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File: GNJtHrDbMAAELa7.jpg (722 KB, 1250x1000)
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It's still maid day
Post boys and men in maid uniforms

P.S. report any derailing/talk about trannies, don't respond kthx.
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Very cute, who is this character?
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Asahi/Fandaniel from FF14- I don't remember the artist, though.
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Shuichi & Kage
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This is the look of a dog that is trying very hard not to cry
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>source: kazari_tayu
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I love catboy maids with guns so much bros
wtf he wouldn't say that D:
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disgusting quality, but I forgive you
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I should've payed more attention to that before clicking post. Whoopsie hehe :)

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