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a thread for giant robots and the cute guys who pilot them
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patlabor feet
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>Yea I kinda feel that. They are the OG.
>I guess a factor for me is how many women are involved, like Quatre and Trowa comes across as so gay with no love triangle factor.
For me, I like enemies-to-lovers. But what makes Charmuro special in particular is how they grow to care about each other and desire to reach an understanding. Yet their conflicting ideologies and inability to express their feelings lead them to get each other killed anyways. It's the tragedy in how they don't truly hate each other but still feel they have to fight.
I also like how it's mostly one-sided. There is some obsession on Amuro's end but he has the capacity to move on and live his life. Meanwhile Amuro is the only person alive that Char still cares about by CCA. Char has all this pent up obsession, sadness, anger and homolust for him that he won't even admit to himself.
Their fight in A Baoa Qu was when they reached peak newtype understanding and probably when they felt closest to each other, Char wants to relive that high again and would rather die(by Amuro's hands) than admit he wants to fuck him.
I live for all the official and fanmade AU content where Amuro joins Neo Zeon resulting in Char not dropping Axis, it's like Amuro is the tard wrangler wife who keeps him in check. We could've had it all bros.
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why wont you show us your butt in /gpg/
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I've seen similar takes on Charmuro, but I think it's off the mark to reduce Char's character too far to "really his whole deal was being in denial over loving Amuro".
You could make a strong argument that really is a part of what was going on with him, but he also has his relationships with Nanai and Quess in CCA, and I'm in the camp that thinks he really actually believed in and wanted to evolve humanity into Newtypes, and on some level hated Amuro for siding with the Federation. Or more accurately he felt that kind of pitying love and hatred one has for a loved one making irredeemable choices.

I see Char's character as basically realizing or concluding on a personal level that the human species are teetering on the edge of doom, and committing himself kamikaze style to the best course of actions he could imagine to help.
And he failed tragically, no one listened to him, humanity destroyed itself and the planet leading to Turn A...
...but he went out fighting and took his best/friend worst enemy with him...
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Yeah, I agree with all of that but didn't want to make my wall of text any longer. I don't think he's completely motivated by homolust, just partially. I could write a whole essay on Char, he's such a deeply intricate character.
I think it's the way Char has all this respect for Amuro which is why he's so disappointed in him for re-joined the Earth Federation. He's right to feel that way too, Amuro is a delusional loon for becoming a feddie lapdog again after seeing all the blatant corruption.
How I see it, by the end of Zeta Char is just super jaded and bordering on suicidal (the whole being trapped in the position of leadership, Kamille getting vegetable'd and being unable to stop Haman's growing Neo Zeon army). But he also feels he's the only one who can push humanity onto a brighter path, so he has to resort to radical measures and doesn't care if it gets him killed. It's even BECAUSE he doesn't care about living that his actions are so extreme.
I really like the way the Gihren Greed games interpret his character, like he's way more mentally stable and a better leader in an alternate timeline where Blex survives and helps him lead. Ideally he needed someone to shoulder the burden with him. Nobody really understands what Char's going through which is why he got so menhera.... yet he won't allow himself to be vulnerable and actually express how he feels! So even when he HAS people trying to understand him(poor Nanai) he'll continue to push them away by being emotionally unavailable.
It's no wonder Lalah was like a mother to him, the only time men (usually)feel safest showing emotions is around their mother. Those with mommy issues tend to put "motherly" expectations on their partners, making those partners do all the emotional heavy-lifting.
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To make the point of my post a little more clear, I guess I just personally find it hard to ship them, because there's so much more going on with Char as a character, than their potential mutual attraction. It gets a little more difficult too, when you realize Char is in some ways Tomino's mouthpiece, and that Tomino is genuinely concerned about the course humanity is taking *in real life* with industrialization, the way we're treating the planet, the profit motivations of the "federation" (which is not just the US) and the suffering it causes, and so on...
I guess my taste for shipping is just more cuter lighter relationships. Quatre and Trowa is still probably my favorite if I had to pick a Gundam ship.

>yet he won't allow himself to be vulnerable and actually express how he feels! So even when he HAS people trying to understand him(poor Nanai) he'll continue to push them away by being emotionally unavailable
See this is the thing about Char: I think he was completely open with Nanai. He overtly tells her he is trying to save the Earth and the human species. She basically tells him he'll be "worse than Hitler" if he pulls his plan off, but she accepts him anyway because she believes in what he's doing.
He's also very vulnerable with her, physically, and we see this in the movie. He lets her caress him and he snuggles up to her in that scene towards the end when they discuss battle plans.
And then with Lalah, he couldn't get over her death because she was as deeply compassionate as he was for the state of humanity AND a powerful psychic. She was the ideal he wanted humans to be like: hoped that if we were all like her we'd start caring about how we treat each other and the planet.
(also hard for me to ship, because he genuinely loved these women)

