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my beautiful husband akechi is so awesome i love him very much..
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he's literally me...
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hes so me like hes literally me irl..
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i enjoy this thread very much.
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Go humble akechi thread, make your hubby proud. I believe in you
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>t. joker
i love him so much bros...
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As a brunette mentally ill bastard twink I love him so much. He's me, and I am him. He's the two of us together.
god i love him so much i wish he was real so i could marry him
whats he thinking here bros?
my love for him is endless..
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cute boy uu i love him.. bpd js like me
this thread makes me slightly angry.
me on the left.
me on the right
you two should kiss
i mean im down if theyre down
this is how bros sit when we hang out.
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post an image if you want to bump, especially since akechi is a pretty easy character to find pics of
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There should be more pictures of Akechi's holster revealed.
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aaauuuuuggghhhh i love him sm....
i want him to kill me bros...
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you and me both anon
i wish i was joker
happy bday to everyone’s favorite psychotic twink
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You will never be Akechi.
me get akechi bf, how bros?
be a living antithesis to his worldview and bond with him as part of your 5d chess plans to take each other down. continue until he either murders you, jumps your bones, or both
its tough being so beautiful, young, charismatic, and intelligent, bros.
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I'm not charismatic or intelligent but I am a young beautiful sociopathic violent twink
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he's so perfect bros...
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