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The most hated anime villain in the medium's history... and arguably the sexiest.
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Reminder the entire point of the story is when Fate is stronger than human will. When he made that "choice" he literally had an almost all-powerful demon inside of his head showing him illusions and manipulating him, was isolated from everyone else besides the demons, had been tortured for over a year, and was under the impression his friends would abandon him, and those demons had been influencing and arranging his life for decades.

Only a sincerely dumb person thinks Griffith had any meaningful degree of free will in that situation, only an idiot thinks he was evil.

You'd shit your pants and sell out your family to get away if you just saw a single real demon, bitch.
While yes, griffith is a "victim" of fate. He still made the decision. A decision which guts did not make.

This demonstrates the idea that fate is not an excuse.

I can confidently say I wouldn't sell out my family to save my own life or end my own suffering. I would however sell out a portion of my family to save another portion. There's layers to this shit.

Griffith isn't a villain, but he's also not innocent. You can be both victim and victimizer.
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Sure, he was manipulated into the eclipse, and sure he wasn't born ontologically evil, but he is absolutely a villain. He sacrificed the Band of the Hawk, raped Casca, and made Guts' life a living hell, not to mention starting the magic apocalypse. It's possible to have sympathetic motivations and still do horrible things.
>"You'd shit your pants and sell out your family to get away if you just saw a single real demon, bitch."
Fair, but I legitimately want to cuddle with Femto.
If only Guts dicked down Griffith, none of the bad shit would've happened. And I'll die on that hill.
I am unbelievably sad
they should be happy together
The prostate orgasm that (would have) saved the Midland.
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People find Griffith so horrible because they fear they would damn their friends to hell too. Anyone who says they would never considered sacrificing the people they believe abandoned them after having their dream snatched out from under them and suffering a year of brutal, excoriating torture are not honest or introspective.
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>ywn have an impossibly beautiful man obsess over you
>ywn fall madly in love with this man who seemingly descended from the Heavens just to be with you
>ywn be with Griffith

Guts is an actual fucking retard and he doomed the world for not being with Griffith when he offered his Griffussy on a silver platter.
Is it bad that I find Femto hotter than Griffith?
>suggestively contaminating my straw
How could anyone say that this monster did nothing wrong?
me too, anime nu-griffith hurts my eyes
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>the one good thing in Berserk 2016 is Griffith eye-fucking the viewer like Rick Grimes
I want Griffith to fuck me
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if not boyfriend why boyfriend shaped?
God I wish I was him bros
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It's righteous.
No one fucking cares this is 4cah not twitter, you dumbass
They both have their allure, I would sex with either.
I also wish you were him and lived in my area
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>The most hated anime villain in the medium's history.
Hardly. The most hated villain wouldn't have popularized the "X did nothing wrong" meme.
>You'd shit your pants
I would NEVER.
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>popularized the "X did nothing wrong" meme
anon, that was Hitler
And after a session of professional manipulation and guilt tripping from God, don't forget. I've always emphasized with Griffith intellectually, but I didn't truly understand him until I went through my own mental and physical hell a few years ago. A normal person can't imagine what it does to your mind when oblivion - total and absolute - is the only thing left for you to desire. You don't want anything; you don't feel anything beyond this pitch-black despair and your only wish is to make it all disappear, your very self included.
Having seen this black hole myself, I can honestly say I do not know what I'd do in his place. It's entirely possible my choice would be the same, even though I'd never do it in a more normal state of mind.
Amazing art and reference.
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>I have two sides
>hot and hotter
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we're talking anime baddies not real people
If Griffith (Golden Age or post-Eclipse) was real and was in your bedroom, how romantic would you be with him?
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>ywn meet the God Hand and ask them for hot sex with Femto in exchange for someone you love as a Sacrifice
>ywn see the Blessed King of Longing blush with embarrassment from your bluntly-requested wish
>ywn see the Hawk of Darkness dominantly fuck you in missionary
>ywn see a contented, non-evil smile form on Femto's face as you lie in his arms during post-coital aftercare

Righteous, indeed...

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