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I don't know if there's a name for this, Victorian boy fit maybe?
But god it's so cute I love ittt so I am making a thread for it and hoping to find more anons who are into it too
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That's all I got
I got a couple of other pics but they are over 5 mb and I am too lazy to resize them
I don't know if this attire has a name (looks like a school uniform anglos and krauts would wear), but it's one of my favorite ways to dress boys. It makes them look mature but still childish, and even spooky in the right circumstances.
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Some creepy/gothic/emo pics.
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For some reason this outfit is popular with catbous.
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New phone wallpaper.
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This is one of my favorite pics. long socks are underrated.
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Bonus: shirt + suspender shorts in other colors.
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More catboys.
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Last pic. I hope they were of your liking.
FUCK YEAH ANON right when I was scouring my folders to look for a pic to bump the thread with
Thank you so much I was looking specially for these
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i have this outfit :3
What do you usually call it?
I been looking for a name for a while
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This looks so good on shotas.
I think I found a name for this: newsboy outfit.
I you search "newsboy outfit" you'll see images of kids dressed in a very similar way and webpages saying this outfit used to be popular with boys in the 20s, which explains why the white shirt + black shorts combo suits shotas so well.
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I like it when they wear the silly hats too.
Are you guys for real? You don't know that white shirt and black shorts are typical Japanese elementary school boy uniform?
Is it?
I have seen a few pics and while the shorts are accurate they seem to wear that black jacket highschool ones use and the suspenders seem to be mostly used by female students

The meme is from the early days of manga. So 50 years old? I doubt there is even one Japanese elementary - or any other - school that haven't updated their uniforms since then.

For argument's sake the elements of shorts combined with a shirt could well be seen in England up to, well, today for certain schools. But you wouldn't see the kids wear a shirt outdoors. There would always be a jacket. How else to protect an expensive white shirt back when washing was a very different task from today. However I will grant that the shirt/shorts style was likely just yet another thing Japan copied off Europe back in the Victorian age.
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Most Japanese elementary schools don't have a uniform or even a dress code at all and kids go to school with casual wear. Exceptions being gym clothes usually for PE class as well as swimsuits.
The elementary schools that do have uniforms and therefore a dress code are chiefly private schools. So no, it's not typical for elementary schools in general but yes, for the ones that do have uniforms this is one of the several types and they tend to have a jacket for use on top during the colder seasons too.
Some preschools may also have these.
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What did P2 mean by this? (Yeah, yeah, technically not black suspenders, blah, blah, blah, whatever.)

[spoiler]Isn't it kind of weird how this outfit and the old gakusei cap are gay-coded? In the west, we have our construction workers, cowboys, cops, sailors, and the like, but some of the gayest stuff you can wear in Japan is antiquated school uniforms. This revelation just dawned on me and it struck me as kind of odd. I mean, obviously, crossdressing/androgyny is universal[/spoiler]
>[spoiler]Isn't it kind of weird how this outfit and the old gakusei cap are gay-coded? In the west, we have our construction workers, cowboys, cops, sailors, and the like, but some of the gayest stuff you can wear in Japan is antiquated school uniforms. This revelation just dawned on me and it struck me as kind of odd. I mean, obviously, crossdressing/androgyny is universal[/spoiler]
I'm gonna' lose it.
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