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Rider, Sentai, Garo, Kaiju, it's all good here
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I really love Boonboomger so far and Mad Rex is so goddamn hot.
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The other Boonboom boys are great too, just a lovely cast in general.
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Started watching Build a few month ago, why does Blood Stalk have such a hot body language?
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I'm in the minority of people who don't like Build but man Stalk is just a fantastic character, great villain.
>why does Blood Stalk have such a hot body language
He's just full of devious confidence, I really like that in a man.
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It is my first Kamen Rider show and I am halfway it but yeah. It was no as great as people told me. Stalk is such a great charecter but I personally think the protagonist is very boring, his suit is cool tho.
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Asakura....you can beat me to a bloody pulp any day.....
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Step on me Mad Rex-sama
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...I'll miss him....
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Is anybody reading/watching Ranger Reject? It's the first sentai/toku I follow in a longer while if I don't count the Gridman movie, though I generally didn't watch a lot the last years. I enjoy it quite much so far, despite the role of the heroes. Helps that I am an obsessive sucker for sentai designs and the anime is pretty well drawn so far.
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i only got into KR recently but he was so insanely hot, both with and without the suit. i didnt believe in the concept of sexual magnetism until now.
Give Choukou Senshi Changerion a try, Ouja's actor Takashi Hagino plays the protagonist.
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Changerion's been on my radar ever since I saw the mackerel scene, I'll get to it eventually.
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OOO 10th does not exist
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i was so surprised to see more tezuka/shinji art than ren/tezuka, i thought it would be the opposite.
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Blood Stalk is soooooooo hoooooot
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So UUUltra C can be spammed here?
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well his human form is hot too
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