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Post and rate husbandos
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Alternative one
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fujo chart
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Nice it's been a while. I have some transparent charts
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Hard mode
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I use to have a kind but now I don't really know
5/10. You could describe your type as outgoing/adventurous/masculine men I suppose. I personally dislike it though.
3/10, I don't recognize many of those but I can recognize that most of them look incredibly unappealing.
Nvm I puke.
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I like vain men, scumbags, scientists of dubious ethics, cool robots, and any combination of these traits.
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phoneposting from work so sorry if it has gaps and low quality pics.
mah man.
>>3897872 #
old dante, ranma and edgeworth are the best.
>>3897874 #
woman (derogatory)
>>3897898 #
so many robots/androids, mechs, are you autistic by any chance?
>shota mell
literally why
it's just Mell in general not particularly his younger self.
i take pity on his story and quite like both his climsy and studious nature, and his design.
ugly irl
ugly irl
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*borat voice* mai waives(male)

my nigga
any chart with solaire and dante is good in my book
honestly based toasterfucker
70% sure you're a woman
Every chart ITT is blatantly fujo except maybe >>3897965
This makes sense as this board is made out of mostly women larping as people who hate women.
>except maybe >>3897965 #
Liking skinny androgynous white haired elf boys is incredibly fujoshit.
What makes them ugly irl?
excuse you i >>3897965 am not a gahdamn fujo
Modern fujos like tumblr sexymen, transformers, and manhwa style muscle boys. Liking Griffith and androgyny is the equivalent of wearing a lapel pin of a mars symbol nowadays.
He is still cute.
Don't put Transformers on the same place as fujos.
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I realized halfway through I should have done a bigger version
>This makes sense as this board is made out of mostly women larping as people who hate women.
genuinely delusional
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Dunno who any of the other characters are besides Emil but based sword ojisan lover.
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>Dunno who any of the other characters are
s/he's mistaking one or two loud schizos for the majority

Trash, entire chart discarded

Reasonably good taste

Most of the rest are literal whos
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bottom or female (most likely the latter)
all exclusively shotas and/or femboys then there's raiden..
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>not a femboy
To be fair he also has lenga valentine on there
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Fun way to judge these. Here's mine updated for this year. Curious to see if you are able to correctly analyze me.

There is an order and it operates like a clock:
1. Tajima
2. Kazehaya
3. Gold
14. Syo
15. Dai
50. Souma
I'd say obvious top but guess you want to play counterintuitively against me so I say you're versatile.
Overall you like prettyboys and you've got a damn well good taste.
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Correct on vers. If I am going to be "cursed" to be a deviant homo, may as well enjoy the fact that gay sex doesn't necessarily have fixed roles outside of personal preference. And thanks for the vote of confidence on my taste, though I fear it is in part won by shotgunning my way to victory. My total list is around 125 options currently and whittling it down to just 50 still resulted in some hard cuts. Also here's the template for anyone that wants it. Just updating last year's took over an hour, so this is not for the faint of heart.
good guess, i'm actually a bottom-leaning vers, but i can see where you got top from
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he's a femboy desu
Hmmmm, I'm not convinced. Need more evidence
Oh, anon, you got it wrong! Shame on you~

All Leons are cute, eat shit
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decided to make a bigger version because I couldn't put everyone in
So so very wrong, dear anon. I am a switch. There is nothing more fun than to both give and take.
i would but i don't want to spam the thread with something offtopic
Welp, time to adjust my metrics I guess.
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nari supremacy
Cyno please
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you are not over 18
varre brothers unite
minus points for any persona guy bonus points for being one of the only good ones also wander is a good dark horse pick.
harry being on this compared to the rest is fucking insane
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It's okay. I get you.
Harry is simply amazing, and he comes in many different flavours.
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wew I started this ages ago... haven't been keeping up with comics but I like seeing what scott's up to. character of all time
gold is cute!
based kirei enjoyer
oh shit is that serious weakness?
die out
no disagreement
yes and you have my utmost respect
You like tumblr sexymen,
funko collection
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Both impressed and scared
How do you feel about long-haire, sexy, Age of Apocalypse Cyclops?
not a fan :(
I'm more of a nendoroid person

Linking the last thread because it sure was an "interesting" one.
I really liked Cyclops as a kid and I'm not sure if I wanted to fuck or become him but I think I ended up becoming him.

At least, my semi-jokey conceptualization of him.
The Hell is a Uranist, btw?
I am a uranist
>I'm not sure if I wanted to fuck or become him
This is how I feel about most of mine
Well, what is it?
I feel like that's a bad sign.
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Not judging, but why?
I like his accent and I find his portrait attractive. I found his presence really comforting and I liked how he helped protag-kun through Rapture. I was really invested in helping him, honestly, and it surprised me when it turned out he wasn't who he said he was but that just made me love him more. If he hadn't been a dick about it after the reveal, I probably still would've helped him take over the city.
You seem insufferable.
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My husband, my boyfriend, the love of my life
Based Kokichi enjoyer
That means I fucked your brother.
Very weak taste in the thread this time around... Sad
What's wrong with it speciffically?
Sorry to ask, but does anyone have a template that's bigger than this >>3897855, but smaller than >>3897857? Thank you.

