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cute door
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Makoto's underwear up for grabs
Akechi my beloved
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Wow what a fatass
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New physique has forced him to start wearing tighty whities
God that's cute
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Honestly any one of these would have had justified the other NPC spinning him around and giving him a wedgie. Where does he get off to talking like that?
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>>3890808 I wish. He would get it so hard.
Severe lack of Yosuke in these threads. In another universe, he and Yu had a romance option.
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And another. It would be amazing to have a hot friend who's on the fence with his sexuality. I'd love to be the one to pull him over.
The current lack of this in my life is deeply upsetting. Don't let an opportunity pass you by!
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Love you trash can boy
God bless this anon. We had a fan base of at least three different people that want to see to same happen to Makoto Yuki
I'm honestly impressed with how well received my propaganda has been, I expected i'd be otherwise ignored but I guess people are really into stretching this emo cutie's underwear a size bigger. The dedicated wedgie thread is never this fun.
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We have a dedicated wedgie thread??!

This has been my fetish since I was 11, never grew out of it in 16 years.
He finally got what was coming to him. Dork wears women's underwear, too. Probably dresses like one when taking it up the ass from Yu.
Crazy to meet one in the wild, the thread is over on /aco/ so mostly girls with the rare occasion that you get to post about boys without someone getting ticked. Got bored of it so I came to test the waters over here on /cm/. I am very glad to have found others!
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Thank you wedge anon. This was a good find even though it's entirely female focused. We need one for /cm/ at some point. If there was a /soc/ thread for it I know I would be a contributor.

Also look at that Yosuke panty slip.
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Forgot the fucking picture again God damn it.
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That'd be great! Wouldn't need to hijack this Persona thread anymore. I'm not too familiar with /soc/ so i'm not sure how that'd go.
Great pantyslip, pink is definitely a very inviting color for prying hands.
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Fuck, Marry, Kill

For me, in the exact order they appear from left to right
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Perfectly locker-sized physique
Yukiko and Chie fujoshing ouuuuutttt
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These two are going to take their shirts off
We're going back to Yuki-posting, boys.
Looks like a cologne ad
This concept art screams mid-2000s. What a time to be a teenager.
Me fr
"You were good, son. Real good. Maybe even the best."
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Love those blue boxer briefs, hope they're stretchy
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Y'all niggas are insane
get a load of this wedgie hater
Still insane to me Yosuke was originally meant to be romanceable. Praying that the eventual P4 remake adds it back in.
He will never know the feeling of wrapping your knuckles in Makoto's already stretched out underwear (neither will we, sadly)
Persona 6 better have some homo romance options too
W-why is he making that face?
He's about to steal his Christmas tree (oral virginity).
If I grow my hair out a little bit more and start dressing like him we can at least get an idea.
Name this band
A humble sacrifice made in the name of bullying emos
I love getting them so I'm going to enjoy it. The research is just a bonus.
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Me on the left btw
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the fags.
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My head canon is that autismal Yu unknowingly gets on Makoto's nerves.
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His pissed off face is insanely cute
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Update on this experiment: apparently my underwear is too small and my ass too fat. I tried to wedgie myself while doing the Dying Gaul pose, and discovered that I have developed a GYATT from my focus on squats at the gym. I'm going to buy medium instead of small and also pick out Makoto-style clothes to wear during round 2 of experimentation. Wish me luck!
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Damn, that's hot. Good luck.
I low key enjoy how this thread evolved into the wedgie chronicles of a budget Yuki cosplayer. Keep us posted, gyatt-kun
As the anon who initially mentioned wedgies last thread I feel kinda bad for derailing this persona thread like this, however i've only seen one objection so screw it. As long as it keeps the cute pics coming.
Hey, so long as I don't post pictures of me getting my underwear pulled, no rules are broken!

