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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Summer is shota season edition.

Previous: >>3893846
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I hope NoEyebrow draws some more summer scenes.
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Here's a different translation.
That's the best one so far ty
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Uncensored alt: https://files.catbox.moe/qi4opq.jpg
Original comic: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96712104
>was so turned on by just going shopping with his dream sensei that he came his pants

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It's normal for boys to get aroused by everything when they are teenagers. Their little bodies are being bombarded by hormones and driving them crazy like dogs in heat.
Original comic: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96707444
>money counting tanned boy at the flea market
>I'm not one of the goods for sale..
>so could you please stop looking at me like that
>(imaginary voices)

>don't forget to take off your bandana
>I knoow~ I'll make sure to remove it this time!
>*pop* *pop*

>*shota-oni couple watching a horror movie*
>S-should I turn the volume down? Not that it bothers me but..
>I'll leave it up to you (Tsubaki)
>I'm also fine either way

For the sake of completeness.
You're one of the most based posters
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Shotas are weak to tickle attacks.
I used to have dreams like that but was still in denial about being gay, except my bf in the dream wasn't faceless because I was dreaming about a real person I knew.
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what did you do in the dream?
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Tons of stuff, but most of the time not lewd, just dates most of the time, this isn't the board for it so I'm not going in to detail or sharing more than this when I don't have pictures to contribute.
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that's fine i was mostly wondering things like if you rode a Ferris wheel or a romantic cruise, stuff like that
Need... Sho... BF...
Thank you!
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this is my favorite shota picture of all time, thanks for reposting it :)
What do you like about it so much?

For me, it's really cute but unexceptional.
it makes me feel like home
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these in your face?
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Imagine the smell
Why do you keep spamming this? Get a job.
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Summer is for /ss/: Shotas in Speedos.
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shirtless shotas
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Why are soccer shotas so gay?
Because sports are for fags.
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then fuck off normalfag
>knee rubbing his penis
Is he old enough to be hard? I wonder.
>this board sucks cute shota cock
Ftfy :3
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Even fetuses can have erections. Boners are just the result of pumping the penis with blood until it becomes the big penis, and they can occur without stimulation of any kind. Erections simply are more common during early adolescence because the hormones in the body increase the frequency of "surprise boners", and because the genitals begin to mature and grow at this age (making easier to spot boners through clothes).
>Even fetuses can have erections
This is knowledge I could have died without.
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It sounds weird, but a baby/kid who can't get a boner would be a legitimate cause of concern.
From the very moment the penis is formed, the body will begin to make periodic "trial erections" on it to ensure it's ready for when a boner is really needed. These "trial erections" become more frequent during puberty because the body is testing its new features (semen production and ejaculation), but the frequency will decrease with time when the mind learns to control and "deactivate" involuntary boners.
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Make shos happy!
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lots of sex makes shos happy
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>Even fetuses can have erections

This is the worst sentence I’ve ever read.
With other shos specially
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What are they watching?
Cap this for the eternal hall of shame.
Sounds bunk. I couldn’t get erections at all before 11.
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Why is shos with psychic powers such a kino trope
Based <3
read the institute by stephen king anon
Contrasts are interesting. The juxtaposition of what is usually thought of as the weakest thing in society (children) suddenly being granted incredible ex fiat powers which turn them into some of the strongest things in society is interesting.
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Cute and powerful is kino
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haru bf
I have 0 desire to play his game but he's pretty hot
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Just curious, is it the gameplay (grindy open zone real-time MMO-esque JRPG) or the content (omg boobies harem anime shit) or both that serve as a deterrent?
Both honestly. Also as much as I like Rex's design his english dub voice sounds like shit to me.
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Yeah, I played the game with Japanese audio. He's voiced by Hiro Shimono and is super cute.
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is he shota?
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That's a big butt.
Should shotas be innocent and carefree of the carnal desires that will later consume them, or should the be solicitous and teasing, constantly probing the mental restraint of the men around them with their butts, legs and probes?
Should do whatever they want and figure it out for themselves. I teased guys with my posture all the time growing up without knowing I was doing it because it was just what was comfortable.
>I teased guys with my posture all the time growing up
Do tell.
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Imagine a world where you could casually buy a shota for a dollar.
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I'd be a shota collector
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Watching shotas unconsciously do lewd things like rubbing their bulges and butts against tables, pillows and couches (and even against you) because “it feels funny” is a unique sight.
It seems most very young boys do this; I used to lie down on the floor and rub against it in plain view.

