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previous thread >>3872710
post those viking men and farming lads
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Cowboy Einar is the best idea the VS audience came up with after Animalland Saga.
He just looks so pretty in those clothes
Sweaty and unprotected sex with Askeladd
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Hot take. long hair and bearded was Thorfinn's best look and his clean cut current one is not as good
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slavefinn looked pretty hot but his shaved look is meant to make him appear soft and non-threatening, so it serves a solid purpose
they look like they just had one hour of sleep
There is something special about them together, it's so cute
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>his shaved look is meant to make him appear soft and non-threatening
I find it very hard to believe that someone will look at this 5' 1" doe eyed cutiepie and think he's threatening.
Just look at him, he's begging for love, affection and maybe some prostate orgasms
I know Thors loved his wife and all, but I wonder if...maybe when he was younger if he experimented a little...
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Answer the question, Björn
because faggots
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Staring at this is making me nostalgic. It's oddly charming, like something you would find on photobucket in 2007.
Fujos just don't draw like this anymore.
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I love them so much
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Canute a cute
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>tfw no Bjorn malewife
Why live
I like to think that they used to cuddle on the barn a lot
instantly reminded me of the season 2 ending. So cute
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Hugging Einar would fix all my issues, fr fr
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>[laugh track]
i would watch a sitcom of these assholes
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They would make got a good Two and A Half Men historical remake
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Maybe Thorfinn found a little happiness on those lovemaking nights...
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What's in the cup?
thorfinn's body fluids
H-How did he got them...
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he's the ruler of the vikings, the most powerful noble in the north sea, he can get whatever he wants (offered thorfinn's crew funds and protection for their expeditions in exchange of a bit of that thorfinn juice)
>Einar will never wrap you on his big farmboy arms
Why live
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>shaved look is meant to make him soft and non threatening
You’re telling me this 5’1 man is meant to look threatening ?? This cute fella??
God, I want to do so many filthy things to them
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I just want to give him the world...
...and prostate orgasms
The lower part made me think it was mpreg for a second and freaked me out.
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>canute's twink death
where, where is the twink death
I swear to God "twink death" was invented by hypervain gays that cannot cope with people, and especially their husbandos growing up.
Canute is still beautiful as fuck, although imho the goatee doesn't look that good on him. He would look great with full beard or clean shaven.
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i'm on the side of grown canute > teen canute, but part of it has to do with me hating hime cuts on male characters. He looks way cuter with a boyish cut.
blame Einar's gay ass, he's the one who told him "you look soft" after ylva shaved him
>blame Einar's gay ass
I could never
Gay sex with Thors
>the Office meme
My sides
can't blame Einar for wanting his men submissive and breedable
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>for wanting his men submissive and breedable
Idk, Thorfinn might be sweet but he doesn't look submissive at all
he's like 5'1"
That's some insane detail to the lips and eyelashes. I guess that's on par with how animators made Einar wayy prettier than he was on the manga
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I’m just gonna leave this here
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based, thank you
last year yukimura tweeted pic rel with the caption "im glad i shaved it, it doesn't suit him" https://x.com/makotoyukimura/status/1611566576154873860
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samefag, i forgot to attach the picture like a jackass
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shaved Einar
God I want to suck him off non stop until he gets a seizure
You just know he moans loud
>it doesn't suit him
>he looks handsome af with it
I'm sorry Yukimura-sensei, but I'm not agreeing with you on this one
maybe it would suit him a lot more if he didn't babify Thorfinn's face so much. No hate to 27 year old Thorfinn, but he used to have an actual nose and more definition to his face during Farmland.
>you love having babies, don't you?
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No one is going to criticize you for liking to go raw, Canute. It's okay...
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I refuse to accept this
Gay sex with Björn
What valid reason could einar possibly have to want to divorce a cutie like thorfinn
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I've read the last manga chapters and I'm so fucking afraid...I don't know what will be of me if they get separated or even worse, if one of them dies
Me licking every single inch of Einar's body while Thorfinn watches (he's next) and giving them a big meal after
Askeladd smiling is such a rare treat to see...
what are you on anon, askeladd smiles and smirks all the time
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Me sniffing Bjorn's clothes
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>medieval englishman
>auburn hair
It's borderline uncanny that Einar doesn't have at least a little of chest hair
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>your tomboy gf and farmboy bf will never show off your throat skills
Canute don’t got shit on thorfinn
i need thorfinn deepthroating canute's royal cock so bad
The real question is where did Thorfinn got those skills, Canute is easy since there were probably a lot of whores in the royal palace
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willibald a qt
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What do you think einar and thorfinn were doing during those 3 years spent together in the farm
Why would Canute care about his 2 wives when he’s got thorfinn to go down on him anyway, a win is a win
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Thorfinn looking mad cute here
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I really like to think they were each other's first
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I wonder how aware Yukimura is that he made most of his male characters insanely attractive for no reason
Einar's hairy chest...erotic
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He's never beating the cat allegations, isn't it?
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I wish for the AU where they were a proper family
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>proper family
>shirtless Bjorn
I know, I know. I'm just a sucker for the idea of Askeladd actually seeing the kid as his son despite the fucked up circumstances
>probably the coomest character so far
>never seen again after Farmland
This is bullshit

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