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Thread for talking about manga that deals heavily with crossdressing or at least features a very prominent crossdressing character. Manga about a guy physically transformed into a woman can get the fuck out, manga about trans women is a case by case decision.

Crossplay Love - A fun little romcom. It's one of those series where they don't want to progress the main thing so they keep adding characters who fall in love with people they don't realize are crossdressing guys. But it always has a good amount of crossdressing. Sadly not very horny, but good comedy

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl - It's alright. Only one crossdressing character, very little hijinks, mild horniness.

Love Me For Who I Am - Main character is non-binary but there's a decent amount of crossdressing happening around them, and you can always simply decided not to respect their gender and see them as a crossdressing boy. Very dramatic, lots of crying. Mild horniness.

What else ya got?
>manga about trannies is allowed if i like it
i'm all for calling mtfs men but this is a retarded way to let the usual hrtschizo shitposter shit up the thread
anyway post 6
I'm just saying, there can be a gray area. If a manga has some good crossdressing scenes but eventually the guy decides he's a girl, then the crossdressing scenes can still be discussed
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anybody here old enough to remember Princess Princess?
The goth from Moyashimon was a big deal for young me
shoutout to the only reason to read Assassination Classroom
I read Miki no Houkago recently, it's not very good.

I watched a few episodes a bit ago, I didn't know it's a manga adaptation. I'm gonna read this tonight!
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Crossdressing anime boys were around before you were born, and they will be there when you're cold in the ground
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I read the second volume of I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into A Girl and this is some frustrating shit. All they do is blush at each other, it's like a goddamn yuri manga. Everyone involved just wants the trap to get fucked stupid, including the trap himself, so quit beating around the bush already!
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FYI femboys aren’t trannies since they will nonstop tell you they’re male and seethe if you call them troons. That’s the easiest way to troll them.
It wouldn’t matter since femboys on HRT aren't trannies. They’re mostly just gay/bi men so afraid of twink death that they chemically neuter themselves while telling themselves they’re still normal guys.
Also is becoming a theme in doujins https://myreadingmanga.info/ichi-no-hako-tsukumo-nikyu-femboy-friend-kantai-collection-kancolle-dj-eng/
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I don't give a single fuck, so long as I keep getting cute boys wearing (body) stockings.
>tfw nobody calls him a freak and beats him up
go back to lolcow, boobaschizo genshin tranny
Stop giving her attention to finger her slit to.
Personal experience? Cute.. little ftm freak.
She’s a janny and gets it anyway.
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I've read Princess Princess manga years ago, but still remember some good things. I would say it is well rounded and didn't find room for any major criticism, compared to mangas like Princess Jellyfish (first half if great but second one was rushed) and Maria Holic (it starts hard but gradually becomes just a bunch of random nonsense after 6th volume and nothing is resolved).
This >she gets off to it.
see, the boys are cute i give, but the plot of that show barely makes sense

Main characters are somewhat a twin/doppelganger assassins. To differentiate one need to pose as a girl. It's really unpredictable and crazy lol. It has it all from boobs to gay things
just got the 6th psychical volume in English today, not sure how to spoiler tag but he confesses in the next volume. But it's cute and very relatable for me, a femboy.
Traps are not trannies, dumbarse.
Traps are men that like girls clothes, they do not want to be women, just to look like them.
Trannies want to be women, and to chop of their dicks to try and facilitate that. Traps like their dicks and do not want to remove them.
why are you melting at that post and not the roastie cunt calling them trannies then?
learn to read you retarded troon
I read 'I'm all for mtf' and stopped reading there.
No acceptance for trannies. Zero.
get help you brainbroken retard
Want me to beat you up instead?
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Fr though, does anyone know a manga where this actually happens
i've only seen it in hentai
Picrel is trangender yaoi-yuri
Yuri does not include penises and transgenders don't exist.
"The Little Lies We All Tell" is hilarious and includes the thread subject. Go read it, I won't spoil the fun

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