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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Shumishu Edition
Prev >>3883467
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BD novel brought a small win for SataPlum enjoyers
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>see boyfriend in your shirt
>way too erotic
>take shirt off boyfriend
>still way too erotic
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Good ol' distressed almost mindbroken Isami oooo
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The tongue, the beefy arms, playful expressions, Isami's undone pants.... this artist is really good too
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Always a good time to reminisce Plumman's thighs
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Have to be really careful to not post dicks whenever I'm uploading an image in this thread
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Doctor Nina a hidden old man fujoshi, impeccable taste I wonder if her and Miyu would bond over that.
Anyway, Animage feature with the FRIENDSHIP GAUGE that at some point goes over the limit and is rainbow.
I want to see what's the gauge in episode 5
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I'll get my Animage copy in weeks but I want the HQ of that illustration, smiling Isami is so cute cute cute cute
I knew the joke would have to be that they go over 100, but 300% rainbows is beyond even my expectations. By the way, on the non discourse side I saw fujos calling the friendship gauge "otome game status", like the goal was to reach 100% to confirm their relationship.
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It pisses me off that Sata/Plum is so unpopular compared to Sata/Isa. Satake and Isami barely even interacted in the series.
Satake and Isami have the old mentor/young pupil going around, I can see the appeal, and Satake barely looks his age too. SataPlum is for ojisan enjoyers like me.
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If anyone is curious, anons posted a bunch of info about the after story novel
>I want to see what's the gauge in episode 5
Frotting between bros to build confidence
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Frotting is the best. Better than butt sex IMO.
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giant isami erotic
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Why is it that these people are totally fine with non-human Bravern being a creep about Isami, but as soon as they find out its Smith they get so disgusted they want to vomit? Is it some kind of advanced homophobia?
it's the classic "i like yaoi but hate fags", yes. but thank god is just a minority.
cute, CUTE!
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CUTE and CANON family
it's funny. even suzuken, bravern's va, in animedia interview said this
>I'm really grateful that from episode 1 onwards, I've been playing the role of "Smith, who exaggerates Bravern as the coolest hero I can think of" without telling the other cast members.
even the animage issue with the friend gauge is jab on them because like you can see in that page anon posted, bravern % transfer to smith since he reveals his identity to isami
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Not in the novel. Smith is a dead beat because he's having Bravern henshin problems.
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Isami likes it when another guy takes charge lol.
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Literally made to be manhandled.
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And Lulu became a CIA spy to find him. They WILL be reunited in part 2, gapi!
>let me in bro, I'm a robot, you like robots right

>impromptu, no prep needed (RIP shorts)
>Smith putting his whole body weight into it for additional pressure and coverage
It sure fulfils the need for physical contact after being robutt'd for days. Plot twist, Bravern really was thinking of dicks touching through cotton when he said something Smith can do.
Isami is SO fucking cute. Not sure if I find his pouts or smiles cuter, it's maybe both. Isamiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~
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ill forgive him anything, even becoming a drifter
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The funniest and probably only funny thing about the first part of the novel is how sappy Smith's love note to Isami was before he ran away. How long do you think it took him to write that shit when it takes him days to come up with any of his Isami related ideas? I'd like to see some fanart of that.
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Anon, don't tease us saying that. Japanese are spilling things but they being vague/MTL doesn't help.
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It feels like there is enough info out about it right now.
>it was a sappy love note about how much he loves Isami and always will
>it was also a goodbye
>something cryptic about "Let there be light."
>signed it as Bravern and not Smith (fucking nerd)
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Reading the actual text anon would be better than reading different reports. But I kind of got the gist of it reading a bunch of them.
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I love how these people just ignore that Isami said he and bravern were connected by love after he found out it was Smith, they are so desperate
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Anon please, don't bother getting mad at them.
They just got hurt their feelings because the story didn't go like they wanted. But for now if there is no ship war/drama within the jp fandom we shouldn't make it a big deal.
i only read one person openly talking about that side being hateful towards smith (and that she was sad about it) but also was hoping that with the novel they would stop.

all of this is a bit ironic especially in consideration of suzuken's words on animedia interview+smith words towards isami at the end "i worked pretty hard".
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Not mad, it's funny to me
>Female tits and girl outfit
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I won't understand why deprive yourself from such a cool concept just to have an alien entity that doesn't even fit the narrative set by the author (a hymn to humanity/story about the relationship between two men). Maybe it's a matter of preferences who knows.
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this artist is based beyond belief
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A cutie
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I know that pixiv is no longer a way to tell what's popular because artists nowadays use it only as art dump/comics that were previously posted on twitter/poipiku (but is still used quite a lot for their fanfic/novels).
Anyway, was checking tags out of curiosity.
On twitter there is also XivTrends that summarize the number of views of pixiv ship tags if someone wants to look into.

