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Military guys doing military things edition
prev >>3891937
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Truth to be told I wanted to use picrel as the thread's OP but I thought it was way too lewd even though it's official...
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Ebichu phonecall parody (?)
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Preview of the second part of the novel dropped.
Anyone got a recap or do I have to go to /m/?
You could have just viewed the /m/ thread in the time it took you to ask.
there is not much on /m/, aside the link of a tweet translating a part of the novel.
you find more on twitter even in english if you search under bravern
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Putting this here
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I hate these fake people that pretend the reason they want Smith and Bravern to be separate is because he's such a nice guy who would never say any of the things bravern said and that they totally love him as a character. Come on.
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Smith is such a nice guy, he can't be gay. The robot is fine since he's not a biological man kek
Is it wrong to get far too excited for Smith and Isami's exposed nipples?
Waving the Bravern light stick to Smith and Isami's nipples!
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Absolutely not
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Nendo Isami when
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wonfes next month, let's cross fingers.
they showed already bravern nendo, so they might give a preview of isami's (and smith? i hope) and give a date for bravern release
I hope you are happy, he got figure maybe not exactly what you wanted...
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I am speechless yet not surprised
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no one saw that coming, not like the matsuri artwork
Nice of him saying that now (like he didn't say it already, but some people seems to ignore his words)
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I wonder if they sculpted his balls
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Light pants Smith next
>green eyed Smith who is always running hot in winter
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If any of you can get their hands on this, please share with us
Fondling Smissu from behind.....
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Was the position of the tomato cherry intentional
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Why you think so
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You win me over anon, just came to post that >>3901422 so here's another Cutesami
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Sunburnt Sumisu 1/3
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nsfw-ish versions
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The author was at dj event and this happened kek
Anyway, we are very close to the release of the second BD
I just got finished watching this show. How did everyone feel with Smith's last words being "I'm home" was there any significance behind that?
It's "dataima" so is mostly used in context to a person come back home (is used in other situations, but in that scene i don't think has other meaning).
Obari said that he came back because of Isami was calling for him.
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First day of the sweet paradise x bravern collab
you can mail order the merch
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Since the /m/ thread is gone...
preview of the new merch coming up, bath themed bravern salt/beer mug, towel, fan, curtain
was hoping to see new artworks but the fan and beer mug logo are neat
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>ywn be the onsen's vapor delicately condensing onto Isami and Smith's bare nipples
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What is going on in the novel
It's complicated and the summaries are more confusing than the first part
For now will just say that your interpretation depends all if you are bravern=smith believer or a non-human bravern believer (so smith and bravern are not the same).
And I have the impression that not many japanese understand what they read lol
But there is an Isami pov and it's pretty nice.
Isn't it tadaima?
lol sorry it's a typo
So far as translation we have this
>「遅えよ… 』

this dialogue makes it sound like Isami would prefer if it was BV who came back in the end instead of Sumisu lol NTR real (I'm only seeing things without context though)
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forget episode 9, this is going to be bravern 9/11
I read people saying it's more like a consensual 3some since Isami is very aware of BV=SMS but shipping aside i think they fumbled with this since it kind of loose the "hymn to humanity" concept of the show and the very straightforward resolution of the ending. BV is Smith because is his the manifestation part of his self as he was reborn as a robot, no idea why the muddling the water since it's gonna get confusing for everyone, even people without personal bias
It was too good to be true that a after story novel for an anime would be actually good
I think the point was the fact that BV disappeared because Smith didn't know if he was able to turn back into BV, which is why he leaves and goes MIA because during the cruise (it last half a year) he sees a lot of bad things that he wants to help fix, but can only do it as BV and he start to hear BV's voice in his head.
As far as I read seems like Isami liked the time he spent together with Smith and Lulu and wanted to live like that even after the cruise.
So even if the writing want to make the Bravern=Sumisu more nuanced, Bravern is still Smith because he needs his body to become him.
Yeah, find Isami going from wanting to keep living with Smith and Lulu to basically abandoning humanity and becoming a new being together with BV/Smith to be really weird (saw people call it a lover's suicide)

I saw an interesting take that Isami might be projecting Smith's feelings for him onto Bravern like Smith is, so because Smith didn't talk about his time as Bravern Isami thinks they're somehow separate beings and only BV is the one who loves him.
IDK why going that way for a BD novel, when he could have developed more Isami and Smith's pov on what happened during the show and Smith's struggle with the double identity. I mean, they show it but there is no actual talk, and you would expect, since it's a novel, to see them talk but they don't.
In Isami's pov the description often mention how he feels lonely without Smith and Lulu when they split and that's nice, but doesn't go that far, the only explicit (but confusing) monologue are always done by Bravern which doesn't make things clearer.