Personally I like when a boy is knowingly teasing an older boy/man, yet doesn't quite understand the viscerality of the desires they're eliciting, and are suddenly surprised by the inevitable consequences.
>train dog to like shos
>he constantly runs off to any sho in sight
>happily barks as he circles him
>signaling where he is to you
Would this work?
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I want to hug and kiss a sho and call him my little prince!
wish my dad had been like that
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>I want to hug and kiss a sho and call him my little prince!
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Based! Me too :3
I’m in love with this character
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>at least 4 main shota threads in the catalog at all times
>1 trap shota spin-off
>current non-shota trap thread is 50% shota
>classical art thread is 75% shota
>vocaloid threads are 85% shota
>TLoZ threads are 85% shota
>OMORI threads are 95% shota
>Megaman threads are 95% shota
>Hunter x Hunter threads are 95% shota
>MOTHER threads are 95% shota
>Splatoon threads are 95% shota
>kemono threads are 95% shota
>pokemon threads are 95% shota
>manga threads are 95% shota
>Super Sons thread is 100% shota
>Made in Abyss threads are 100% shota
>even Genshin threads, the biggest competing general, are 75% shota on average
>current Genshin thread is 100% shota
>only FotM generals like Hazbin Hotel and Poppy Playtime can compete, and even PP threads are full of shota-like art

The spirit of /sm/ lives within /cm/. Shotas are the main driving force of this board.
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Need android sho
Looks cute. Is his game worth playing?
yeah it's where's waldo hidden objects game with story. you can interact with each object when clicking on it.
Why the sudden hate on ellipses-kun?
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I like ellipses-kun.
new spidersho too over at co

I'm extremely over comic book trite but if the new spiderverse has spiderboy imma just have to
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This show really annoyed me because I actually enjoyed the dumb fun story and the fanservice detracted from it for me. Like really? You need to animate the outline of his clothes on his butt? Only his butt btw, the rest was not that detailed.
I hate western cartoons and artsyles, but you really don't sound like a shotacon in saying that.
Doesn't really sound like my kind of thing but the boy is cute
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Inaho and Mugi rough draft

Inaho (def. rice ear)
Full name: Kotatsu Inaho
Middle school first year, transfer student
However, he is constantly mistaken for an elementary schooler
Easily bullyable physique
Has good grades, but forgetful when it comes to anything other than studies
Very slow eater
Heart skipping a beat moment: When Mugi came to rescue him and got hurt in the process that time when he was getting bullied
(/cm/ has no spoiler tags unfortunately) Phimosis

relies on
cares for

Mugi (def. grains, wheat/barley esp.)
Full name: Yagawa Mugi
Middle school first year
Carefree (foolish?) character
Easily wounded physique (especially his left leg)
Hasn't won a single fight ever
Prepares bento boxes for his busily employed sister
A desire to protect Inaho surges inside him somehow. Unknowingly, he awakens to a new kind of emotion
Big pp

Makes it all the more annoying that they are still a rare sight in video games.
>after choir practice
>take sho back to your flat
>he collapses on the sofa next to you, then cheekily seaddles up into your lap, crosswise
>smooths down the robe between his legs whilst maintaining eye contact, then puts his arms around your neck
What do, /cm/?
don't say such dangerous things. Shotas should remain pure and unsullied for they are angels from heaven
Just because he's being a flirt doesn't mean you need to react, if being such a seraphim really does require being innocent of that sort of thing...
I like cute, I'm not sexually attracted to cute.
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>Just because he's being a flirt doesn't mean you need to react
You shouldn't if you don't wanna go to prison lol
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Tucking a sho in his cool race car bed and giving him a goodnight kiss!
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Thanks for the translations.
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Thank you for this as well.
Thank you for all of these as well. I'm doing this to get better and cringe when I reread so I'd prefer if a native speaker could go over and revise these translations wherever needed, but I'm happy as long as it's useful for someone.
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>I like cute, I'm not sexually attracted to cute.
I feel you on a spiritual level.
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>has phimosis
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round shota butt
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@a_zzskrynytns on Twitter
Characters are from Osomatsu-san
Thanks. Is that pic from the same artist? a_zzskrynytns' profile was set to private.
Yup! It is from the same artist and she always have her account private
Best boy
The warmth and joy that shos make me feel is immense <3
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He is literally me
Based. I wish i had a shota collection like that.
Thank you very much!!!
You eat your shirt?

