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Real oldfags remember. If anyone has some Noiz, let's make some Noiz
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He's so hot bros.
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Just started Mink's route for the first time ever. (I only beat Clear and Noiz, finally after 12 years going to 100% the game) but holy shit is Aoba a slut.
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Happy summer! (Well not officially but it's hot as balls where I am lol)
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I didn't care for Mink at first, but their couple dynamic and the height difference was hot. The only route I flat-out didn't like and skipped through was Ren's.
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I-I-I-I be poppin bottles
Sparkles and champagne
VIP my section
royalty lookin sexy
you know that be my bae
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kinda sad how dead this fandom is.. no good art being made anymore
Yeah, it's kinda sad because I recently got back into it but there's not really much new content these days.
Happy birthday, Noiz!
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Aoba is the cutest boy ever!
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Leave it to me to get hyperfixated on the freaky twins instead of literally any end game option. It couldn't have worked with Aoba being the protag, but I would have loved a no-Aoba ViTri route
My bad they're not twins

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