I think was, and probably still at this point, headcanon that Smith thought that Isami only liked his Bravern self but not him when Isami liked both. I don't personally dislike because Smith is showed as person who has a strong will but doesn't think highly of himself.

Anyway, if it ended with BV/Smith fusing again with Isami as spiritual and physical union i wouldn't have any problem, it's cute and romantic but since they added Lulu saying "you might not turn back like things were if you fuse" that seems like not even japanese understand if a) it means they are stuck like this 4ever (lover's suicide like you say) b) it means that if they fuse Bravern is back and live won't be normal again for Isami and Smith, since after the show was decided to keep Bravern "secret"
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and I want to add that the biggest disservice done was neglect Smith, this time I'm glad more people are saying that out loud in their reviews/thoughts
i had some hope, when i saw that comment made by obari about figure smith sitting on smith's t-shirt but... uh
*figure isami, fuck
Mfw the after story is a 3 month long cocktease and no resolution, and lulu lost her dads again what
Dads who? There is only Isami.
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I feel sad. Hoping for someone to post the entire novel so I can make my own conclusions.
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more than sad frustrated about the lackluster resolution of such interesting premise. like other anons said, it kind contradict the show if what fans says it's true. i wonder if this happened because the producer or obari himself let the scripterwriter working freely without any supervision
>it's official...
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As in, the red fundoshi is official
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Found some commentary/analysis from non-japanese people who read and translated the last part of the novel
>small detail about the family cruise

Personally, never thought that was 100% bad but there a bunch of big issues like muddling the bravern=smith dynamic for drama, lack of portrayal of smith inner struggle and how this novel is a supplemental content that could lead to a sequel but it's locked behind 40,000 yen BD
(also i have the feeling that since the writer not a novelist maybe made things confusing even to japanese readers)

ps. isami unlocked his breathplay/choking fetish
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>isami unlocked his breathplay/choking fetish
Enjoys getting told what to do, prime bullying target, a bit of an exhibitionist and now he has a breathplay and choking kink. Literally made for rough sex.
stupid hot 24yo virgin that should stop being emotionally constipated
that dialogue/scene out of context sound super weird, but now even japanese are understanding what imply, since for isami smith leaving after their cruise hurt him (and isami wanted to ask smith to stay together, with lulu as well but didn't have the courage).
is a bit long and gtranslate is fairly decent
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yeah I'm more okay with it after reading various interpretations. You only end up with the really negative take if you see Bravern/Smith as zero-sum and assume the writer wants to intentionally ruin the original series. I also agree with some people that it would be easier to read through the weirdness if it was in visuals and not pure text lol it is pretty weird to have as a BD-only thing.

But I am also an Isamifag above else and it gave us more details that make him more cute and fuckable. I was a bit worried about how they'd portray him post-series but I'm glad they don't forget that being a submissive codependent mess is core of his character.

