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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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dog and cat
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I'm guessing we were just too powerful
Cute gay dog and cat.
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Daily reminder that you couldn't protect this smile.
I love the gaycat and gaydog
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These damn cute ass goobers

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alright I posted that to make sure I could post again. I'm back.
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why live
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The idea of CatNap being high on catnip is so good and I have no idea why people dont do it more.
Link to the start: https://twitter.com/Aruzinomichi/status/1772251727246639202
Used to think of GH.S as basically content farm stuff, but they've really won me over
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oh would could have been
Does anyone remember which artist did that comic with DogDay taking care of a sick CatNap? I follow so many artists that I've lost track of most of them.
Haven't seen that space AU in a while, I hope the artist its not done with it.
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Cats and Dogs
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Smug Kickin instantly regretting it will never not be good

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I miss this AU. At least we got some really good VR avatars out of it.
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I'm curious about the Anons here, let's get some data.

When did you become interested in PPT: https://strawpoll.com/PKgl3LWX1np

Your age: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlGK4Jye

Sometimes I feel like people know about this thread lol.
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More Catnap in the afterlife angst

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Cant really take this guy's art seriously after all the shitposting lol.
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Wholesome AU where all the Critters (at least the living ones) are united in following the prototype : )

Rip Kickin ;__;... (And Hoppy I guess)

Wow, some people like to make their CatNap extra punchable.
Was just about to say, noir says this AU is as good as dead. Makes me kinda sad that the good times are pretty much over, but it was inevitable.
sauce? I recognise the art style, but can't place it
more inubis kino
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always a fan of catnap cat memes
I think its for the best. He got discouraged when the redesigns weren't as popular and to be honest I dont think he understands why they became popular to begin, which makes sense, young people are all about the bell and whistles and dont understand the power of a simpler design.
dude I fucking hate artists like that so much
>posts good art for a while
>then suddenly endless shitposts and shitty doodles floods their timeline for weeks
>have to go through it all to find a random piece of art they decided to make
really more of a twitter fault since there's no art portfolio or means of sorting posts
the "everything" app really needs to focus on its ability to serve as an art platform
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Star student is actually my second favorite ship after DayNap
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I think Kickin is probably just my favorite critter now lol, I'm loving how the fandom is making more art (and ships) with him

Him and Bubba are great together and "CoolCat" is another good ship involving him

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New plushies just dropped


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I've been busy the past few days so sorry about that. Glad this thread is still and the one on /vg/ is still active
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I'm not sure what you are thinking anon, but this is a cute, innocent pose that a lot of artists are drawing. See?

I never want to see Catnap with a mullet again
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Wake up babe new NotGlue9m animatic just dropped

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Even after making up with CatNap, this DogDay still has a real short fuse. How does he get anything done when he's so easy to piss off?
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bite marks uooohhh,,,
Man, I would like this 1000 times more if Catnap wasn't a tranny.
I just noticed the wedding rings.
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An AU where all the critters are followers of the Prototype (I would usually try to create a single image with these but they are all different resolutions so fuck that, just go to the link to see the whole thing).
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more in link
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>Overnight part 1
>before "After prank"

I love how fucking angry and snarky this DogDay is.

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Second part:

Damn, hit Dogday with the ol DDLC prank
In fairness, whilst what Hoppy and Kickin did is a dick move, this version of Dogday is also a pretty major asshole himself even if he's trying to be better about it. It's basically karma.
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artist unrelated, but one thing I've noticed over the years about Korean or Japanese artists. They'll make entire accounts dedicated to one thing and then abandon them whenever they lost interest. It's why I'm usually reluctant to follow them as I don't want a bunch of dead accounts clogging my following list. Feel like there's a few I haven't seen in a while that probably did just that.


He's kind of a justified asshole tbf. The rest of them weren't tortured for days, months, maybe even years while slowly being eaten alive. Though I've always thought he was probably up there for a few days at most.

Pretty sure the artist even hinted at the reason some of them are more sympathetic with CatNap is due to them dying earlier or quicker.

Obviously they did this to try to guilt trip him into bettering his treatment of CatNap
>Pretty sure the artist even hinted at the reason some of them are more sympathetic with CatNap is due to them dying earlier or quicker.
The relationship chart showing how some of them feel about the others actually has Bubba state he doesn't really remember what CatNap did to him, which is why he's a lot less vindictive and vitriolic than the rest barring Bobby. So this is supported. Notably though, Bubba still doesn't LIKE him (at first), but not liking him isn't an excuse to be a dick or kick him while he's down despite his efforts to make up for it.
I just realized he never finished that chart lol.
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CatNap knows what he wants.
Just finished the skeleton for episode 2 of Smiling Critters: Friends forever's script for anyone who's interested in taking a peak

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Haha ha...
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Hoppy and Kickin deserve to be beaten for this.
Can someone with an instagram tell me why sany and eggritos fled over there
I'm pretty sure its a bit.
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that anon that saves the artists names in the filename is smarter than I.
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several people have drawn him acting jealous like this, and I always enjoy it
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It certainly helps organizing :^)

ehhh I wasn't a fan of this one. Sadism is a huge turn off for me in general. Turn off as in I just don't like it.

