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Feel the fluffiness
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I forgot about the link to the previous thread. Sorry about that
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How do we feel about FurryxHuman relationships?
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Yay new thread
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They can be cute but unfortunately are commonly used as effectively discount raceplay, especially on this site.
How come Japanese furries/kemono are so cute but western ones look like shit..?
I like klonoa
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I love him so much, most precious boy.
all western cartoons are ugly because they focus on characters standing out and being quirky/different instead of looking appealing
>animal bodies as base (see Disney and WB's furry characters other than Mickey and Bugs who have become very stylized through the years)
>said animal bodies are then adapted to have more humanoid features without renouncing to the "feral" base
>animal traits and their proportions are mostly preserved (like heads that look almost the same as the base animal's, emphasis on fur/feathers/scales, non-human bone structures and clearly animal genitals)
>the artist's goal is to make "talking animals"
>sex is an undisputed large part of the community, so it's really common for characters to include sexual traits and even fetishes in a not-so-subtle way

>humanoid body as base (the complete opposite of traditional western furry)
>designs only include the bare minimum animal traits (ears, tail, type of fur/paws) required to identify the species of the character, everything else uses the humanoid base
>additionally, these animal traits are stylized to fit the "anime" aesthetic (snouts are tiny like human noses, eyes are bigger, fur without detail that looks like skin, paws are puffy hands, even genitals can be humanoid)
>the artist's goal is to make "cute critters"
>while sex is present here as well, the "chibi/moe" designs of most kemono characters help to hide the artist's fetish
I want to touch his fluffy ears
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Woof woof bark bark yip yip
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I love Kogenta!
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I don't know anything about this character, would you recommend the manga, or the anime, or both?
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Have not read the manga and never did finish the anime, it would be a plus if you are familiar with Japanese mythology already.

what are they doing stop that
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They're about to take a shower after a long day of play. Why else would be in a standing shower?
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Real gamer hours!
>terrible coomer art
maybe that anon was onto something
they need to stop
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Well what are you going to do about it, anon?
Arkgon is a kemono artist
No they don't
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Best boy!
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I'm sorry fren, I'm sure your boy deserved it too. I hope there are no hard feelings and I send you and your boy a warm (and fluffy) hug.
I kneel
I'm mad as fuck because I kept monitoring the catalog hoping for the moment, but at least the winner post was of a character I like and not some shitpost (or worse, an off-site raid).
Sexts checked
Now ready Klonoa's tummy for raspberries
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Don't kneel, just play his game instead! You can even play in your Switch, you cute nekomata!

Fuck, man. I do love my boy, but I only rolled because I didn't want the numbers to get wasted on some shitpost and I thought it was worth a shot. Knowing that it was more important to somebody else makes me feel bad about it. At least I'm glad you like the wahoo boy.

Bring it on!
im gonna give them a stern talking to
cubboard is a western artist
Is this a shark or a cat?
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Manya... I looked for the source of this pic to retweet it, I ended up looking for more pics from the same artist to give them a heart too... but a few minutes later the artist deleted all the tweets I found and they don't exist anymore.

If I understood correctly, apparently a couple years ago someone stole one of his pics and used it to sell merchandise without crediting him, he said he wouldn't make Klonoa fanart ever again, and he deleted all his Klonoas from Pixiv and Tumblr. It seems that he just forgot about his pics on Twitter all this time, but sadly he started deleting them now because of my retweet and my likes.

Thankfully I had saved all the pics I liked, and when I saw he was deleting more tweets, I just looked for all his tweets containing Klonoa's name in Japanese and downloaded all the images I could, including sketches and doodles and whatnot.
I don't think I could save everything but since many pics in this zip are not on Twitter anymore I thought they were worth archiving and posting here in case some of you guys might like to have them.