I guess what I mean to say is I find the "I can fix him" shipping impulse to be something I just can't get into.
There is passion in Charmuro, but I guess I don't think Char was broken.
the ogs
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>It gets a little more difficult too, when you realize Char is in some ways Tomino's mouthpiece, and that Tomino is genuinely concerned about the course humanity is taking *in real life*
I get it but it's a bit of an oversimplification to take Char's words at face value and think he's absolutely doing the best he can for humanity. He's resorted to ecofacism and doing what he hated the Zabis for, if not worse.
You can't look at the feddies caving and handing over Axis thinking it isn't saying something about the relation between real life neoliberals and facists and how one side directly enables the rise of the other. CCA Char is a tragic character who stopped having faith in other people as individuals and became the oppressor, using brute force for "the greater good" and all.
>See this is the thing about Char: I think he was completely open with Nanai
I think Char is very upfront ideologically but he doesn't look within himself introspectively. He's close with Nanai on a physical level but Nanai expresses some frustration that she doesn't really KNOW him, and he certainly doesn't love her enough to stay by her side over throwing his life away. His last words before Axis shock were when he was at his most honest and on a surface level it IS when he appears most pathetic. He's regressed mentally and desires guidance, and so on and so forth. But it's his truest essence, he's finally let go of all pretenses and allows Amuro to understand him... right before they both die kek.
>also hard for me to ship, because he genuinely loved these women
I think he only ever pursued Lalah seriously and has oneitis. Her ghost haunting him(literally) and reminding him of what could've been.
Also don't get me wrong, I really don't think any partner can "fix" Char. He has to fix himself.
My thoughts are scatterbrained because I took some edibles. Apologies if this shit's too rambly.
Adding on some extra thoughts
>I guess my taste for shipping is just more cuter lighter relationships.
Yeah that's totally fair, examining any Char ship in a serious light inevitably makes you do a lot of analysis on the themes and social commentary of early-UC. It does get kind of exhausting if you think about it for too long. I'm also just a sucker for tragedy and two characters dooming their own relationship due to their own flaws and systems beyond their control.
I don't think shipping is inherently dismissive of the deeper aspects of a work, hell those things can intertwine beautifully in the hands of a good writer. But I do get annoyed when some fans are too ship-brained to care about what made the work compelling in the first place.
But anyways, we should focus on more kino ships, like Scirocco x Yazan which we desperately need more art of.
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Your thoughts are a bit scatterbrained desu.
Lalah's ghost haunts Amuro, not Char. Amuro dreams about Char, and Lalah shows up in the dream and tells him "Char is pure".
Then Amuro has visions of Lalah as a white swan that eventually lead him into Char's arms.

I think if you look at Char, like actually look at what he does and who he is, especially in Char's Counterattack, his biggest character flaw, if you can call it that, is being too selfless.
And I think most viewers literally can't process this, and have to try to rationalize that Char is actually some kind of broken or pathetic character. Probably because people are unfamiliar with archetypes of selflessnes, like you can find in Buddhism and other places.
The idea that he really is just doing exactly what he says he's doing, trying to evolve people into a new compassionate and psychic super-species so we can solve the incredible problems created by industrial society, the wars, the destruction of Earth's envirionment, etc.: that's registered with very few people.

The thing that has me convinced of this view is the fact he gave the Psycho-frame tech to the Federation. The psycho-frame tech enhanced the Newtype abilities of normal people like Chan. He cared less about actually killing everyone living on Earth, and more about showing everyone how Newtypes can solve impossible problems.
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Also I'll just to respond to this >>3889029 seperately, after this paragraph...
And btw, this is all meant in a friendly way, I'm not going to pretend Char wasn't human (flawed), but I just think the very core of his character is a selfless somewhat non-western philosophy. You can say stuff like "He was too selfish with Nanai and threw his life away, he should have devoted more of himself to her!", and yea that might have saved his life, but I just don't think that sticks: the problem, if you can call it a problem, is he was too selfless and thinking too big picture, trying to help all humanity avoid disaster, to the point where he didn't care about himself or the people who loved him, compared to *how much* he cared about the human species in the big picture.

But anyway, on the lighthearted ships thing, that's just my personal tastes.
Please post as much Charmuro as you like. I shouldn't have given the impression it offends me, if I did. This is where my brain goes with Char. And it is exhausting for me too, because it cuts too close to real life issues. Gravity lolololol
The whole tragic ships thing is weird to me too, I'm a huge fan of KawoShin and that's very similar. So maybe I'm into KawoShin more because the tragedy comes from the outside machinations of fate and like eldritch shit, than like one of the characters taking it on himself to play the villain to try to help people?

My favorite Gundam character is Bellri because he's so carefree. It's a shame he doesn't have any great ships.
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I'm usually not interested in scale figures but...
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Xabungle needs more love.
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what's it about cute boys liking wearing women's clothes/accessories?
Where’s all the cute mechs? Too many pilots in this thread
There's a thread for bots now
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Any Kamille love in here?
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kamille is relatable and i wish i could be him and date char
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how much cock has he sucked, do you think?
probably a LOT
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Shota Amuro makes me want to commit a crime
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Beruri tummy.
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>I think he was completely open with Nanai.

