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Let's finally post some idv boys
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I want casual high waist pants, but i cant find them anywhere.
how does this game run on normal phones nowadays? i used to love playing it but heard the content bloat has made the game run really badly
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Honestly, even back when it first launched I found it nearly impossible to play on my phone, I can't imagine what it's like now.
A tablet might handle it a little better but I've personally only used Noxplayer (which I know seems silly because there is an actual PC version but the controls are wonky and Nox allows me to use a controller)
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>>3898340er its janky i wont lie its better to play on pc but if your phone is older then 5 goodluck,,, very fun game though!
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Dumping all the stuff I recently recovered from my old hard drive.
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There's a lot of Andrew...
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I think that's about it for now. There's more but I don't want to completely take over the thread.
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One more...

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