and an allegory for *some gay shit that's heckin valid and stunning*", considering how effeminate they look like.
They're femboys.
Cry more, chud.
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Kaworu and Shinji are just normal guys!

When it's good it's good.
if you know you know
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They're not femboys, shinji looks like a completely average boy of his age.
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Oh yeah? Explain this, liberal
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>anons try to be normal for one whole thread challenge(impossible)
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I jest but, Kaworu was kind of real for choosing to pursue Shinji in every loop. Good taste
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hello kaworu
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Almost funny.
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Protect smol Shinji at all costs
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me and nobody
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ganbare anon
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Kaworu deserves someone better than that winey selfish prick.
like kenken!
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Yes! Leave Shinji for me :)
Any fans of Kensuke here? I already wanted to give Shinji a huge wedgie for wearing tighty whities, but due to Kensuke's nerdy nature he merits it by default. I can see him wearing green camo print briefs, he doesn't change them often so they're worn out and susceptible to ripping from major pulls.
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Did Shinji write this? >>3883329
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laughed my ass off at that pic, thanks
posting females is against the board rules.
mediocre fetish slop edits should be as well tbqh. thread's a writeoff already.
extreme w.

Yeah I should've expected this, was hoping that just Shinji being embarrassed with cute underwear would be enough.
Carry on with the thread as if I was never here
What is Kensuke trying to do here?
its ok anon i dont really even mind desu.
just don't post females
>4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/

And read the sticky. No one ever reads the sticky.
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who draws your favorite shinji? i’m partial to this artist’s. he’s kawaii desu
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i cant find the art right now but i like when this artist draws shinji injured or in bandages. its my favorite type of shinji art. is that messed up?
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Underrated boy
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i can't say i'm familiar, but cute! i like bandaged shinji too mainly because i'm fond of bandages and medical-themed stuff, not particularly from any sadism (not saying yours is, just saying mine isn't)
in this state, he needs to be protected even more, i like it
Stop liking evil boys
Is shinji ticklish?
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Shinji is not evil
That's what he gets for being a cute boy ToT
Baseball uniforms are the most atractive thing ever, they look so cute in them ToT
What music does Shinji listen to?
video game soundtracks.
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>silently refusing to eat if it’s not Shinji feeding him

anime kaworu is so underrated in kawoshins (in my opinion)
Always figured the definitive "Shinji genre" would be 80's synthpop rock, Tears For Fears, anything British from that era
Shinji listens to breakcore
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funny you say that, apparently gyomania thought the same. one of their doujins had kaworu and shinji nearly exchange the same 'tears roll down' album.
how would 3.0 and the interperiod have been if shinji was swapped with asuka
Doesn't he wear an XTC shirt at some point in the anime?
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He listens to numetal and emo.
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i’m too stupid to evaluate the consequences based on the lore since my understanding of rebuilds is funky, but all i know is bitter shinji with an eyepatch is sick as hell
Huh, he does. I'm mostly basing my headcanon on the fact he listens to his cassette player in bed, obviously tapes weren't obsolete in the 90s but I just think he'd be a new wave fan (it took me a whole day to remember that genre name! Sorry for saying "synthpop rock" although it may still fit)
The colellection is now complete
Now, I sleep forever anons
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i’m retarded what does this mean
spoonfeed me pls
This. Lore is shit for losers a d nerds. Angry and bitter Shinji would be really cool. Though after 14 years of piloting Eva-01 I'd imagine he'd be pretty tired. I wonder what Woru would be like here.
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Anybody here collect doujins? How do you store them peacefully in mind? I've been wondering if I should scan them but at the same time I don't like tearing books apart, let alone something like a Kawoshin work by an author who isn't around anymore
Nothing really. If you mean Ogata it's the usual stuff. If you mean the post I think, iirc, anon was talking about all the kinds of pics people took with this kaworu since like 2020 (mostly on /eva/) and said would finally leave 4chan if Ogata ever posted one of her being there.
I’ve been collecting for a few years now. Unfortunately, unless the doujin is staple-bound, 99% of the time you have to debind it in order to scan it. See: https://quicksandscans.wordpress.com/physicalscanning/. You can always attempt to scan it without debinding if you can accept the gutter shadows/warp and edit the scans via Photoshop. Phone scanning is another option if you don’t care about quality. Personally, I don’t scan any of my doujins because I have quite a few that are rare and from the 90s. Maybe I’ll scan them once I move on from Kawoshin/Eva or something.
>How do you store them peacefully in mind?
If you mean storage-wise, treat them like you would books or manga. I recommend having each doujin in a plastic sleeve (and backing boards if you can afford it). Also, keep away from sunlight/humidity.
Who even cares about the rebuilds
Thanks anon for the reference
Maybe when I get over Kawoshin (never, hopefully), I'll think about debinding them.
>keep each doujin in a plastic sleeve
I thought this would be overkill but I'm gonna do this too, given some doujins I bought second-hand and made in 2013-ish were practically still pristine and white. I should protect them. Appreciate it, thanks
The dream
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I feel like it took people a while to realize how cute shinji is
is there a specific tag or term i can use to more easily find art of timeskip kaworu and pre timeskip shinji? ive seen people use 2914 and that kinda thing to refer to it but theres not many results for it. any way to search for that specific type of kawoshin?
Aged up?
Completely misread this lol. What about age difference?
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anon are you me lmao
and yeah, it's just 2914 afaik for your specific case. jp users don't really have a separate tag for it on pixiv sadly and they sparsely tag on twitter as it is