I'm a bit bummed so many japanese fans are so upset, I hope it calms down soon and people chill. at least it's not a total fandom meltdown, the August doujin event just hit 150 circles.
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>I'm glad they don't forget that being a submissive codependent mess is core of his character
Isami deserves to be edged for 36 hours!
>edged you say
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>I'm a bit bummed so many japanese fans are so upset, I hope it calms down soon and people chill
Me too as well, but somehow I'm kind of relieved to see how many cares about Smith as a character and want see him happy.
I know that people already felt iffy when Isami and Smith were often put apart in official art for merch, or obari not talking about smith so seeing him have a very little screen time kinda stuck a nerve (and i guess probably this issue wouldn't exist if a side of the fandom, small but still there, was hostile with him with the whole non-human bravern).
Isami is so cute when he's being fucked as hard as he likes to! Also good lord sauce please
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lewd things aside, the mole isami is the cutest shit ever
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maybe i missed it but where is the isami breathplay kink coming from?
lulu chocking him the first time and afaik in his pov he mention that again with a nostalgic tone (like he liked it) but don't count me on be 100% correct on that. but for sure people are drawing him getting choked.
>in his pov he mention that again with a nostalgic tone (like he liked it)
>but for sure people are drawing him getting choked.
lmao i'm not surprised. Glad people still want to sexually bully him.
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Were they really having metaphorical sex in front of everyone when they fused again?
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Yes and Isami was being a needy slut wanting it right away. Also: they both cry during sex confirmed.
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metaphorical sex and wedding
imagine spend half a year in a three story house and not doing anything because both of you are helpless virgins but fucking in front of your former comrades is fine and dandy
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Need doujin where they can only un-fuse if they have sex.
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Anyway, from today you can buy ticket for the streaming of the matsuri event
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Needy (wants a kiss and perhaps something more) slut (from the virgin blonde marine)
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isami please, eat that tomato before it falls off
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it remind me that there is a sumiisa one hour drawing account/tag
>they both cry during sex
why is that so wholesome and sexy at the same time?
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This artist deleted all their art too nooo
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Trying to remember the artist, they also drew a lot of Bravern/Isami?
afaik only had 1 artist i was following deleting their account (but remaking a new account) but keeping their art archived on pixiv
anyway, selfcest green/blue eyes sumisu hot
spitroast Isami! train with Isami!
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that's too much dick for a single (virgin) guy
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Extra virgin oil competing with gakuen Sumiisa on the Virgin Tournament...
even if seems unlikely DT sumisu is so hot
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Looks like first week BD sales for v2 were more than the first one despite no event serial. omedetou bari & co.

>4646 24/7/3 勇気爆
thats good to hear. you have the source?
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thank you!
That's good! But also, Isami puffy nips
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Isami cute brown nips
e r o t i c
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I'm a fan of Sumisu with inverted nips as a personal fetish but with such toned and muscular body Isami having puffy nips is sexy
>Bearded Isami
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has anyone photographed or scanned Obari's storyboards that came with yhe BD? I'm dying for them over here
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no, but some of them were posted on obari's twitter account or showed the pop up shop.
i remember a jp fan made a post about the writing notes on the storyboards (like a note saying "smith isami are looking at each other" after their training or "smith looks pissed" after isami says "dead people should talk").
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based sumiisafags always making the best art
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I don't have the BD storyboard collection but he has posted some to twitter. I love how he gives them long eyelashes.

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bought the otsukare book in hope to see him give us an illustration of isami and smith (and other characters) in his style but somehow i think his style is not up to nowadays standards
wait, ill rephrase: i think HE thinks that his style is not good, which is why he draws mostly mecha. one of the most recent drawing of a human i saw before bravern was guel from gwitch
I am also waiting for scans or pictures of Obari's storyboards, cum on
Lordy his Smith and Isami are so sexy... Obari please draw the boys more
For me it's the lips too. No wonder Bravern was so kissable.
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some people are still bummed about the writing in the novel, but at least now fans are focusing on the good stuff like the description of smith cutting isami's hair (if im not wrong, he says that smith hands feel good??)
also there is this thing
have seen several people looking into indirect symbolism like that.
drowning (like Smith in the OP) is used as imagery for falling in love lol
i remember reading about that but it's funny because he wasn't falling in water but in space.
anyway, they got more explicit stuff, the boyfriend shirt, the ankle bracelet having their respective colors in their merch etc
but ngl this kind of shit is cute
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The new girls summer arts drawn by Kamo look way better than the first batch of solo arts they made but most importantly, Bravern body pillow finally... one step closer for Isami and Smith body pillows...
Uooo obari drawn sexy BV. also subtle imagery on Miyu's tube being orthos/rekka/rhinos lol

the lack of the boys on the beach art is a bit surprising but maybe they'll get something announced at the festival. I think most of the live audience for that will be fujos etc since typical male otaku don't care that much about male seiyuu appearances.
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I can't stop thinking about Smith and Isami sex everyday

have I become a porn addict
Sumisu's fat fucking tits...
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Craving AraSata angst
Robot fuckers won.
those robot pits... he no longer shy to show them off
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Now they can lose their virginities!
Sex with either Isami and/or Smith must be so fun... imagine all the embarrassed faces they'd make...
There's so little of them together, it's not fair
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Oh to be smothered in Smith's smiths
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Frotting with Sumisu...
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can't stop fapping to them.
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Isami oppai are a miracle of the universe.
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they are both hot, it's understandable
anyway, some people out there are just too powerful. selfcest is hot but bravern/sumisu post ep 12 is peak
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no hate, but all the satake ships that are not with isami are more interesting, especially satake/plumman
but you can't really beat the mentor/pupil dynamic
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