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Shin Megami Tensei #19

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3868365
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Any fanart of this guy? This is the only fanart of him I've seen
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a lot of stuff actually, same the /smtg/ booru got deleted
nahobino's massive hair
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if you want to find art of your favorite demon or character in megaten but don't want to deal with twitter's shit search function, use https://buhitter.com/
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Their scene at the end of PV03 was very cute.
no one's stright in VV except for Miyazu x khonsu
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Dazai? Yakumo?
Dazai gets salted and Yakumi, well you saw the last trailer
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Dazai probably gets unsalted and goes to Abdiel later. Yakumo is very mentally unwell but he still wants the Nuwa puss.
Thankfully these two will have the purest and healthiest Nahobino relationship in the game. Besides Khonsu's maybe. Depends on what revenge bullshit Miyazu forces him into.
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Are SMT monster boys allowed?
Of course.
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>new famitsu article that just came out confirmed that one of the objectives of the new route is exploring the relationship between Vkun and Aogami further.
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what did they mean by this
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You already know exactly what they meant by it.
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Thoughts on the new Beano?
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I looked at spoilers and they're rough bros. I hope Aogami at least got a lot of good bench talk by the end. There is a ton of new art but I don't have the enthusiasm to post a lot.
one of the dead characters comes back
I know, at the cost of losing all his dialog for half the game and if you want all of it you have to play on the route where the true end is his worst end. Also the one character that does not come back at all and really needed screen time.... yeah....
I see. but the cut scene before his death was pure kino
very bitter sweet
>the one that doesn't come back
I'd argue he is the single most well portrayed alignment rep in all of megaten. it just makes the ones that kill him look like dishonest psychos
and a lot of the stuff you do afterwards is to avenge him.
I will admit Aogami won in the law route. He really solidifies himself as being incredibly important in the MC in that ending and in that whole route, it is probably their best ending together but I wanted them to spend more time together in the game itself. There are plenty of other shit too circulating around it like the fact the MC rejects every female demon that flirts with him and other things but I guess I wanted more dialog from him and less implications but what can you do.
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haven't seen endings but in general I think the story in vengeance takes interesting turns
want to play creation first to see how different it is
The only thing I'm curious about in that route is the bench dialog because there is no point where it cuts out so I want to see where it goes by the end. I don't know if I have enough enthusiasm to play the game twice though, even on NG+ It happens to me in any game that's absolutely loaded with subquests. Let me know if anything good happens.
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I've played through most of the game now. A lot of the things I wanted them to do they did. The spoilers made it sound worse than it was. That ending was also everything I wanted it to be and I'm satisfied with the fact that practically everyone agrees the chaos ending was the most dogshit thing anyone has ever seen. Maybe if enough people complain Atlus will patch it. They patched things people really complained about the first time after all but it might be too awful to fix. If they at least show where Aogami is that would be at least some kind of improvement.

How are the rest of you doing with your playthroughs?
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Also, holy shit? Kushinada's demon haunt dialog:
>I, like you, fell in love with a certain proto-fiend.

Holy fucking shit. I wonder how Atlus West translated this. The double complication from this is nuts. A previous Aogami got with a Kushinada, and Kushinada's comparing herself to the MC. I guess I'm gonna have to fuse her to get the full context and if she says anything else.
And now Zeus with the gay shit:
>I'm bored, can I use you in place for Ganymede?

Oh god that's gonna be a porn factory as if there isn't a ton of porn of Zeus fucking Nahobino already.
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I'm playing it on hard, and very very slowly
so far one thing I have to say is I like how the main protag is lame and a bit dense and it clearly worries aogami, it's extremely cute
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Yeah he's got a lot of good dialog. I was hoping in this new dlc Aogami would figure out his feelings for the MC but instead it's more of him not understanding how he feels and even saying he thinks he doesn't have a heart.
In the original I assumed their dynamic was that Aogami loved the MC (because of that damning Amanozako dialog) and it just didn't quite get it and the MC was indifferent because he's a self insert but this Kushinada dialog just flipped that around entirely. I really got to fuse her.
As an update, I read more of her lines in the haunt. She doesn't flirt with you like other female demons. She finds you familiar but says you aren't "her" Susano-o citing that you're too feminine lmao. But uh, if this is referring to a past Aogami that's even more interesting. I had a feeling they would hide something in her dialog but not stuff like this.
Finding what she says reminds me that the demon haunt is kinda tedious if you want to read everything.... They shouldn't make you have to leave and come back over and over.
I recall a another demon having similar dialogue in the haunt, but I wasn't sure whether by "I, too" it meant "even someone such as me" or "me too".
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Is it a personality dialog after all? That would be funny. Datamining the line would probably clear this up and tell you if it's a personality line shared across multiple demons or if it's something just Kushinada says. It would also be nice to know when this line triggers. I can't seem to get it early in the game and the screenshot shows Taito so it might be something that only triggers in the end game or even on the Vengeance route end game only.
Also I don't know if there is a way to read that line differently because all demon haunt dialog is a conversation between the MC and the demon. I've never seen other characters involved in it and nothing comes before or after this line so if it's just the MC the demon is talking to, what other way is there to look at it? It's basically "I'm in love with a protofiend too" after the demon looks at you. There are other lines where demons try to read your emotions but can't. I guess some demons can and some can't.

