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I couldn’t find a Deku or Hero Academia thread as of the time of writing so I decided to make one.



The previous thread ended up with images featuring Deku being posted. There was (used to be?) a Deku-centric series of threads, so if anyone wishes to revive that then consider making a thread separate from this one. Otherwise, post Deku images here.

Deku /cm/ Archive:

The Apparently Last Deku Thread (not in the pastebin):
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If anyone wants to discuss about anything related to the series like the latest chapter spoilers then feel free. You can talk about Deku/Izuku here as well (like talking about [spoiler]how terrible his new haircut is[/spoiler]) or you can make a new thread for him. Thank you for stopping by and have a nice day.
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Toshinori is cute!
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Feel free to post more Deku if you want.
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Sauce: https://twitter.com/dkanrjteh66/status/1797200183685746923
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Let’s all love Kacchan!

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Nobody has to source the image every time. I did it mostly to keep track of artists.
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Source: https://twitter.com/koooogasya/status/1777022770733572153

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Dropped bnha around the time Mirko lost her limbs, did Kirishima appeared again until now? He was ny favorite
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Kirishima was relevant to Mina’s revenge plot with regards to Midnight’s killer as well as a confrontation with the Slime Villain from the first chapter. Other times he was grouped with the classes, like his appearance in the first chapter of the epilogue. There are probably other things I missed since the final act had gone on for a long time.

Source: https://twitter.com/pinari_krbk/status/1804073869835407631
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I heard the upcoming movie would be more interesting than the previous one, especially surrounding the fake All Might.
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