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ar.t,. of the boy,.
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there's not a whole lot of fanart that i can find but i'm posting what i have
hopefully someone else can contribute more adorable images
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P and C
Fabulous Puppet
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is it gay if im a guy and i like pinocchio
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of course not anon
it's straight to want to kiss guys
yes. you are gay.
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There is absolutely nothing gay about wanting to bend a cute twink over a table and rawdog him
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i want him to be happy and to kiss higm
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Lies of P makes me really sad because there's probably never gonna be another game that's both this good and has a cute twink as the protagonist
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we're getting an expansion at least
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Finishing Lies of P and getting the teaser that implies we'll be playing as a girl in the next game was honestly kinda disheartening, it's so rare to get a cute twink protag and it seems to have been a one-off

99% of players are hets that hate attractive men in media so I guess it makes sense financially. Being a gaymer sucks
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There is not a single protagonist in gaming that is as beautiful as P.
this is true!
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i want to play quasimorph but im stupid and bad :(
For some reason, this image makes my brain play the Hotel Krat theme.
The Good Son
I don't know who creates these illustrations, but it's peak soul
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@nyamfrog on twitter, though they haven't drawn LoP in a while
rest of their LoP stuff here

also unrelated, but here's a link of full-size pic of <--- (it's 20mb)
Thank you, anon. It's a shame to see P fall to the wayside. Hopefully some DLC will be announced soon.
Oh my God, I want to blow him.
Magnificent picture thanks for sharing
i just beat the game the other day, it's so good
i wish i could be a cute puppet, i already have the daddy issues
Before being beheaded by the King of Puppets and resetting the world; my dear, departed boyfriend Pino confided in me a secret wish.

"Keep posting my fan art images on /cm/," he said.

Waiter! More "P as a special guest in the next Soul Calibur," please!
"The name's 'P.'"

"That's it. It's just P."
Actual image of P beating it to LoP Rule 34.
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Every King has His Throne
Who's the cute white haired twink?
That's P. Play the game to find out who the other two are.
Since when does P have white hair? He's got black-ish brown hair.
If you have any interest the game I really don't want to spoil anything for you. It's great. If you don't care then I'll spill the lore.
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i wanna do obscene things to this boy
Certified Emo
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He'd do obscene things to you, anon. Pic related.

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