Here >>3899411 is mine, which is an even 50. I had an idea for a 100 template, but I haven't made it yet since I don't have enough characters to make a particularly passionate top 100.
I don't have a brother.
Westoid slop.
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Nobody cares but I'll post it again.
Gutter tastes.
igazu is a whiny little man child who should of died in the gutter, rusty however....
higgs would be hotter if he wasnt voiced by nolan north
>igazu is a whiny little man child who should of died in the gutter
That's why I love him
Sorry they're not cute anime shotas.
I really don't get how you can have Master Chief on the same chart as a Persona villain.
Master chief has a neat mask and I like that he's the strong and silent type, also I enjoy riding in warthogs. Adachi is fantastically creepy in contrast. Sometimes you want a hero, sometimes you wanna watch a guy push bitches into tvs. I'm surprised the ninja turtle isn't the thing that concerns you.

The trouble with the other charts is there's no variety imo.
>no variety
most people tend to have a type
I'm just saying, there are so many cute boys in the world. Steak is great, but it gets boring if you eat it all the time.
>The trouble with the other charts is there's no variety imo.
Bitch please, you just don't watch these anime. There is quite a lot of variety in them. How about you educate yourself before saying such wrong statements.
Cope, you reject. And play some better games while you're at it.
What better games have guys as adorable as Ordis and Crow or as cool as Adam?
>Edgeworth & Mondo
>Adachi and Rock Lee
Based. Why Le'garde?
Le'garde is pretty and I like the challenge of trying to save him in under 30. Also I'm with anybody who's trying to take over the world or become God or whatever else in that vein. Ambitious people are cool.
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9/10 cus our tastes are pretty similar (thanks for the template!)

can anyone tell me what my chart says about me
>can anyone tell me what my chart says about me
you should be in prison but you're so based no prison could contain you
You like little boys, nigga
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Except for a handful of exceptions, I'd say my type is pretty obvious(ly toxic)
that's a blast to the past
based and shotapilled
begone twitteroids
Shut up, falseflagging retard.
So anon, how did you fall in love with your husband/s.
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i know it's basic taste, but it's genuine. i want Shinji and Kaworu to spitroast me.
Fell in love with Ashe after like two support convos because he was cute. Shinji doujins and fanart got me on him and Kaworu. And when playing Arkham Knight, i kept fantasizing about rescuing Jason and then making love to him.
Yeah...I can't deny that I'm old.
Most of my husbandos, I've had for a very long time. I don't usually let go, just occasionally add on to the harem.
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Most of these are Yugayhoes but I can't help myself Yugioh has some pretty great guys
Please love me.
I don't see any issue with this.
Yugioh does have many good boys, very understandable. Albeit for me it is Kaiba, foremost.
Many such cases indeed
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Do you prefer Akira before or after the change? Personally I think he's more attractive before he becomes Devil-mahnnnnn.
ok here's a new chart to rate, i hit it with the de-shotafy laser (as best as i could)

exquisite* taste also ashe is S++ tier fire emblem twink

you're so real for having canti on your chart
He's 100x more attractive before the change, and it's way worse for his design in crybaby. i could barely keep interest in the show after he turned into the devilman SO EARLY
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I'm more of a Ramuda guy, but Juushi is cute too!
Agreed, fucking agreed! I can't believe they made his design so ugly. Honestly, I'd prefer if he only transformed before fights or highly emotional moments. The idea of cute little Akira containing a demon is perfect.

Look at how they massacred my boy.
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This is for adult men for the most part, I'll make one for shounen and shota later
God tier taste anon! I'm glad to see there's other trails shotacons out there. Me personally I'm a joshua and campanella enjoyer.

Based shotachad

All of these are great picks, especially sebastian and yosuke
Glad my template was of some use. While we only have 7/50 overlapping, there are a few that are on my master list: Sora, Shun, and Kazuki. Furthermore, can't say no to porn of Gorou, Tetora, Young Neil, or Pit.
I love both versions of Akira but if I had to pick one I'd pick him before he becomes DEVILMAAAAAAAN cuz he's really cute
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Based Kamille and Canti enjoyer
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damn why don't we have a devilman thread?
We did, once
Jinguji is wonderful. Shou Hayami's voice is absolutely exquisite.

Ramuda is a cutie, too. He's the one who caught my eye and got me to check out Hypnosis Mic in the first place.

I'll be honest there isn't a single HypMic character that I dislike. I just gravitate the most to Juushi both because of the visual kei aspect and him being such a crybaby.
I do! Top tier taste anon
Thanks, anyone in particular?

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