you can also try 年齢操作, but this will include any sort of age manipulation (aka 1428, shota shinji and 15 kaworu, etc). there's a couple of artists who regularly draw 2914 kaworu and shinji on twitter, and i'll bet they have some art they RT or like.
What games?
Gley Lancer.
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>ywn have cute boywife Shinji wearing a green apron making you dinner after a long hard day of work
Bros, I don’t know how much more of this I can take…
whats wrong with his eyes
He's judging you
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jeez, too sad and pretty
needs hair ruffled, change of clothes, friendly butt smack, and see a baseball game

no, this picture is actually kind of moving though...
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Built for plapping
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need more wallpapers like this, reply with some pls
I went to school with a kid who looked like Shinji and used to give him massive wedgies on the bus ride home.
Asuka and Rei gay asf I would have gone crazy
built for kaworu dong.
You're probably lying but cool story regardless
No, not lying. I was a perverted teenager and did it purely in a sexual context, though my target thought it was just friends fucking around. I also stole gym shorts and a shirt from him.
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Huh, wild
Did the other boys ever suspect you were gay?
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Hate Shinji, love Kaworu. Simple as.
im gay
No, they had no clue. I don't project the fake accent and I'm not flamboyant. Sometimes I say things in a joking way the suggests homosexuality.
cute cat
Given free reign over your friend's underwear because of a not gay verdict
In other news happy birthday to this dork
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I have lived a based life
Very. May your luck continue
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Need Shinji butt on my face
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I'm so insanely obsessed with Kaworu, I love everything about him from his voice looks personality everything. I've watched every scene of him in the show and movies hundreds of times and own a lot of his figures.
But I fucking hate Shinji, ugly little faggot. If I could pay someone to crop Shinji out of all of Kaworu's really good art I would. I really hope if they ever make another Eva spinoff they have Kaworu paired up with Rei or Asuka. Shinji is just so fucking garbage.
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Kaworu is for Shinji
Shit taste
seems like you've signed a death sentence
Ugh...same here
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I don't see how it's shit taste. Shinji is just a terribly written character and he has a boring plain design. He's also voiced by a tranny. I see no redeeming qualities about him.
You're in the board where boys are loved for the lone fact they are cute and male. You're calling curse upon you.
This was my wallpaper the night after I first finished NGE back in 2016
Oh cool the schizo is back
Great taste in wallpapers, Anon. Here's my current one.
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>tfw no bf to kill with a baseball bat in the desert on orders of the mafia
*it was in the cornfields actually I forgot sorry
It's a woman so it really just wants attention.
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I know this is kind of old, but the fact you're referring to that poor kid - a victim of your perverted roundabout way of dealing with your sexuality - as your target is cracking me up. Godspeed
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You misinterpret it as a "dealing" or maybe even a, may Allah forgive me, coping action. It was more like I was indulging something I already accepted from a younger age. At any point he could have fought me off or told me to stop, but he didn't. This went on for two years. Maybe it was because he was shorter and weaker than I was. Maybe he secretly liked it. We'll never know for sure.
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in my opinion, one of the most important images ever made. i miss my ex boyfriend
Maybe or you're bi. Completely understandable though. Kaworu best boi
I agree with you

What happened Anon :d
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Shorter boys should big spoon.
God i wish i was either of them
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heroin overdose last september its okay though its how he would have wanted to go out
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that's not really ok, but i guess this is one of those gnostic problems
Well you must have liked the Rei and Kaworu thing from Rebuild then
Ok, you keep Kaworu and I keep Shinji.
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Shinji bottoms
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he's a service top
i just want to hold him in my arms
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i like to think Shinji bottoms after he's had a hard day
like when he feels insecure and oversensitive about something
he keeps all his frustration pent up, until he's a mess, and jumps onto Kaworu
pushing him into bed and power bottoming
crushing his prostate on Kaworu's cock
he gets incredibly hard, like he's trying to recharge his manliness with Kaworu
Kaworu thinks this is cute and tells him how strong and brave he is afterwards when they cuddle
in the days after, Shinji is happier, but tsundere, and puts on like a "bro" act for a while
until something upsets him and he falls back on Kaworu for support
Same...such a beautiful boy
Very specific but cute
Correct answer. I want him to use me like a dildo
i want to hold him close while he cums inside me
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Maybe I am in the minority here, but I will never see Shinji as a top, gomen nasai.
Nah anyone who sees him as a top is delusional desu
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I know I'm in the minority for seeing Shinji as vers
I can't imagine Shinji doing anything other than bottoming desu
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honestly i see him as bisexual. blushes for Kaji, bottoms for Kaworu but also likes [insert eva girl of choice]
I know that's not really /cm/ core though, so I guess that's all I have to say on the matter
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Which one?
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kaji, preferably
New bread?

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