They really got a lot of good content in the new route. Not in the way I wanted but they truly got their doomed yaoi moment. Now you have to wonder what they did in his office in the original, lmao.
Haven't played the game yet. Can you alternate between the short and long hair whenever you want?
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>Can you alternate between the short and long hair whenever you want?
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>doomed yaoi moment
I'm excited now, haven't got that far yet. Really liking the improvements to the game so far, definitely worth it
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it's more of a doomed Yaoi arc, with the music and everything after it
like a certain character is clearly in agony over it
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It's terribly conflicting for me. It's a great moment and visually the gayest thing in the game but it also meant the character that really needed screen time lost it all only halfway through the game.

I like that Koshimizu and Vkun basically play pity party with each other crying over Aogami and Yuzuru together. And it's like that for half the game. I wasn't expecting Vkun to double over and look like he was crying his eyes out when he saw the bench. That scene was a kick in the balls. That's kind of why I think that "I love a protofiend too" line isn't bullshit or misinterpreted because that was a hell of a reaction when he normally doesn't react at all.
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>personality dialog
That's a thing? Every dialogue I've seen has been unique so far, and I visit the haunt pretty often.
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All demons have some overlap because Atlus has to be lazy about this demon haunt thing somewhere. Demons with the same personality have overlapping dialog. I will say that this line about loving a protofiend has to be an awful choice if it's an overlap though because Kushinada loving an Aogami model in the past has massive complications on the world lore and even Sakuya's quest. It works in context of Kushinada comparing her own situation to the MC but everything else doesn't fit. If you check that twitter post you can see some people even complaining that she said that because "Shouldn't it be the original Susano-o? I don't understand." and they're right.
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what I like about this is how in terms of narrative it's there to play into the whole victor/victim paradigm, but if you believe that each bino pair has to have some sort of emotional bond it gives it so much more depth
I feel like the whole Nahobino thing falls apart if you don't believe they are soulmates just as the game tells you in multiple ways and even literally though Amanozako. You just have different pairs meeting for different lengths of time. Pairs that have known each other for a long time are more lovey dovey like Khonsu and Miyazu and Yakumo and Nuwa, meanwhile the other pairs have only just met. Although the bench dialog up before Aogami dies protecting the young man gets pretty intense like how he'll always try to protect him and be with him even when they aren't a Nahobino. They also sit closer to each other during that conversation.
>the character that really needed screen time lost it all only halfway through the game.
oof that is pretty harsh. they did try and get more character interaction than they did in the original. I haven't gotten too far yet but I was wondering what they would do with those two. The first game had so little emotional weight or interaction with the other characters. at this point im just happy with any fanservice we could get
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>aogami dies
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It was kind of obvious from the trailers. Why do you think he changes his form when the whole point is that he looks that way because he's fused to Aogami? He would never fuse with someone else unless something happened to him, so...
just thought there would be a good end for both of them :'^)
Oh if that's what you're thinking then yes. Since you're asking about the end I might as well just tell you.
Aogami comes back in both endings and it makes perfect sense in the law ending and you can even assume Vkun and him are spending their time happily ever after while Tao does most of the work for them since everything that would happen in this ending was explained beforehand including Tao offering to do all the wish granting in their big plan.
In the chaos end he comes back in the exact same way which feels like a lazy copy paste of the same scene because the point of that ending is to kill everyone and everything including Aogami, you then run off with Yoko and Aogami is no where to be seen which makes no sense either. It feels like chaos was a complete after thought. The ending scene would be fine if they just wanted to do a "Aogami gets btfo ending" but they needed new scenes before that final one for that to make sense. Using the same scenes over again kind of ruins everything that came before because it suggests the MC didn't care that Aogami died and the whole point is that you're supposed to think he's devastated over it. There are multiple scenes of him mourning him and demons commenting on the fact he looks dead inside after Aogami dies in the haunt.
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oh thank God, I was worried for a moment. Someone mentioned earlier in the thread that Law was a decent ending for both the MC and Aogami so I was hoping for him to stay alive. I guess they ran out of steam for the chaos ending then. To be fair, they improved a lot of mechanics that were janky, made me care more about the characters, and added extra content so I can forgive then for one shitty ending.
I kind of can't after how much time they spent on this new game and asking for another 70 bucks. If the chaos end just felt like purely a new girl wank kind of ending I would realize they just did not care at all but there was some thought put into that final scene. It's just ruined by the fact they put no effort into giving that ending it's own scenes so it would make sense. If they wanted to "fix" it by doing the bare minimum they could throw Aogami in there somewhere, even if he's just standing around. Then at least you don't think the whole theme of revenge and grief is broken by the fact Aogami comes back and then just seemingly dies off screen in a matter of seconds. It's just bizarre they shipped it like that.
well, I havent gotten to the endings yet so my opinion might change. They could have patched or made this DLC but I guess that's the thing companies do now just charge you for another game. to be honest all the new chicks are kinda lame and seem a bit hamfisted into the plot and youre saying they basically copy pasted the ending, that does sound frustrating. still so far im happy they fixed a lot of issues with the mechanics and getting more Aogami. they really could have just charged less for a patch or DLC though
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The problem to me is that reusing the scenes that feel intended for only one ending makes the same scenes worse in both. You'll have to see it for yourself to know what I mean but the jist is that Koshimizu and Aogami get big scenes in the ending and they both mean a lot in the context of the law end but when you see those scenes in the chaos end it just feels like they would have done the same things no matter what you did and like I said, it makes it feel like the MC doesn't actually care Aogami comes back at all. You can look at law and think it's their happily ever after but then chaos suggests he would just kill him if he came back regardless. If the chaos end didn't also bring the law ending down with it, it would be a lot better but it's just so lazy it ruins everything else. I don't know why they couldn't have just put the effort into making it its own ending. They put the effort in everywhere else, so what happened? It's frustrating.
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seconding this. I don't think the ending itself is bad, but the stuff they reuse really brings the whole game down and not just the ending
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Has any info on Kozuka's commentary the OST come out anywhere? Just scrolling JP twitter it sounds like Kozuka thinks Aogami has a motherly personality and Koshimizu has a fatherly personality.