I didn't like Dogday being put in pain like that either. Its a real shame the art is so cute otherwise. (At least it had a "happy ending")
The artist comments on it are kinda weird too. Like apparently the whole thing was about Dogday being a doormat and nothing more.
I guess some people find this kind of extremely one sided relationships cute? idk.
Yeah I was surprised it was so popular. CatNap is being straight up abusive and a sadist towards DogDay. Like, whatever. I get that people are into different things, and it's not for me at all to the point I hate it. But to see it so popular on Twitter? I was surprised people weren't calling for the artists head considering some artists get death threats just for showing DD and CN kissing.

There are multiple artists that show up on my timeline that have "cutesy" gore / cannibalism / rape art & comics. They're what I'm surprised haven't been witch hunted into having to private their accounts.
hah. Well we follow different circles then. I don't see that type of stuff at least for the most part. Like it ain't for me, so whatever, but I know most people aren't going to have that point of view.
Course a lot of the SC stuff bleeds over into normal furries and a lot of them don't give a fuck about anything.
to add on
it's just funny to see the contrast. Some artists I follow are scared to even show DD and CN kissing meanwhile "cutesy" snuff and rape art exists. kek

I don't actually follow any of them, they might be showing up because of artists like DevilishDonut lol. Someone more sane than me probably would've blocked/muted them by now, but I'm desensitized to it (+ the art is pretty good sometimes)

The only Critter content I'm muting / blocking is the people drawing porn of them obviously underage. I know this is 4chan but can't stand shota/loli shit. (Don't need that in my algorithm either)
ah okay.
The only thing that shows up on my TL that I absolutely do not want to see is that AU by pachu rizu or whatever the fuck their name is. Even some artists I follow are drawing it, which sucks. I don't get why you want to draw some weird AU involving abusive parents? but whatever.

That's mostly what I was referring to when I said "cutesy" g/c/r lol

It was already messed up, but I tuned out after he tore Dogday in half just because. (Its really morbid curiosity at this point)
Like I know this is 4chan and we're on, by definition a questionable board, but whatever. Some things just really fuck me up and I can't handle it. Sadism is one of those things lol. and I didn't even know that lol. I muted stuff to do with that mostly. I just can't understand how anyone can be into something like that. It just makes me sad.
Shit got way worse when he introduced the fucking OC fankid. There's another artist called lunako that has been doing stuff like that too and man sometimes it feels like they are venting their childhoods or something.
Is this the person who drew the initial leash comic?
Some new BBI content
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Damn and I just finished putting the images together
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did I miss why it matters if they "die" again? Can they even die again? Why'd he freak out so much?
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love this au tho
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It's unknown if they actually CAN die again, but they can still bleed, experience pain and they obviously get tired so most functions are still there. As for why he's so upset, DogDay in the AU literally spent all his time being mad at CatNap/Theo for what he did to them and was the most proactive in making him feel like shit for it as well as being the one who took the longest to forgive him out of all of them - an event that itself only happened because DogDay nearly pushed him to the brink.

DogDay here was clearly interpreting the situation initially as being CatNap having hung himself from all the pain and grief he caused him initially, which has now trasnalted into "you made the pinata look like that to hurt me".
oh no, I got most of that. I guess I just asked the question poorly, but thanks for the explanation. I guess my main thing was how can creatures that are already dead die again, but I guess they don't know if they can die again or not, and DD was very much not thinking straight there.
dayum that's a big boy
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Final part animatic: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1787990405759254795
>CatNap finds out he's into architecture
Can you believe they called this guy "boring"?
Has the au genocide already begun? Is mutenap the new normal?
Well, the book just says that he doesnt talk, not that he is mute. Given that BBI Catnap had a voice box most likely he can talk but it only happens in special occasions, which goes in line with most of the AUs I've seen.
I was just about to post this. I hope MuteNap doesn't become the default.
If artists start treating him as perma mute in their AUs, I'm just going to ignore them. Both because the book itself literally calls that out as having been a moronic move for Playco that contributed to the show's total failure snd getting nigh-instantly memoryholed and because Theo can speak.

At the very least though, it probably means more BB CatNap fusions with the cartoon stuff, so that's a plus for me.
So this is how DogDay keeps getting so fat
Dogday will keep getting fatter until morale improves.
Big Dogday.
Beeg Dogday
>the things I do for love
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So I've been busy and barely been around for a few days. Got on twitter for 5 minutes and mow the fandom is on fire. Quick TLDR please? Pachu Rizu again?