An update for all (both) of my fans: I bought the most Makoto-authentic underwear I could find (navy blue boxer briefs), but haven't worn them yet. I also began straightening my hair again to achieve the authentic emo look. Still growing it out, but the bangs are long enough to partially cover one of my eyes depending on which way I sweep them. It looks really cute and I think I'm going to keep this hairstyle for a long time. Experimenting will resume either tomorrow night or the following day with a full report as both the bully and the victim.
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I can't believe this is what i'm checking in on daily. Go forth, masochistic emo boy. Stretch those navy blue dreams high.
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Holy shit. I forgot how much boxer briefs can cut into you.

I prepared my emo mindset by listening to nothing but MCR and Blue October during my commute.
As soon as I got home, I hung myself on a bed post and threw all of my weight to the ground. The underwear wedged so quickly and so easily that at first i thought the post went up my ass. I sat there bouncing myself up and down lightly until I heard the distinctive popping of the seams. I went all in (and so did my underwear) and kept pulling my self downward. This is right around the time I felt a searing pain because my butthole relaxed and was met with sawing fabric. My nuts were pressed into my thigh and I was really worried they were going to get twisted. I was about to scream in what was either pain or ecstasy. In the end, I didn't rip them, but they definitely got stretched.

All things considered, if we were trying to figure out Makoto's reaction to getting a violent wedgie, I'd say he would enjoy it. Not even secretly. He would love it and ask for more.

Tl;Dr I got fucked by my underwear and liked it.
Jesus Christ. The emo prep part was funny and the rest was really hot. Please do more.
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Great read. Shame you couldn't rip them, but I understand everyone has their limits. They're ridiculously stretched out, at least! Surely Makoto would relate. Hoping to hear more of your exploits once you're the in the right shape to give it another go.
You guys are actually insane.
Yeah I don't have a retort or deflection, you're absolutely correct.
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I made Akechi and Maruki in Artificial Academy 2 once.
I want him so badly

Hey guys, I will be doing a round two, but need advice on what to wear. Last time I did it in just the boxer briefs and a T-shirt, but I think this time I want to simulate the high school experience and go for a jock lock in trousers.
Pic for attention
White briefs, maybe? They certainly aren't as pretty as boxer briefs but tighty whities will definitely give you the "high school" feel. Easy to come across as well.
How did this whole wedgie thing start
Would let him suck my blood
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Just abruptly mentioned wanting to give emo Makoto a wedgie last thread and people seemed to dig it, now the topic has stuck around.
Somebody mentioned tacky skull boxers in the last thread. Can you find those? Jocklock would be easier.

Pic related is Makoto's reaction
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How decent are the homo mods? Have they improved over the years or is there still some jank to them
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Who do you think gives Makoto the worst wedgies out of the party? I think it would be close between Yukari and Akihiko.
Definitely Yukari, she'd pull until there are tears (of pain or pleasure, depending on whether you accept anon's experiment as fact)
I want to kiss his neck
I am new two Persona threads, is this real? I liked MC/Yosuke, but never saw much of a hint for that in the actual game besides some funny scenes and the genuine friendship between them. I mean that's something, but still.
Yeah, there's literally unused dialogue of it.
There's unused dialogue that was even recorded in English, which you can find on YouTube. Fully created, just not implemented. Yosuke tells Yu not to leave and that he likes him. They Frenched.
Save while you can.
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Update on the second wedgie test: I was putting it off but then found a novelty design pair of underwear (polyester) to use. I will be doing it later tonight. Special thanks to the cute boy who passed by me in the stairwell this morning who had the slightest wedge visible through his white gym shorts. What I wouldn't give to be a teenager again. I dedicate this next round of testing to him.
Godspeed anon and random guy with a wedgie
I'm not into the whole wedgie thing but your posts are based
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Thank you, anon. I remember vividly what it feels like to be enamored with boys my age when I was in high school. I am able to articulate his in my writing a here. It was the best feeling in the world, and there's nothing more soul binding than two friends who are in love. I am not even out of my twenties, but I already know that the greatest days were those in which I spent surrounded by my handsome, cute and lively friends.