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some anon in /smtg/ posted some
not the best quality, and a lot of the kanji on japanese text can't be read, I wish someone would scan them properly
the track he mentions it is vengeance for reclamation
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Thanks. I didn't know the Shakan theme was also made with Aogami in mind. I also like that the battle theme is meant to be more masculine because of Koshimizu. Why does Kozuka think Aogami is a girl? lmao. Aogami really is a house wife.
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I think it's more the kind of good will they have towards you. Tsukuyomi is more like an older man relative to you, and he will fight you although not out of malintent in creation route (unless you do law) to achive Yuzuru's ideal world. he's also older than Aogami and isn't naive like him. I think even for Yuzuru he's more like a father like figure in the game's canon.
>shakan theme
that part of the game is about loss and the state of becoming a loser/victim, and experiencing the world as bull god's victims do. I'm kinda waiting for the artbook to confirm it but moonbino does have snake like elements included in his design.
Funny that Tao would actually be the older sibling of all of them and she's just the bubbly nice girl l, but she does get pretty mature and serious when she falls into her role.
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this is doomed Yaoi game indeed
That reminds me. Dazai only targeted and made fun of the same sex Nahobino pairs didn't he? He knew about Khonsu and Miyazu but didn't touch them.
Uhhhhh Atlus?
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>homophopic/closeted homo
always the case
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As an update on that Kushinada line we were discussing before. I now know why it's not coming up in the demon haunt, because it doesn't. It's actually quest dialog tied to the Amaterasu/Orochi quest line. If you talk to Kushinada before killing the Orochi this is what she says to you so it's time sensitive and can only be seen when you're with Koshimizu on Vengeance. It's also translated word for word in english as: "I too fell in love with a Proto-fiend..." and it's directed at you. It's pretty much canon without a doubt here that Kushnada compares herself to the protag and outs him as being in love with Aogami.