That's not my read at all. I think he was manipulating Nanai just like everyone else. Remember that bit where he tells Quess that he'll forget Lalah and Nanai for her and she swears to fight for him, and he brushes her hair and says "good girl"? He was obviously bullshitting her (Char would never give up Lalah for her), but she believed him because he told her what she wanted to hear.

Then later in the movie Char says something to Nanai (I think it was "I'll go with you after we drop Axis") to motivate her to fight and once she turns away he smiles to himself and says "good girl", just like with Quess. He was telling Nanai what she wanted to hear, just like Quess.

Char throws up a screen of bullshit to everyone in CCA, except Amuro at the very end. Ultimately he was just pissed that Amuro out-did him constantly and killed the woman who could've been a mother to him. He was able to spout endless amounts of high-minded bullshit, but his real motive was always petty and personal. (just like a lot of revolutionaries and activists in the real world - they say they have all these ideals, but really it's just "I got dumped" or "fuck you dad")
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>Char throws up a screen of bullshit to everyone in CCA, except Amuro at the very end.
>Ultimately he was just pissed that Amuro out-did him constantly and killed the woman who could've been a mother to him.
No, he was a true believer in Newtypes. Nothing he said to anyone was bullshit. He was selective about what layer of his plan he would let people in on, but it was all true.
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My read is that he genuinely does care about the future of humanity(else why would the ending of Zeta push him off the deep end) but he's also a narcissist who can't talk about his inner turmoil, else he'd have to acknowledge that he's a human with flaws and not the destined messiah he tries to be.
The way he thinks in CCA is rather self centered, always focused on himself and what he has to do while everyone around him is ether an obstacle or a prop towards his goal. If you read Beltorchika's Children it's even more obvious, where he didn't even consider until the end that his sister-one of the few people he used to care a lot for- was still on earth.
I think he WANTED to be understood though, like he really hoped someone would read between the lines to get what he REALLY means so he wouldn't have to express it himself. I think that was part of why he wanted one more fight with Amuro beyond pettiness, cuz they did reach an understanding once at the end of 0079 through fighting.
What would have happened if Kamille was around for CCA?
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He believes in Newtypes, but dropping an asteroid on Earth was petty frustration and leaking the psychoframe was pure "I want Amuro to fight me on level ground" (and then he got wrecked, because Char always gets wrecked by Amuro)

And he was 100% manipulating Quess. His words and his actions towards her are just too different
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>leaking the psychoframe was pure "I want Amuro to fight me on level ground"
NTA but he was clearly also bullshitting when he said that. He didn't have to leak the psychoframe if he really wanted to fight Amuro on level ground, he was trying to get himself killed. I doubt he'd actually be able to live with the consequences of killing billions and knew dying was an easy out. He specifically wanted the ace pilot Amuro to kill him so nobody would've suspected he was committing suicide(also something about repressed homolust, probably).
I agree that he was manipulating Quess and Nanai, mostly because he seemed completely un-invested in romance besides with Lalah. I think he did want to fuck Nanai though, to satisfy the part of his male urges that don't involve mobile suit combat and dying.
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>but he's also a narcissist who can't talk about his inner turmoil, else he'd have to acknowledge that he's a human with flaws and not the destined messiah he tries to be.
Null reason.
Like saying "Ted Kaczynski was a narcissist who couldn't talk about his inner turmoil, else he'd have acknowledged he was a human with flaws and wasn't able to stop industrial society."
Woefully misses the point.

>leaking the psychoframe was pure "I want Amuro to fight me on level ground"
If he wanted to fight Amuro "on level ground" he would have kept the psychoframe tech for himself, or used some device to nullify Amuro's Newtype abilities.

>he was trying to get himself killed.
Not this either.
He didn't seem to know what would happen, except that he was giving the Federation (oldtypes) a device that could awaken their newtype potential
>awaken their newtype potential
...because that's the central thing he cared about.
His attack, and attempt to drop the asteroid, were meant to force the feddies hands; force them to use it
The result was the Axis Shock
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fucking marfan syndrome greyhound looking motherfuckers what the fuck is wrong with the code geass designers
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Do you think Bernie had to service a lot of older men in the military? It IS the military after all.
I wonder what he was called when he was a shota. Surely his parents didn't name him Lordgenome.
oops, forgot pic.
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I misread your post and thought you were talking about Al for a second
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The Zeons are more Germany/IJA styled, not Russian styled
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The IJA was surprisingly buttsex heavy, though of course even they couldn't outdo rodina.
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What a sweet boy :3
I like them.
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JP Twitter was discussing how Amuro still has babyface at 29. It's unfair how cute he is.

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