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TF2/Half Life/L4D, etc
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Wew, haven't heard that name in a while, maybe slightly too out there for this board
aw :( ok
>>3889590 >>3889619
I'm probably too late but here's some tentaspy anyway
i'd get pounced by a hunter to be honest
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amen brother
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I still think about TF2chan from time to time.
Utterly profound miracle that a gay sex imageboard sprouted from 2008 /v/.
my nigga, it was so kino back in the day. Overflowing with fics and art. One chick who did tf2 porn ended up doing official art for the comics. used to follow a lot of artists who cross posted on tf2chan and Tumblr.
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Ayyup. The good old days...
It's pretty cool to see so many artists and writers who started out from there. Makani is an inspiration.

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