>1.430 Works
>illustrations and manga: 595
>novels: 835

>715 Works
>illustrations and manga: 211
>novels: 504

>335 Works
>illustrations and manga: 96
>novels: 239
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Cute sleepyheads
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Can Obari stop throwing stuff at us, please
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Would Black Bravern also love Isami? Or would Black bravern hate Isami? Or would Black bravern be obsessed with Smith instead?
Evil Smissu makes me sad because he would be fueled by hate :(
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it's bravern (so smith) so i wouldn't even question if he had feelings for isami but would follow the classical pattern of being a enemy, redeemed by the power of justice (love?) and then being killed to save humanity/protagonist/etc
so maybe it's bravern coming from a different timeloop, it kind of fall into obari's joke where he said that no matter what every alt dimension bravern will find isami lol
but a clash between light smith and dark smith would be cool
aw, im sure that both isami and smith would try to do their best to save black bravern
funny because weeks ago folks were making 2P smith as kunus' pilot, with the black hair and all
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alter smith/smith sex would be insane, sorry isami you can sit somewhere and watch
Imagine the tit jiggle uooooooo
I need everyone to see this
this is as hot as the pic of smith putting his big ass on isami's face
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The smiths aren't just going to let him watch, i assure you.
If we all agree Smith Black is a top and Smith Vanilla is a bottom, then this works out just fine. Smith on the bottom taking Isami, Isami in the middle taking Smith. Also, because they are in love, the Smith on the bottom lies on his back and faces Isami, so they can kiss and, and hold hands. Smith Black might be more aggressively possessive of Isami, but he knows it's his thrusts that are moving Isami, he has control, Isami can't pull out til he's done.
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Let me have bottom Smith for once.
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Tags: NTR, dubcon, forced_motorboating
Is it really NTR if it's Smith, even if a little bit evil
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Can I admit that I was quite sad when he died in the first episode. Before the show started broadcasting I was betting my yaoi coin on Ryoma/Smith because Ryoma's bio says he's Smith drinking buddy (and best friend, even if he's his captain).
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If he was still alive I bet there would have been Ryoma/Smith supporters in the same vein of Satake/Isami. I think I had seen a foursome of them somewhere, actually.
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It's NTR if the other Smiths feel left out and upset.

I don't know why but his hair made me think of Raichu, who is my favourite pokemon, so I was immediately attached to his design. Looking at it now, the hairline is too damn straight. Maybe he's more of a Boltund.

