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A thread dedicated to the cute canonically nullo ken doll puppet

Not affiliated with any other Genshin threads
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Based and officially accurate
PS post more Scarapitts
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based, watch the roastie enter a thread she doesn’t like just to cause herself ‘mental anguish’
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She could just make her own thread though?

Is she a masochist
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Run away kitty..

Itto will make you his malewife!
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Do NOT rape his unrapable (no orifices) body.
I want to coom on the puppet..
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You can cum on him, just not in him. Cause there's no bussay.
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I’m not raping him

Itto is though
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Then Itto must needs neuter correction.
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Itto would die if you did that

His masculine form is all he has

Don’t bully big dog to death
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A well-deserved fate.
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Reparations for all of the neutered boyz
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Scara meangirl trap AU where he bullies GorouHina into suicide for being ugly
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Tying up his hair in cute ribbons
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Cute. I prefer it down, though.
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With pretty flowers?
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Regular. Long hair is sexy and for jerking off into and onto.
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Actual good fetish, I’m surprised from /cm/ of all places.
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dickless puppeto
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Barabait boy
What happened to the other thread, how did garbage like this >>3892296 even get replies
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Other thread?
Fuck off to it retard. Nobody linked you troons here.
who cares just post scaramouche
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>canonically nullo ken doll
is there a source on this
anyway I only pulled him after I saved picrel to my pc so here u guys go
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>is there sauce
No but it makes sense enough and gets the lolcow fujo angy so idc about going along with it. Aliexpress ‘Mouche shrine is based but when is hoyo making good official Genshinboi plushes? Wasted potential..
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The one
he is perfect
Course not it's a meme, a T rated animu game that doesn't even give characters ages would never say anything about whether or not they have cocks.
Grats on the pull, he's legit the most fun character to play in this game IMO.
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I wanna make a schizo shrine for my virtual simp targets like that, fahken' kino.
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Itto would bully him severely as punishment, right?
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Well? What was it...
The last pic I saved is from this thread. So Scara was crying because of Scara? Actually that kinda makes sense, if I killed all of my friends' descendants because of some troll I would cry too
post ‘mouche memes
Aether wondering in shock why his crush has a holeless bonerless art anatomy doll body
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>mspaint bucket fill nearest neighbor artifacting
That has to the the laziest shitdick edit I've ever seen.
Also porn goes on >>>/y/ newfag.
she’s just the mindshattered bbc spammer melting again after her 3 day putdown over scaramouche canonically being nullo
Is that what it is? I don't even play this game I just saw her posting porn from the index lmao.
yea she hella seethin L rizz beta asf fr
that's hilarious, i didn't know troons got so mad over pixel shotas
his dicklessness really ate at her soul
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Post Scara or gtfo
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Retarded reddit roastie.
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This is the best ship
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Scaramouche and his armpits? Yeah.
Scaramouche CANONICLY has a massive cock and a cute plapable bootyhole
surprised? /cm/ has always been by far the board with the most refined palate
shit it's that time when i begin filling my gallery with catamites again
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Scara has been spending too much time with Watatsumi’s general
How do you keep him from being ruined by the perverted dog?
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>Aether has to get THREE Scara dolls because he's so unsatisfied with a cockless, holeless, nullo doll
Less is more, Aether.. so greedy.
The dynamic from that pic is literally the opposite of what it would be. Gorou is the ultimate bullyable and Scara is the ultimate bully
>soft kabuki
>protective wanderer
>annoyed tsun scara
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Not enough scara tops gorou out there
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Aether teases him for his inability to top
But then Scaramuch rapes him with a screw on puppet ween
cute nullo boy
would rub my dick on his ken doll pelvis
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5 seconds earlier
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Your new kitty is acting out. What do you do?
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>Neutering a Cat: Everything You Need to Know
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slap that faggot upside the head and remind him who has the dick
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cool textures
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I love how every video with a cat and shiba ends with the cat bullying the shiba and showing him who’s boss.
cats are gay.
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And the pup is a pup boy so…
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can scaragoroufujo at least post good art thanks
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Post your cat-dog then.
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That's the gorou/cynofujo though.
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Current leaks seem pretty certain that 4.8 is a fairytale forest summer event with Scara as one of the main characters. Scarabros we might be finally getting a win
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>no skin
Still sad about it
Yeah it sucks, but we're 4 years into the game and there's only 3 male character outfits released so far, and only 1 of those is a 5*. It's clear whoever is making the costume decisions doesn't really care at all about male characters so I was pretty sure there was no skin coming. Sucks but whatever at least I don't have to give them money.
The story team though, they don't mind giving male characters the spotlight in the story, so I'm hopeful about whatever content they want to give us in the event. Hopefully it's character focused like the Fischl/Kazuha/Mona/Xinyan summer event.
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Valentine puppet fit
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bratty fuckpuppet..............
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imagine if boys of his kin could breed and become pregnant, rendering women obsolete
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Scara artists are too powerful. Just one new design from a random collab is enough to create a tidal wave of new fanart
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