Haven't seen even a hint of drama recently for Poppy/Critters.

But I will say the Monkie Kid fandom is exploding because Flying Bark isn't going to be animating it moving forward (For S5) which is extremely sad (Did anyone ask? No...? okay)
Well, You know Daydog? That one Dogday OC that was supposed to be evil Dogday? People started shipping him with Dogpressed, but then someone found out that the artist that made Daydog follow pachi rizzu so Eggritos blocked him and made a big drama about it. Now the usual suspects are back on their soapboxes preaching to the choir about whats wrong and blah blah blah.
That seems extremely mild as drama goes. I get it's a feature of series liked by children with child characters, but normally people throw fits over the political views of someone or an influencial member is found out as a pedophile or the devs do something. It seems like an extremely petty thing to throw a tantrum over.
Yes, this fandom makes a big deal over the pettiest most stupid shit ever. Well, the english speaking side does anyways. The spanish and japanese artists are chill AF.
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Never before seen art of Bubba and Dogday together

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Ah sounds about right, thanks. Personally I never liked that DayDog OC. Something about it just weirded me out.

Pachu Rizu, Mercury and that Mango guy. All three are people I wish would just fuck off.
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It's definitely a common theme that the Espanyol and Japanese speaking artists are the most chill
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Aggressive dominant Dogday my beloved.
>Sticking your head inside Dogday's zipper pocket.
God I whish that was me.
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Literally me
im gay

They finally all get to be happy ;__;

Animatic: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1789780960319275405
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same. Faggot.
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well at least this gayass cat is sorry for being a prick I guess
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Sauce? Please?
Muchas gracias
catnap with eyelashes makes me feel mildly uncomfortable
also why the hell is the artist using #theamazingdigitalcircus as a hashtag? did he get his brainrot wires crossed or something when he posted?
Oh, I didn't notice lol. Some people use popular tags on their post to drive engagement, even if it is completely unrelated. Like how sometimes someone posts a picture of Bobby but still use the catnap and dogday tags.
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this has been posted before, but can anyone make out the artists name? I can't find them.
at the bottom that is
used to be twitter would show whomever you were following if you got their @ close enough, but I guess it doesn't do that anymore.
The Sewn Together creator is THE most scatterbrained artist I've ever seen lmao. Thank goodness for Mourning and Mending.
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Its actually impressive how quickly they change what they're obsessed with. Mourning & Mending filled that void just in time
Much appreciated
They remind me of MeanBean. Just too fucking scatterbrained to actually stick to something and commit.
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nothing against them, it's just really funny how scatterbrained they are. Like I've had hyperfixations and abandoned them, but never THAT fast. They go through them in like 2 days. Though I'm still on PP so I guess this one is here to stay (and that's a good thing) cause I love the cat and dog.
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Why doesn't Catnap want Dogday hugs...
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P1: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1789780960319275405

P2: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1791121185406669076
New Gemstin cartoon:


It’s crazy that these characters are all voiced by the same guy with various filters.
I still dont know what to think of this Catnap. He is creepy but he also helps a lot. Like this time he remembered that PB&J was Picky's favorite, but he keeps popping in an out for no reason.
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Elon forcibly changed my url
Funnily enough he's probably the most lore accurate to the in universe cartoon. But yeah. I still go with Inubis' as my fav

You can just manually change it back to twitter instead of x and it'll still work (Surely he isn't stupid enough to break every single link that says twitter instead of x right...?)
I would not be surprised given all the various hints and nods to Playco in the episodes if this is something like the MourningandMending AU or Sewn Together AU where it's post-Chapter 3 with them in what's basically Heaven, but only Catnap really remembers so he's trying to keep everyone happy this time in his own weird way.
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are you guys too scared to hit the magic number?
Dogday seems a bit annoyed with him there.
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Fine, I guess I'll do it.
alright faggots, if nobody else wants to make the thread I'll do it in a few days so we can build up enough new images to post.
CatNap is rubbing it in Crafty's face so that's probably why kek
fucking christ this thread was almost a month long. Time goes way too fast, bros.
And we are still waiting for more official content to drop. I cant believe Mob would leave us hanging like this.
Got scared so bad after chapter 2 they're walking away from a gold mine

P3: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1792239810008002888

P4 Final: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1792379629698777427

The part with all their charms at the end of P3 is so damn good
Since this is supposed to be a music video sometimes is difficult to know what I should take at face value. Can Dogday shoot lasers? Maybe!
Whether you like his or not I can almost guarantee they'll make a statement or update for Pride, they added the flags to Project
Every video, DogDay gets more and more angry.
I'm okay with them cashing in on the ship. More good stuff for me.
Think its probably about time for a new thread to be made lol

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