Thinking about what anon said once that Ryoma was probably the one guy who had some idea Smith was gay/had a crush on Isami, since he was Smith's support when he went to ask for a rematch.
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Blond yeti
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There are 4some but for the cow au
From Smith's flashback we see both Hiro and Ryoma there, when he's inside the mecha trying to pilot it, so they might knew but the US army have the "don't ask, don't tell" policy (not that really matter, but since the scriptwriter is also a military consultant he probably knows).
Anyway, I remember reading somewhere a interesting take on that scene because both Ryoma and Smith's body language and reactions. The fistbump between them after his convo with Isami might be the giveaway on Smith blabbing to much about Isami lol
This is the good shit.
Big crybaby getting comforted by Smith. Adorable.
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>ywn have naked, plush Isami ass sitting in your cockpit
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If the show takes place in the 2030 as some people estimate, that policy is long gone.
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What kind of roleplay sex would they be into?
Smith is into petplay
Isami is into BDSM
But unfortunately, they're both bottoms
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i know isami is made to be fucked im also pretty sure that he would enjoy himself being in control, since smith is willing to do anything for him and he's is all about isami, top/bottom is not important.
does anybody else find this kind of cringe, it's so OOC
They really be playing with Isami like he's a hot potato. It's goofy as fuck, nobody acts like that. It'd be more in character for Satake's presence to make Isami pull away and hold off the kiss, and then Smith gets upset that he's embarrassed/offended Isami. Even if Satake stole your girl, rather than punching he'd put his body between Isami and Satake and block Isami from view (like shielding Lulu), no kissing needed. Even in some ABO shit they wouldn't be kissing for ownership like that when full body pinning Isami to the wall is hotter.
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kind of but is less cringe than some takes i saw from a specific side of the fandom
Consider being less careful.
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NTA but there is something to look at on fujo thread on /y/
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The worst AU of them all is the flower shop yakuza satake one
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i don't mind the idea of a yakuza/flower shop AU if it's set in a decent way, but never understood why he got the yakuza role lol i guess because he looks badass
Something about men leaking through their underwear is pure sex.
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she's right
>posting women
This is the kind of body type I expected for a Cupy gijinka.
Holy sex.
I hope Isami had a good time with that body
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I need Isami to breed him.
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I need Isami to put his thighs lovingly around Smith’s head
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he'll do anything for him
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goddamn it anon i actually got a warning for >>3888604
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>Smith going apeshit over the watermelon Isami crushed
Same. I just want them to be happy and have lots of say gex.
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Smissu SEX
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gonna kill myself over the two-seat timeline, it's just too good
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Mirror mirror on the wall
who's the biggest slut of them all
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rolled-up sleeves erotic
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Can I say that I'm pleased that Bravern BD sold that well, but first time seeing the numbers of Dunmeshi BDs and I'm surprised, is the manga more popular in Japan?
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I feel good about it too, I hope Obari and the Bravern staff are happy.
The I want the rising orthos timeline so badly. Just make sure they win by the end. You can make them miserable during it and even missing limbs but they survive and save the world anyway. (Isami would also get the proper character arc he deserves).
What do you mean? This series is for women it is literally drawn to appeal to women.
Love can indeed bloom on the battlefield...
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idk but i'd love to see more laios&smith drawn together
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Forgot my pic
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people favorite headcanons on that timeline is isami&smith both death or at least smith surviving over isami until the end.
wouldn't mind see different takes, but i think the preference is doomed yaoi
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Lt. Isami Ao not beating the kitty allegations
F*males aren't allowed on /cm/ regardless
Doomed yaoi is too cliche. You can do gritty war drama in many different ways instead of one or the other dying.
>no take where Isami survives with leg stumps but continues to train and work out from a wheelchair
>Smith helps to lift him to and from the chair, but Isami is constantly reluctant to ask for further carrying and embarrassed by Smith turning it into affectionate hugs
>ship doors are too narrow for his wheelchair so they always bicker about Isami just getting down and moving himself through
>the whole after story cruise but Smith keeps offering to carry Isami into the bedroom (the cruise ship doors are much wider than the carrier's, dumbass, stop saying it like that)
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Cute... https://twitter.com/mameshi_ft/status/1790868853196738714
idk depends, if doomed yaoi is just giving characters forced drama or situation where puts one of the two to a risk that could be easily avoided i can agree but in Bravern situation it works just fine (see episode 10).
UGHHGH THANKS this is good
but now i wonder since mecha exist, medial prosthesis wouldn't be a problem, bionic limbs etc
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It's gonna be expensive, and the military may not be willing to pay up if you can pilot without legs. I'll bet first time users of electronic prosthetics have balance and delayed motion issues until they get the feeling right, so he's going to be falling into Smith's arms anyway. Then there's moments when the battery starts going flat and you haven't gauged yet just how far that gets you. Isami's stubbornness might lead to some one-working-leg accidents, but at least the battery cell is lighter when it's empty!

On the low tech end they're still pretty damn expensive and take an age to acquire because you have to take the weight of material and its customised proportions into account. Above the knee prosthetics can be taxing on the hips and back, so Isami would be in need of warm handed massages.
There's multiple posted in this very thread, wdym?
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You are very good with this anon.
And makes me think a headcanon on the coincidence between the Orthus being completed/finished its development around the time of RIMPAC and how that training in the first episode could have been a test to find the right pilots combination for it since it's a joined project between US and JPN army.
In that timeline they might invest on both pilots' health if they are the only hope to save the world from the alien invasion.
Pls anon, don't embarrass him. He's sensitive.
That's a very good point. Although, remember Pessimism disrupts communications, and the ATF are essentially isolated if they don't travel? It's likely they wouldn't be able to order specialist items until the DDs are taken care of, but that fits if you expect Isami to lose his legs further in and desperately grit and bear the final fights. Something something, Isami high on morphine while Smith wrangles his impulses. Taking care of the pilots becomes part of preventative policies, as though there's a second threat coming (I don't want to think about how or if they handle Paupertipum. The true doomed end is they leave him to it and the earth collapses in on itself, but at least they didn't summon KugiRie).

