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Shin Megami Tensei #19

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3868365
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Any fanart of this guy? This is the only fanart of him I've seen
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a lot of stuff actually, same the /smtg/ booru got deleted
nahobino's massive hair
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if you want to find art of your favorite demon or character in megaten but don't want to deal with twitter's shit search function, use https://buhitter.com/
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Their scene at the end of PV03 was very cute.
no one's stright in VV except for Miyazu x khonsu
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Dazai? Yakumo?
Dazai gets salted and Yakumi, well you saw the last trailer
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Dazai probably gets unsalted and goes to Abdiel later. Yakumo is very mentally unwell but he still wants the Nuwa puss.
Thankfully these two will have the purest and healthiest Nahobino relationship in the game. Besides Khonsu's maybe. Depends on what revenge bullshit Miyazu forces him into.
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Are SMT monster boys allowed?
Of course.
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>new famitsu article that just came out confirmed that one of the objectives of the new route is exploring the relationship between Vkun and Aogami further.
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what did they mean by this
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You already know exactly what they meant by it.
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Thoughts on the new Beano?
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I looked at spoilers and they're rough bros. I hope Aogami at least got a lot of good bench talk by the end. There is a ton of new art but I don't have the enthusiasm to post a lot.
one of the dead characters comes back
I know, at the cost of losing all his dialog for half the game and if you want all of it you have to play on the route where the true end is his worst end. Also the one character that does not come back at all and really needed screen time.... yeah....
I see. but the cut scene before his death was pure kino
very bitter sweet
>the one that doesn't come back
I'd argue he is the single most well portrayed alignment rep in all of megaten. it just makes the ones that kill him look like dishonest psychos
and a lot of the stuff you do afterwards is to avenge him.
I will admit Aogami won in the law route. He really solidifies himself as being incredibly important in the MC in that ending and in that whole route, it is probably their best ending together but I wanted them to spend more time together in the game itself. There are plenty of other shit too circulating around it like the fact the MC rejects every female demon that flirts with him and other things but I guess I wanted more dialog from him and less implications but what can you do.
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haven't seen endings but in general I think the story in vengeance takes interesting turns
want to play creation first to see how different it is
The only thing I'm curious about in that route is the bench dialog because there is no point where it cuts out so I want to see where it goes by the end. I don't know if I have enough enthusiasm to play the game twice though, even on NG+ It happens to me in any game that's absolutely loaded with subquests. Let me know if anything good happens.

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