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The last thread (>>3858505) reached its image limit so let's continue here with you favourite Faerun men.
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Astarion does suffer beautifully
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Gods, he does.
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Not as much as Gale in every playthrough I do where I turn him in to a cleric and just have him warding bond my party then sit in camp not even in my group taking half the damage for my whole group.
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This is a subject I would love to read a good fanfic about. Preferably Bloodweave by the end.
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What's bloodweave?
The couple Gale + Astarion
fandom keyword for AstarionxGale content
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so soft
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I probably posted this in a previous thread but soft Astarion...
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Soft Astarion is the best, thank you!
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These pics have healing power.
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amazing art
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powerful scene
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Old man Gale is so fucking hot. Shame good art of him older is rare.
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somber mood
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Absolutely beautiful. What he would play?
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Graveyard Picnic
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thank you, that's fitting.
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sleepy heads
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why so many drawing of them sleeping, dnd elves don't even sleep
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I think it's because in BG3 reveries are dealt with as sort of like a pseudo sleep. He doesn't do it for as long and he's reliving memories instead of dreaming, except for tadpole fuckery, but he can look like he's sleeping, basically. Also, haven't you ever laid down with your eyes closed without actually sleeping? Just to rest your eyes and body while deep in thought?

As to why it's popular, because people want to cuddle and comfort Astarion. It's intimate without being sexual and he seems like someone who would really benefit from that kind of affection. Alternately, cuddling after coitus.
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well said.
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Wyll, Halsin, and Karlach have permanently left my camp, and Astarian is permanently dead. How cursed is my run?
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By cursed I'd assume you meant you didn't intend these outcomes? Those first three are usually lost by siding with the goblins and massacring the grove and refugees. Astarion typically approves of that so you must have staked him or given him to Gandrel.

Did Gale survive or is he a severed hand in your bag?
Gale survived, no durge in this playthrough. Sometimes I wish you could hire a durge hireliing to get rid of Gale with so you didn't have him eating your goodies but also didn't have to be durge.

On that same note, can you get a durge hireling? And yeah, I staked Astarian because I'd never seen what happens if you try, I didn't think it'd let you actually perma kill a companion so....and as for the grove, it wasn't so much we sided with the goblins that it was my friend decided that he needed their pretty sylvan rock thing to be in his bags, and we're on honor mode, so no going back from that.
Oh man, co-op chaos. This makes so much sense now. It's good you have Gale. Don't worry, he actually only needs three items and then Elminster comes and stabilizes the orb a bit. There's some pretty useless enchanted items in the game so it ends up not being as big a deal for gameplay as you think, and Gale is useful once he levels out of his squishy and useless phase.

Yeah, this game gives you quite a lot of chances to perma kill or betray people. Can't really blame a person for pulling a stake on Astarion on bite night and being surprised it was that easy to stake him. What a loss, though. He's one of the best characters for a chaos run.

As to Durge... it's a shame they didn't follow through with Durge being a full on Origin character. Durge hirelings wouldn't make sense lore wise.

If you really hate Gale you can actually to tell him to leave after you find out the danger the orb poses. It's really sad, IMO.
I guess the magic items just seem more scarce because we sell them. I told him no pick pocketing in honor mode just to be safe, so gold is actually tight. Also Gale is super useful from start to finish, wizards are absurd if you know what you're doing with them.
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>Tara approves
I figure he justifies his cost, then.
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Very good
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