Where's the best place to take a sho for a fun day out? The sea/an air-show/running around on a hill? Which?
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bros why do i like this pic so much, im not even a footfag
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Because those are shota foot, the only good and cute foots
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slime monsters are the number 1 enemy of shotas
Are chad shotas a thing?
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Shotas in vidya thread at /v/ >>>/v/679535709
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Florian is definitely a chad and seduces everyone effortlessly
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He looks like he fucks buff older men
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which one has the smallest cock?
lol the loli threads on v got shut down because lolicons are mentally deranged and then sperged out in the shota thread spamming porn.
speaking of /sm/, does anyone use the board from 8c dot moe?
Yeah... That was toxic af
At least we got some cute pics posted
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Cute little athletes
More importantly which one gets the biggest
I only recognize like 5 shos :(

I had forgotten how niggerish lolifags were outside /b/.
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>image search returns nothing
Fuck. I demand the source.
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Thanks. Search engines normally have old tweets indexed. no idea why this one didn't appear in the results.
This is why boys need each other.
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algorithms are weird
Imagine cuddling with all 3 of them at the same time <3
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/v/'s loli threads are "targeted" by mods because they have gotten bad to dangerous levels, combining /a/, /b/, /v/, /g/ and /tv/'s cancer in one:
>half of the threads (group A, including Roll, Sarah/TLOU, Pragmata, Pokemon, Fate and Idolmaster threads) are made every day by serial ban evaders who use these them as a pretext to post hardcore loli porn
>the other half (group B, including Onirism, Nobeta, A Hat in Time and pretty much every other indie loli game) are made every hour by a group of discordfags (who also are ban evaders) that use them to blog about themselves and roleplay
>any thread from group B will be full of consolewar-like shitposting involving the lolis from various indie games
>any thread from group A that lasts for more than 1 hour eventually devolves into petty arguments about pedophilia, and from this point two things can happen:
>the petty fight devolves into chaotic shitposting, with one side spamming wojaks, gore and reddit-tier antipedo memes, while the other half spams loli porn and propedo memes until a mod deletes the thread and randomly bans some users; or
>the discussion moves to fantasies involving real children, with some users going as far as posting child models, referencing CP and even posting CP themselves until a mod wakes up and bans everyone in the thread
>in any case, the usual response from lolicons is to immediately make more threads threads for the sole purpose of shitting on mods until enough IPs are banned (look at https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/subject/lolis/ for example)
>some autistic lolicons themselves are extremely aggressive towards other groups, having meltdowns over threads they don't like (like that shota thread) and spamming them until the thread dies
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Stop talking about loli
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What a bunch of subhumans
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this artist is king
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Simon gets big kamina cock
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No thanks I prefer shotas(female) as long as they don't look like >>3897232
Old ones are pruned it seems, yandex has the best chances but disable the filter
Clingy boys.
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Forgot to type "cute" lol
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Watching the stars with a shota!
I think I dropped OPM just before he got more prominent, with Zombie's introduction, but I never checked.
Bunny Link is so cute...
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Use your words anon
>ear piercings
>fingerless gloves

these two are going to be hooked on hard drugs selling their holes to old fat faceless men for drug money before you know it
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I love when shotas wear briefs with cute drawings.
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>Implying they're not into all of that already
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Me on the right. Everyone wants to be the small spoon, even rugged bandaged tops want to be the small spoon
Have you ever cuddled with a sho/been cuddled when you were a sho?
Yep. It's a lot easier to fall asleep with someone being big spoon for you.
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Need new bread...
I can't remember the last time I fell asleep next to someone. :(
>a sho meeting up with his bf
New thread: >>3897661
Need more shota harem content preferably with lucky oniichan

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