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Happy 18th birthday Mother 3 edition
Previous thread: >>3731744
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I want to hug Claus and Lucas
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Are all of the old threads archived somewhere?
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yeah, I've been curious on that myself for a while.
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Fireden but sometimes the images don't load.
There's also archived moe.
considering all the japanese fanart I am seeing of Ness here and the previous thread, were all the weight comments in EarthBound just from the English localization? is he not a cute squishy boy, and just a cute boy?
He's supposed to be slightly chubby at the beginning and skinny by the end since some NPCs comment on him losing weight. Idk if it's just a localization thing, would be cool to know.
Ness was never fat. He was always athlet, but obviously got more muscular by the end of his adventure due to all the fighting and walking.
All from the OG Japanese?
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iirc he's still called fat and chubby in the japanese version. But there is one NPC at the end of the game who says he was just being mean and apologizes for calling you fat earlier in the game.

There are some japanese artists who draw Ness more chubby, I think most artists just prefer drawing skinny characters over chubbier ones. That and his official designs/art don't make him look that chubby, expect for his Japanese Magicant sprite which honestly does make him look pretty chubby.
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thank you for saying what you know
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Is ninten like ness but more bratty?
eh, he doesn't have the most to him, so it's more so up to interpretation.

The MOTHER novelization by Saori Kumi (who deemed to call him Ken) made him a little shit.

Encyclopedia MOTHER (official guidebook out of many and also lore book, and if I recall correctly was published by APE Inc. themselves) made him an average nice kinda american boy, but made him a fan of George Lucas movies (considering they mention Indiana Jones and also Star Wars in his bio of sorts) and whatnot.

so basically, with Ninten, he's almost a full blank slate for you, the player. You decide what he's like to you.
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The most personality he ever gets in-game is that if a hippie enemy does the attack where they mock his mom, he instantly retaliates with a SMAAAAAAAAAAASH. So I headcanon he's more hot-headed than Ness.
well, it's more so a chance of either believing the hippie and getting his FIGHT stat lowered or not falling for it, flying into a rage and getting an Offense increase. But yeah, I too headcanon the cute asthma boy as having a bit of a hot head on him

Though, now that I think of it, a lot of my thoughts on Ninten feel sort of vaguely "shonen protagonist" in terms of feel, lol. minus the big appetite (to an extent). That attribute, I tend to mainly pin to Ness.
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...Nessporky leg kabedon was definitely not something I was expecting to see today
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Maybe this is not the right place to ask but are the books where Claus and Lucas got their name from (the notebook trilogy) any good?
I've heard they're very great books, but yeah, this is not the right place to bring this up.
why is lloyd so cute
They're dark. Lucas and Claus get head in the first book of the trilogy if that piques your interest.
I had not heard of that part of the book, what the hell
80s boys, my beloved
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where did you acquire this
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...do we have a translation for this, by the way
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I thought there's at least be some activity here...
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Lucas went through quite a few design changes through the game's development. Which was the best one?
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Any old EarthBound fan art?
Sort of. A lot of it is very artsy.
This is from the starmenarchives.net
Final design is the best desu
agreed, though I do like the N64 fanny pack Lucas a bit
Both of the blond ones. He looks like an elf in the others. Ew.
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don't forget to appreciate your nerds
Is robotic Ness allowed?
I guess? It's an unconventional choice. Also, honestly, I was not expecting to see Kenisu's art here.
Is Kenisu famous? His style is cute. And also, all Ness is always allowed.
Yes, because if not then Anon only wants Ness for his body and not his soul. <3
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eh; he's a known face in the western Mother fandom for having translated MOTHER 1's Encyclopedia MOTHER, a... guidebook??? Thing with lore in it. Also made comics and also attempted to translate the Mother 1 novelization by Saori Kumi
This artist is top tier
Nintendo feet are so close yet so far away. Can anybody shoot this so that he is barefoot?
>tfw ywn do shrooms with Lucas
Imagine being that rock, or those socks.
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He's not heavy, he's my brother.
I have a ton of stuff to post but it keeps saying the system thinks my post is spam. Why is this and how do I get past it?
I've never had that happen to me
Ness is wearing his new suite! Make sure to tell him how handsome he looks.
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Ness heels
Lovely twins :3
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prefered nerd
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Futuristic Rebel Lucas and 90s Kid Lucas are my favorites. The other two before his final make him look like he lives on a hippie commune.
I've always imagined Ninten as a punk who likes to think he does whatever he wants, but ultimately obeys his parents.
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Any obscure characters?
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Baby Ness
I've never played EarthBound, is this actually in the game?
yes, but play the game to get the context then
>no socks
Footfags deserve to be in front of a firing squad
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Everyone loves squishy baby feet. You're the one weirdo treating it like a fetish thing.
Old fanart is so soulful
Aww he looks so sweet.
Boy prostitute
Has anybody drawn fanart, lewd or not, of Tom Garrikson?
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What are they playing?
Custer's Revenge
Do they sleep together? I've never played the games.
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They're frequently shipped because they're both protagonists of their games and both are playable in Smash.
But they've never actually met due to mother 3 being set way in the future after 2.
No but i wish
>tfw born to late to smell Ness
What did he smell like?

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