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One more. All of these were deleted from Twitter.
Download the zip for the rest.
You are a real hero for saving all this art from oblivion. Thanks a lot.
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Wahoo! It was a lot of luck that I could rescue these, they're so cute, the least I could do was sharing them. I'm still sad the artist deleted them because of my likes though.
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Found a few more
(the files from the previous zip aren't included here, be sure to download both)

Don't get too excited with the big file though, there are only a few "real" pics here, and most of them are pretty small. I wasn't sure what to include when scavenging for more Klonoas and I ended up saving literally everything I found, so there are countless panels from undecipherable and incomplete doujins, a bunch of photos and wips, and lots of doodles.
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These guys fucked didn't they.
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>jap furries are better than western furries because jap furries are less animalistic
There are plenty of great jap artists who draw anthros that are every bit as animal-like as your average western furry. Suolan, Kame_3, long_and_soft, among others.
IMO the actual reason jap furries tend to be more appealing is just because of the Moe art-style on it's own, which has pretty much perfected the craft of making cute and aesthetically pleasing characters.
Further proof of this point can be seen in the fact that anime characters tend to be a lot better than western cartoon characters, or characters drawn in a realist style (aesthetically speaking). The humanoid vs animalistic dichotomy obviously doesn't apply here.

I do agree though that japs are (very generally) better at eroticism than western artists since they're more subtle about it. That's not to say there aren't jap artists who make unsubtle lewd art, that's quite far from the truth, and there are western artists who know how to make excellent tasteful ecchi, but I've seen more jap artists who are good at it than western ones.
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Fucked implies past tense, nah they just straight up fuck.
Cute bulge :3
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Today I realized that since Marimo got banned from Twitter the last time, he stopped drawing sfw almost completely. It's a shame because I liked his sfw art too. I cropped this rare sfw boy from his last upload on Baraag, I think he cute.

Speaking of realizing things, Wafflebond is slowly becoming Aoino. They had a similar style already, but this scene feels more Aoino's than Waffle's.
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is he still on twitter? I can't find him since the last ban
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No, at least not that I know of. That's what I mean, back when he was on Twitter he drew sfw pics every now and then, but now that he's only on Mastodon it's like he only posts nsfw pics anymore.
This one is cropped too.
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what do you think about the new FOTM kemoshota?
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that is american indie kill yourself
Not kemono.
Not a shota.
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Better res
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I can still see his dingdong...
...fuck. That was a super quick edit to post an image with my reply, I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Please accept these two Klonoas as my apology.
His tummy is so lickable here
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nice hotdog
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I think those are screencaps from the game.
i like his underwear.
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He’s showing you his special place cause you aksed nicely
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I played his game and I liked him a lot even though he's American and also not a shota.
Found fanart from a Japanese artist to make this post appropriate for the thread. Rambley a cute.
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Why's this lil dude's penis so massive, GYATT.
Do you wish you were him, or do you wish you were his bf?
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He cute
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>literally made for fat ugly bastard
wtf no bully
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how big is his cock
I love kemoshos
Tanaka a cutie
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i love seve corn kidz
I want to Niko so bad
i wonder what he ate to end up with that stomach bulge
I don't think that's something that entered through his mouth though.
then how is his belly so big?
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Love this artist's boys, especially those cute tummies, so kissable.
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I love kemoshota in spats
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The most vulnerable position for raspberries
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Would grope/10
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anon that's just a dog
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Yeah, it's probably not the most "kemono" thing, sorry. The artist does still does that kind of art, though
bruh that's straight up furry
it's even worse than the previous image
El China
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Original 23MB .png: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115389826
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More of this boy
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what would mishimas fursona be
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Hyuck, gwarsh Maxie.
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Unlike his father
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Oh shit I’m sorry
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sorry for what?
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Better pic here: >>3888924
Protip: if you are browsing 4chan on your phone press the 3 dots and select "open original file" to get the full res version of the image. 4chan by default serves phones a smaller version of the images that can be identified by a "m" at the end of the filename.

Additionally, 4chan and cloudflare reencode images and change their unique hash. To get the original images edit the URL of the file ( 4cdn.org/board/abunchofnumbers.jpg ) and add ?orig at the very end ( like 123.jpg?orig ). "orig" can be any combination of letters, by the way, just write something after the ?.
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Need more klonoa pics!
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Play his game, anon!
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>page 10 in 24 hours
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i think there was catalog spam that got wiped before i saw it, had to emergency dump images in a few other threads lol
even more lovely
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what do you think about Dandi
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I love him, he has a super cute style.
Go away ugly distorted lipido

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