Anyway, back to wedgie test report. The design in question are not skulls as was originally supposed in the last thread, but they are white pine tree silhouettes on black. I wanted to see if I could replicate the natural wedging of the young man I passed in the stair way. I had to jog a few times up and down, but eventually my body heat caused the material to condense and I was successful. I then went to my apartment and got to work. After removing my khakis and shirt, I threw myself on the bed face first as if I was a bully pushing his victim down. I gave a tug to dislodge my underwear from my stair climbing and began to position myself for the jock lock.

These were polyester, so they stretched perfectly and I had them tightly wrapped around my wrist. So tightly that I felt the force of them going from my ass into my stomach, which caused me to buck into them a bit. I then gathered up the leg holes, which only compounded the tightness. Next, I took the waistband and snapped it against my back a few times. The sound of he SNAP hitting my skin got me squirming a bit. I then stretched the waistband upward and outward so that I could fold them over the top of my feet. In successfully doing so, I was able to lock myself in a massive wedgie that could not be picked or adjusted by normal means. Without getting too graphic, I was able to gratify myself without using my hands thanks to this position.

Summary: the jocklock with stretchy underwear was a success, and it was really hot.
Another great post! Recreating the stairs wedgie, snapping the waistband to get yourself going and "pushing" yourself into the bed are really funny things to do. I'm not even an outsider to the wedgie thing but it really shows the level of "nerd" i'm dealing with here. The stretchiness of the polyester underwear sounds fun, and I hope you get some real good mileage out of them.
I gotta ask, do you have experience giving/getting outside of self wedgies? Would be interested in hearing about it.
Yeah, but surprisingly I've never been given one by anyone else. I am always the giver and I *wish* someone would fight back and try to give me one because I would totally let them. The problem is that I'm 6'3" and in good shape, so I'm naturally stronger than many of my victims. They don't bother to fight back

I'll recount some of the many times I've given them out. I remember the very first time was actually when I was like 7. I was at a Halloween party with other kids and I found my classmate playing tag in the backyard with some other girls including her sister who I had a crush on. I remember wanting to specifically target my friend's sister, so I pretended that part of the game was that the person who was "it" had to count to 20 in a wedgie. My classmate knelt down against a tree and while she had her eyes closed I dug my hand into her pants, gripped her waistband and yanked upward as hard as I could. She yelled at me but I didn't let go until she reached 20. Unfortunately when it was her sister's turn, before I could give her a decent wedgie some other girl unrelated to the game saw me and asked me what I was doing in a tone that suggested she knew I was a pervert. My answer was "playing Wedgie Woman. You want a turn?" Her response was "I'm telling!" And a few seconds later I heard somebody shout at me from the window and I ran inside to be scolded by my mother who said I should only do that to my friends who are boys. Little did she know this would heavily fuel my homosexuality. The cool thing about this storyis that the girl who I did wedgie (my classmate) must have secretly liked it and i remember distinctly that when I was hanging out at her house several times when I was older, she always gave her sister a wedgie after a brief struggle.

When I was in middle school, I used to go to my friend's house after school. We were both gamers, and he was a big fan of Bully. If you don't know anything about Bully, one of the moves you (cont.)
You can do is giving the male characters a wedgie. Naturally, I saw this in the game and both devils on my shoulders already knew what was up. He was sitting in his stupid gaming chair and I said "we should practice these moves in real life" he was always fond of gym pants for some reason, so when I saw the whites of his briefs slip for the briefest (haha.) of moments, I wasted no time. I pulled him out of his chair by his underwear and nearly stretched it to the top of his head before letting go. Watching him struggle to dig it out gave me an instant boner and while he was so focused on playing the game while removing it, I sat on his bed and started palming my dick which was now prominently erect. This guy may have been my most frequent victim. He was cute in a dorky sort of way, so I had my fun. I remember he got really mad because he was wearing boxer briefs and while he was leaning forward during a game of Mario party, I gave him a huge wedgie and hung his waistband on the back of his chair. He told me to cut it out and removed himself from the chair but left the wedgie in because he was so engrossed in his game. He didn't try to clear it until like two mini games later. I think part of him knew it was sexual for me because this time he turned so I couldn't see him pick and pull to save his butt.

