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A thread dedicated to the cutest boys in the DC Universe, because why not

Official art and fanart both welcome
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i was normal before them, I swear
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More into their dads but it's hard to resist how adorable they are, I wish they'd get their own show
maybe thats what dc needs to get strong sales again... more shotas!!
sure you were, anon... sure you were
i'll never understand who thought giving Jon a complete rando as a boyfriend was a good idea.
Maybe he was the author's self insert and wanted lil Jon all to himself, sheesh
you know the obsession is strong when you go and try to fulfill your extremely specific fantasies with character.ai bots
that whole thing was obviously about trying to appeal to wokeists rather than develop jon as a character, which is why it ended up appealing to no one, not even gays. his bf is being as stereotypically tumblr as they come is part of that.
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man, Jimenez Doesnt get enough credit for his style. The way he flawlessly blends manga style features with western comic book looks is so so fucking good
i guess they had to keep Damian straight
shame dc missed the change to cash in fujo bucks
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Cute dad-son pics are also very welcome

I feel like batman fans are more scared of the gay than superman fans (not counting w*men)
But maybe that's me talking out of my ass
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I want a son like Jon!!!
Fujos were right, genki moeblob x edgelord is God tier taste
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It's just Bendis and DC being fucking retards as per usual. They needed a Supe for the Legion of Superheroes reboot and since Bendis didn't want to write a kid (he fucking sucks at writing children) and because the ditors hates light hearted superhero stories, they decided to age up Jon to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The boring boyfriend was just Taylor trying to appeal to woketards as per usual.
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Spider Boy is proof that there is a market for capeshit shotas.
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Specifically Dan Didio.
Jimenez was born to draw dc shotas...
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somethin' about having funny feelings for Superman's lil boy feels wrong bros..but I cant help it.
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>age up Jon
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A dangerous but alluring ship dynamic
boomer editors cannot understand the appeal of shotaxshota, not surprised .
for all their wokeness, they wanted to play it safe.
until canon says otherwise, I'll hc Jon simply dated pink uggo outta pity, cuz he's such a good boy
Being stereotypically Tumblr isn't actually appealing to the woke though, that really is the blandest safest choice they could've made.
If they actually wanted to get brownie points, they would've made the relationship attendant to some kind of controversy beyond just writing Jon as gay: make it an interracial couple, have the guy be trans, something like that.
But pink hair and no personality? The only thing that's not safe from is ridicule for it being so on the nose
>make it an interracial couple, have the guy be trans, something like that.
you think that's not tumblr? that's what they do to pretty much every character that's nontrans and white in canon
this thread is beginning to make me angry.
>you right now
while I'll never forgive, never forget, it does have its own appeal
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Jony is for marriage and commitment
Damian is for....
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>shota Damian dominating older Jon
I think that is very Tumblr, please read again
Ah yes I still remember the good times. I've been following Damian even before Jon appeared. When Super Sons happened it felt like a dream come true.

Nowadays I stay away from DC/cape comics. It really hurts to get burned.
Damien is perfect and DC fans don't deserve him
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>Damian has tits
Fuck off
have you not heard of pecs
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I want to suck his tits and make him mooooo so bad
if you had to pick one...who could it be, capeshobros
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wish they had kept the same artist for the whole series...
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I know its standard capeshit practice to switch artists but the shift is so fucking jarring. Most comic artists cannot draw cute children to save their lives
They both have their own appeal but I'm biased towards bratty shos myself
Are there any good lewds online
phausto has a comic with them, you can read it on myreadingmanga (sadly discontinued though bc I think he was hit with a cease and desist by DC)
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this is so perfect
damian zooming away on his little motorbike cracks me up
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why did they give damian the tiniest eyes imaginable
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The prospect of ever siring a son sounds dire unless he turns out like Jonathan personality wise...
the trick of raising a good son is being a good dad!
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Someone commissioned one of the artists on the Supersons comic (Matt Santorelli) to draw them kissing
Who's the top and who's the bottom?
>Plot twist; Matt drew this a long time ago. The "commission" was for plausible deniability.
Damien would top, but since Jon is much stronger and thinks this is a game, he'd overpower Damien.
Is Dames standing on a box?
he's based for agreeing to it
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my headcanon: jon is a vers sub top and damian is a vers power bottom
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Jon being 12 forever would of been unproductive.
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Lolz the epic funny XDDDDDD
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So was this a thread exclusively for super sons together or?
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Damian gets a bit jealous if someone else talks to his crush
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separate or together, both are fine

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