Isami's attitude creates further trouble though, because he's "fine" using the wheelchair, and assessments don't see prosthetics improving his mental health in any significant way. He's not going to make demands. This is just how it is now because he fucked up. Smith naturally sees the other side of it, that Isami regrets his weakness and would punish himself rather than become reliant on technology he can't afford. Smith has to make an appeal saying Isami would accept if offered and it would improve his sortie times. Then he can bother and smother Isami with concern and pleading until he agrees to get measured and try on temporary kit.

Hal putting in his meeting records that Smith would be less distracted if Isami had prosthetics to help his independence.
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God I love bear SUMISU unprotected sex with hairy Sumisu long hours cuddling sessions with hairy Sumisu sniffing hairy Sumisuuuuuu
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Isami you can't walk around like that
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close up of the cardboard stands in the pop up shop
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also ppl are discussing if that's isami nipple sticking out in shibuya or not
Where are the damn blu-rei rips
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Isami nipple...
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Puppy bf
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Not sure if this is an added bonus on the BD but they included a clenching sound on Honoka's fist when Bravern referred to her as "Isami's ex partner" kek
its there in the tv version as well, just checked the episode, but i completely forgot about that lol obari was also the sound designer
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LMAO I didn't notice it at all until it was pointed out, cheeky Obari
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So, for real Isami rejected Honoka in the novel?
I only read what anons posted /m/ but don't see anyone else mention that.
He did? Haven't read any impressions about it but her and Karen agreeing to marry each other or something like that, was that the reason?
this was linked to /m/ thread
Maybe he rejected her. Maybe Honoka just saw how Isami looks at Smith and felt like she has no chance. Maybe he married Smith for real. We don't know why she gave up on Isami, but she does ask Karen to marry her (Karen declines but judging from comments it doesn't seem like an outright rejection).

Please look forward to part 2 of the novel.
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So it's no clear, she got drunk and karen was comforting her and they were drinking coffee together? Cute. Can't be mad at her.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't an outright rejection because by the scriptwriter/suzuki comment isami seems oblivious for this stuff.
Holy projection batman, this might be the most OOC Isami I've ever seen
ah, one of those ppl who were hurt by the show twist.. many such cases
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Man, if only Isami didn't call Smith name instead of Bravern when Bravern's body was turning into dust...
Anway, cute lulu!Isami
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Isami is made for sex
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Sex with Isami
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with Smith
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I can't believe they are both virgins
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This might be my favorite sumisu fanart yet
>post ED boner concealment
He's trying to play it cool but his whole body is too chunky and made for fucking.
Love it so much, artist did a great job portraying both a hard, trained body but also the softness of relaxed muscles. Fantastic Sumisu, made for milking and cuddling.
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Sumisu's sumisus too strong for anon
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understandable, but there are also sumisu's thick and strong legs and thighs
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It is incredibly satisfying
Isami has a point. He was inside of him all naked, not even providing commentary about how he took care of his physiological needs such as peeing or pooping while in the cockpit... it's only fair that he demands to see Smith's freshly shaved, soft, bare armpits.
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them being virgins?
We need to see his armpits more, its not enough
but that aside im not surprised if the future i see more omorashi art, i read 1 fic on ao3 and it was good.
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>OP clearly hates Smith and claims it's a 人外ブレ gijinka but it's literally just Smith with red hair
they clearly can't go that far making a gijinka version for bravern since we saw that smith and bravern face looks very similar and probably obari tried his best to not being too obvious with bravern's face but still keeping it handsome
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The followup is funny.
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this is doing something to my pp
World's most beautiful princess. All 178cm of him.
God. Imagine all the body hair underneath.
>single red eye Isami
Kek, I love it.
Smith was onto something when he referred to Isami as "his light"...
Warm and toasty, hairy Smith. Tuck yourself inside the coat with the smell of his body heat.
Ok, but Isami with body hair when?
Isami's thick unshaven virginal pubes erotic...
japanese men are not that hairy in comparison to western men, ppl draws pubes and armpits rarely i saw chest hair
>ppl draws isami's pubes and armpits

anyway, since /m/ thread was archived, was announced another karaoke collab but i have no idea if
means that they gonna get a new tv size animated version for the karaoke (or even full version?) for both OP and ED
But if the lifeforce power of Braverning made his hair grow out, surely it could defy logic and make other areas of hair grow out? He just needs to come together with Smith as one again to put hair on his chest.
To the full song for the ED they added Smith/Isami scenes but also the bonfire scene lol
weird bravern/isami shippers found in a ditch since the song is about isami and smith and putting the bonfire only confirm it was always about them
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more screenshot for the sumiisa mv kek

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