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For me, Ciel is the only really cute "shota"
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I love my noncanon boi
You have bad taste then because all shotas are beautiful and deserve love but this is not the thread to argue about that so just post more Ciel.
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>pedophile projecting
You're disgusting trash. Kill yourself.
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I love Ciel so much bros
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Reminder, that God hates pedophiles.
Men and >God.
Based and redpilled
You can find things cute without wanting to fuck them, retard
Control your desire to fuck kids
He said you have shit taste. That's not projection, retard.
Maybe he shouldn't have created them then. Literally everything is his fault, or he is not all powerful.
this thread is making me extremely angry.
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This was another ones the lesbians in my high school were into.
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par for /cm/ and /y/
why do they call it black butler if the butler isn't black?
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>Lesbians are fujoshis
And in other news, water is wet.
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he's a butler in all black suit...
he's demonic
Might be rude, but it's true. His name isn't even really Ciel, that was his brother's name.
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I love my noncanon man
Then why did he make shos so damn sexy?
His design was better than Sebastian's
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Oh no....not again.
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Wasnt this season supposed to be splitcour? I would swear it was. But they are already finishing the cricket, so at this point, they are just going to finish everything.
I haven't gotten around to watching past the first episode. What's the context here?
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boys sure are gay, aren't they folks?
wait, what happened to his chest?! I AM ANGERY
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based yana feeding the pedophiles for almost 20 years now
well i havent seen it either but judging from that clip and gut instinct i have a pretty good feeling that ciel was probably tricked into having gay sex by sebastian canonically. i have schizophrenia btw.
His face at 17 secs is my fave when Ciel tummy ToT
My face when*
why does he look like genshin
Looks like Ciel to me
youre not even looking, fool
used goods being reused.webm
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im in love ciel phantomhive.
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I know, I am Catholic so it's kinda funny that I'm lurking here knowing the dumb shit they accuse us of. Either way like cute boys in a non-sexual way, more of a self insert than anything else, you don't have to believe me but this place is SFW as far as I'm aware.
Ciel feet...
ciel ciel ciel ciel ciel
I want to rest my head on his lap
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I have loved Ciel for over 10 years...
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Is it just me, or has Cloverworks made a lot of the interactions between Ciel and Sebastian a bit more, uh, sensual than they were when A-1 was running the show?
Of course, A-1 was responsible for the creation of this image, so maybe I am misremembering things.
I feel like there was more SebaCiel eroticism in the earlier volumes of the manga and Yana toned it down a lot, same is reflected in the anime
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Need more of him kissing Sebastian
Grell is so good, it has been far too long since his last appearance in the story.
A fellow appreciator of true love. Same for me and Elliot. From the first moment I saw him I fell in love and we are married since.
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I don't know when this happened but the fandom at large is suddenly treating him as a woman (tranny). I think it's funny that his pronouns in fanwikis are listed as she/her but he's always referred to as he/him in canon, implying that the characters constantly misgender him (based). Any current day Grell chapter would probably cause backlash no matter what Yana does with his character.
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Yana is kind of cooked in general for not wrapping up this series like 10 years ago, or whenever erotic shotabait didn't raise as many eyebrows. In all of that time she could have aged Ciel up a little with some times skips, but I also have to admire her for sticking to her guns. She knows what she's about.
Oh yea, if Grell was introduced nowdays it would cause such a glorious shitstorm. I so miss 2000s.
I ToT 'd
Top right and bottom middle are the best hairstyles
Whew! Good thing I'm a pederast and not a pedophile.
All trannies are suddenly treating okamas as one of them and who gives a shit? Men will never be women. Grell is just a gay man.
Aging Ciel up is a crime.
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he looks better with short hair
>grown up Ciel makes Sebastian turn into a shota to keep the fun dynamic but in reverse
He should become a shota anyway so we could get shota x shota kino
yeah that's just kinda what happens to ppl who are molested
idk if you'd call that kino
I can fix him
>AI slop
At least post one that doesn't have fucked hands
why do you think that's AI?
gr8 b8 m8
The hands
there's literally nothing wrong with them
You do know a lot of artists struggle drawing hands right

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