I kind of feel like an idiot for constantly checking the haunt for that dialog now, lmao.
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was just playing today, doesn't her description say she fell in love with Susano-o, which Aogami is based off of as a protofiend? it would mean youre in love with a version of him. I may be wrong but that would make sense why she mentions it to the MC. if thats what you meant sorry if I just reiterated the same point
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It does make sense and kind of just confirms what the original game was implying and didn't really do anything with. The MC is Aogami's Kushinada, not literally, but metaphorically. There is also the sacrifice subplot and Aogami trying to protect him for it which drives the point harder. Her line of dialog is like a double punch of confirmation of how the MC feels about Aogami and that Kushinada compares herself to him.
If you're confused about what that means in the game's actual lore, it means that Kushinada, the demon, was married to a past Aogami model, who is now obviously long dead. The 3 divine siblings have always been artificial and every time one died for whatever reason, they were remade. Sometimes if the need called for it more than one were made at a time. Except Amaterasu who was only made once and cannot be remade.
Hi all. Sorry for being new, but I’m planning on buying the game, so I know nothing about it and wanted to ask: how gay/fujobait-y is it? Thank you.
There is a lot but I think it depends mostly on what you think is gay. If you want an overt love confession and a kiss this game is not it. Though you won't get that from the other pairs either.
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you can have a party of pretty demon men
you have a hot buff robot guy in a tight metallic suit as your soulmate

but all mainline games are least 90% gameplay. so if you don't enjoy turn based gameplay that requires you to actively engage with game mechanics then it's probably not for you.
so after you kill Ishtar Aogami talks about how she traveled to underworld for the sake of her husband and how that awakens something in him, which for all intents and purposes should be a reference to Yomi, does that mean Aogami is also Isanagi?
I think it's a reference to the fact he goes into the underworld to rule and takes his wife with him.
It could also remind him of how he cried over Izanami's death. But since he mentioned a wife I'm not sure.

They tell you he's Susano-o without a doubt and Izanagi exists in the game too and they tell you how he helped start the proto-fiend project.
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I'm glad they got their happy ending and that they love each other very much anyway.
I feel like they need to come out with an interview explaining the chaos end before more people start getting annoyed with it but I doubt it.
I think most of the chaos ending can be explained by budget constraints and I doubt they had specific reasons for making them so structurally similar, but stuff like that are mostly discussed in art and setting books which we have no idea when we will get or even if we will get them.
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I mean that's just the gameplay. I can't excuse you fighting Taimat again for any reason regardless of Mastema or not. That and the fact you can't fight Goko.
Conceptually I think a lot of people have a very wrong perspective on that ending in general. I mean even if you go through the dialog surrounding that ending, like talking to demon Yoko in the haunt, Lucifier saying you need to be a Nahobino to trigger the void, Aogami saying he's not going anywhere in bench dialog, etc. Aogami is still there, he's just off screen. And more people seem to be realizing Yoko is pulled right out of Paradise Lost because she has the same exact colors as the snake in it.
An interview clarifying this would do wonders for the complaints that seem to be mounting as more people look at the ending and compare it to law. I go on twitter looking for art and I see more people complaining about it every day. Most of it is about the ending scene than the gameplay itself.
it just doesn't make sense for Aogami, a remnant of susanoo to exist in chaos ending, so he certainly will be gone
I always appreciate the way most mainline games leave some character intentions and ideologies to the players understanding of them, they definitely want people to have their own reading of them. Still I hope they don't go radio silent again, if nothing else I want to see the concept arts for the different designs and characters.
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My biggest issue with the chaos ending is how it doesn't do picrel justice. the alignment lock should have happened sooner so you would get to experience more alignment exclusive stuff. IV and SJ probably could do it cause they were low budget games.
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Also happy DDS anniversary. the soundtrack is up on Spotify, but I don't expect them to do anything more.
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>it just doesn't make sense for Aogami, a remnant of susanoo to exist in chaos ending, so he certainly will be gone
Nothing says anything bull related is wiped out. Yoko even says you'll be in the void with her. Nahobino are two halves of a soul (debatable if it's an equal half and half but you get the idea) so if Aogami can't exist for some reason then neither should you. Nothing implies he's gone at all. I don't want to shit on people's interpretations but there is dialog surrounding that ending that I just think people aren't reading.
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the existence of Aogami himself is what helps you be the dragon slayer. you are bound to repeat your assigned role of oppressor and contribute to the system as long as you're susanoo in some fashion, and Yoko wants to erase the system itself.
>neither should you
I don't think anything in the form it had in the last world will exist in the next one. not only you and aogami, nothing will. maybe Aogami thinks your bond with him transcends shape and material existence so whatever will take shape from the primordial chaos will also keep that bond, specially because there's no oppressor/oppressed in your relationship.
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Yoko says flat out you will be alive in the new world. And in another dialog says she wants you to help demons like you have been and that's as a Nahobino. The tree in the chaos ending is also the tree of life from your world you can see throughout the game. The world hasn't ended and you need Aogami to create the void and then also help demons later. It's just a no brainer that he's alive. I get how you're looking at it but it goes against what's directly said in game.
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