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Previous >>3879148
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Why is VoxVal so cute?
I feel like they're a good compliment to one another.
They just started kissing out of nowhere, he was asexual until then
I really don't get the hype desu
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I'm not on twitter anymore, is Vox actually that popular or is it just one guy spamming him on here? I don't dislike him, I just ....
Vox wasn't asexual, but he seemed annoyed by Val for most of the series. I feel like Vox only hangs around him cuz Val's a retard he can exert control over. A lot of the "they're so perfect for each other uwu" stuff from the staff feels like telling rather than showing.
vox is popular, but he's definitely being spammed here by one anon
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That's how I felt, like Vox just put up with Val for business sake ("He'd be powerless without the other V's..."), and then they start making out. So then I assume its like they put up with eachother and then somtimes sex half-heartedly when excited. And then I see all the lovey-dovey stuff here...

>Val's a retard
True, but to be fair it seems every character is
I just feel like they have nothing in common, the fuck would they even talk about? I think that's why they don't have much focus in terms of fanfic, it's easy to make art of them but takes work to envision a dynamic worth writing about
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I like VoxVal for many reasons, so I will just list a few.
>Vox is shown as the only person who can calm down Val when he's having a fit
>Val is usually shown as quite dominant, so him being submissive to Vox (at times, they are switches after all) is interesting
>They're playful with each other, pinching each others' cheeks and dancing like idiots
>They enable each others' awfulness, Vox giving Val his lackeys to shoot and Val riling Vox up about Alastor for kicks
>Vox's obsession with Val only goes deeper the more you look, with cameras watching his every move and his implied jealousy towards Angel
>The age gap - Val is Vox's "boy toy" and Vox his "flat faced prince"
>Vox is implied to be his sugar daddy, funding all of his ventures
>They just plain look good character, and the fact that they're both perverts means you can portray them doing a LOT while keeping it in character
As for what they could talk about, I can envision any amount of things! Business, their shared history together (that photo of them in the past says a lot), their obsessions, their jealousy, how they want to move up in hell. It's okay if others can't see their charms, but to me they have a lot of them.
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for me, it's literally all Alastor ships
I miss radiohusk
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I don't like the "voxval are so married uwu couple goalzz" mentality some twitterfags have either but I think the vees get along just fine judging by episode 8, it's just that Vox and Vel are sick of Val's tantrums. From the way they talked about it, episode 2 wasn't the first time Val went full retard and killed Vel's employees in an attempt to cool off or vent or whatever. Vox and Vel go through this shit at least once a week and they're tired. Similarly, Val and Vel were annoyed by Vox's autism over Alastor in episode 8 and briefly during Stayed Gone, but that doesn't mean they hate him.

Not gonna lie, it sucks that most of their positive interactions if I can even call them interactions, last for a few seconds and are easy to miss and forget. Like, in episode 3 Vel and Vox were having a call and I think Vel called Vox darling and sent him kisses? and when Vel said she was the backbone of the vees, some of her chats with Vox and Val popped up and Val called her babydoll, bad bitch and said she was the best bitch he knew. But let's be honest, most of the viewers won't pay attention to that, heck, I didn't notice what the messages said until I rewatched the episode and paused it to look at the details. Then there's the brief interaction between Vox and Val during Poison. Vox seems to be in a good mood, he's just talking to Val and holding his hand until he sees Angel and fucks off. But again, the only way one can properly look at Vox's expression is by replaying that part and slowing it down because it happens so fucking fast.
It's just because the Vees weren't the primary focus in season 1. It's impressive they managed to sneak so many little interactions with them in there as they did with the little screentime they had. In season 2 Vox will become the main villain and we can assume there will be much more interactions between them.
>and his implied jealousy towards Angel
I never got that impression, he seems more like he's annoyed at Val's obsession with Angel because it makes him go full retard and is a liability. If that one rape comic where he helps Val rape Angel is anything to go by, Vox has no issue sharing Val with Angel.
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Please post art, friends.
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It's not a matter of sex, the way I see it. Vox is okay with Val fucking whoever, and he's a ryonafag/voyeur so he can get off to Angel being abused. It's the attention he's jealous of. Angel is special to Val and the thought of that burns him. The comic you're referring to is Red Smoke by Raph, right? In the Valentino animatic also by Raph you can see Vox getting jealous of Angel and demanding Val's attention instead. And we've seen Raph's ideas make it into the show before. That's also why Vox gave Val such a complicated expression in Poison before he fucked off. Of course this is all a personal impression, but I think it's one that makes sense.
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Sorry, this is an imageboard after all.
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I know but as I said, I wish their positive interactions weren't so easy to miss and forget. Most people who aren't veefags or chronically in the fandom won't notice those moments.
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Why do people call him a rapist when Angel signed a literal contract consenting to everything sexual that goes on between them?