I have plenty of real-life stories because I have had this fetish for many many years, and have had the ability and opportunity to give them to many people, both males and women, over the span of my life.bive really considered writing some kind of article for Wedgie Wednesday because my accounts are 100% real and i think readers would appreciate the life i have led. If you really want to hear some more, I can continue on days when I'm not doing the experimenting
Also, Makoto tax for my two comment-long reply. I really like him when he does some light crossdressing. Another kink of mine, but not the extent of the disgusting, vile demons who make a whole career out of it and pour on comedic pounds of makeup.
I'd love to hear more, that Bully story in particular was great. Just probably not here, it'd probably be too great of a disruption to the thread haha. God, I wish /cm/ had a wedgies and bullying thread.
He does it so naturally while not looking entirely feminine in his default form. At least the imageless replies keep the image limit at bay.
If you view the Evangelion thread on /cm/ I mentioned giving an underclassman friend of mine from HS wedgies on a weekly basis for half of my time there. Not in the detail expressed here, but it's something. I might compile a bunch of bullying images and create my own thread to see if we can get some support. Maybe even read some stories from other contributors.
I knew it that was you, i've been talking to you on that thread as well.
I've gone ahead and started a thread here on /cm/ as an experiment. You'll have to search for it because i'm unsure if linking it here will violate the global advertising rule.
To the other thread dwellers who had to endure us, have a Joker for a change! As a treat.
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Even if you ignore the gayness, narrative-wise he felt closest to MC, I am sad that we were robbed. I even adore his manner of speech, the seiyuu did some great work here. Yosuke's way of talking was incredibly cute and funny in my opinion, I genuinely liked him from the start. Well aside from Adachi, whom I considered the second-cutest. You have to admit that he played the clumsy cop role quite well.
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The creamy thighs, the panic at being photographed, the blush from his arousal.

This is a chef's kiss moment. With tongue.
Ok i didn't care for the whole wedgie thing before but this is kinda hot
Embrace it!
Persona 6 needs to have homo options
Thankfully it won't.
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Do we know anything about the game so far?
We were so close to having a moment with Teddie then that HOMOPHOBE Dojima walked in.
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Naughty boy
THOT patrol Dojima you mean?
The things I would do to Yosuke's asshole
No! Thot patrolling is Adachi's specialty. Dojima had to prevent (Yu) from licking the bearussy
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Been so long since I played P4Gay; Forgot adachi's cabbage existence.
Apparently there's a mod for P3R that gives SEES a mid to late 00s emo wardrobe.
Too cute.
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How could his salary be that shit anyway? I barely have enough for rent and food as well but even I have enough to buy some meat and he's a cop.
I like this surprisingly well. Was never a fan of his vanilla look but this looks more like it. I will bookmark that mod so that I don't forget when I replay it as Reload.
Not a rentoid, I don't eat red meat either. Maybe his food choices are terrible because he's a psycho?
I asked AI a bit and to my calculations he should be able to afford 180 kilos of ground beef using all his $1800 salary. Though, that might be Dojima's salary instead since Adachi's rank isn't that clear.
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Yeah it's probably lower. And he also got transferred for that mysterious earlier fuck-up. And hell, I get 1600 myself and can barely buy food (though meat is slightly more expensive and I only eat that and seafood because taste/texture and autism). Maybe their rent is just as bad as ours and his rank is shit. I could have sworn that he explicitly stated that he couldn't afford anything but cabbage in the game.

Though then again he might spend the money on things we don't know about. AFAIK it's kinda common for crazies to prioritize weird stuff over necessities like food.
Shinjirou's design was my favorite P3 look and his SL was among my top three. I should play it again.
It's not like P4 and P5 is known for its attention to detail. They really don't show anything and don't tell anything.
He was spending his paychecks on those used panty vending machines they have
>implying adachi would pay for panties, used or not
I really want a scenario where he, Yu, and Dojima go on a panty raid but accidentally wind up in that fat chick's house.
God I love persona/user shipping, I wish it was more popular.
Feel the same about Jojo and Stands.
Need door-kun footjob

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