Meanwhile Alasturd sexually assualts Vaggie during the pilot and nobody cares
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Why do mothfags constantly engage in rape apologia and "b-but Alastor did this!!" whataboutism? Your character is a rapist, cope.
>Val called her babydoll, bad bitch and said she was the best bitch he knew
Do you have a screenshot of that?
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nice b8, rapefag
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I do but Vel's in it. Is it ok to post it?
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>no arguments
We win.
>Angel clearly doesn't want sex or to be under his control
>this makes it rape
>Val also constantly drugs him
>Vox and Vel sell date rape drugs
A condescending slap on the butt is not equivocal, sorry
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>why do women complain about being forced to have sex with their husbands? Marital contract means they can't get raped!
this is your logic. kill yourself mothnigger.
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Better to crop it.
Not wanting to pay the bank you took a loan from doesn't make it theft. Consent can never be more affirmative than a LITERAL contract.

Problematic? Sure. Not rape though. Icky? Yes. Not rape though.

Alastor DID sexually assualt Vaggie though, she never consented to that and didn't like it.
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Not the mothfag but selling your soul to a demon overlord is completely different from getting married. What Val does to Angel is still rape though, I won't deny it.
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>Consent can never be more affirmative than a LITERAL contract.
That's not how it works, but I shouldn't expect much logic from a Valfag
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>racism outside of B (along with feminist babel)
You're DONE. CHADentino wins AGAIN.
Wait, do you actually think this? I thought you were baiting.
Anyway, nobody agrees with you because you're wrong. Angel doesn't want sex, therefore he is being raped. Cope and seethe.
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Husk looks surprisingly cute in a dress.
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This is why nobody likes you faggots. Stay mad that he will always rightfully be known as a rapist while Alastor is more popular.
voxfag, what do you think about valentino being a rapist?
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interesting how Valfags always go after Alastor, almost like they're threatened by him and the fact he's shipped with Vox
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I don't want to pay my student loans... therefore it's theft! People on the internet agree with me.. so I'm right!

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I personally don't care because he's fictional and isn't raping anyone in real life, but I can understand why a lot of people don't like him.
Wouldn't be surprised if it's the Voxfag posting the "Val isn't a rapist!" bait right now.
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...among asexuals who still find reason to sexually assualt women?
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It's not me
Among the fandom as a whole. Keep coping.
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Nobody is threatened by Alasturd after he jobbed to Adam. Soon he'll be just another of Val's playthings, Season 2 can't come soon enough.
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kek you are so mad
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There's more than one Voxfag in this thread, and I do like both of Vox's most popular ships.
I wish you all wouldn't use an obvious troll that says things like "CHADentino" as an excuse to instigate ship wars.
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>muh fandom
IMAGINE being CRINGE enough to use THAT term... and THINKING you are winning ANYTHING... except the NERD CONTEST.
sorry but the timing is sus
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there's like 5 people posting in this thread rn
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Well, you can just look at the timing on the images I've been uploading and review the filenames. I've been Alastorposting away between his schizo babble. He isn't even taking his posts seriously (nerd contest, lol) so I don't know why you are.
This ship war nonsense is childish.
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Weird thread.
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This is why /cm/ should stay an image board forever
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>Val bro starts posting
>threat instantly becomes more active then ever
He really is that powerful isn't he? I used to ship Alastor with Vox... but now I think Vox would be cuter with Val.
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Can't disagree there.
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Kek, after a day of bottoming for Val he takes out his bottom angst on the weakest Overlord
we know that's you, valfag
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I know this is bait, but didn't Viv confirmed Vox tops Val?
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>didn't Viv confirm
>didn't Viv confirm
>didn't Viv confirm
I keep hearing this phrase. I never care. If it's not animated, it's not real. Also I don't see why anyone would want to be topped by an hdmi cable
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The strongest overlord!!!... and his rapist sidekick...
>valfag is a Lucifag
Lucifer is now ruined for me
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that person youre responding to is a regular vox troll over in /trash/ ignore them and post pretty pictures
I didnt know Vox was also a rapist.
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I am an everyonefag, actually. I've just been thinking about CHADentino posting for a while and wanted to try it out. It was fun.
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This thread is the weirdest one yet
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Done. Screenshotted. Saved for posterity.
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Huh? I don't even go on /trash/, let alone troll post about Vox.
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>Fregoli delusions
There is only 2 people ITT right now btw.
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all this shitposting started because somebody dared to call staticmoth cute btw
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It started because of this >>3880631 let's not lie
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NOBODY in Hazbin is more cute than CUTEntino (other than his contractually obligated femboy)

Yep, yep, my GOLDpost was just THAT powerful.
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No it didn't, things were civil until this post >>3880631

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Reminder that in his song, Poison, our hero Angel Dust sings that "I can only blame myself".

Will he be able to escape the prison created by his own choices? Find out in the next season of Hazbin Hotel.
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Hopefully the next thread will be better.
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FUUUARK... my HERO is so POWERFVL... he will overcome his rival Lord Valentino and KILL Alasturd, the villian of our series, while redeeming himself and become ANGEL Dust.
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Alright make a new thread and ignore this schizo >>3880772 when they inevitably post
Alright, no more talking in the next thread.
new >>3880779
>Someone with no grammar or literary acumen claiming a scholarly post is the work of a "schizo"
Read a book, and take your meds.
what the fuck happened?
talking is half the point of these threads
why do you people get so tribalistic over fictional characters to the point you actually get angry and start insulting each other? shit's cringe. just take bantz and agree to disagree. no other boards have this problem as bad as /cm/ and /y/ for fuck's sake

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