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A thread for posting non-shota otoko no ko, crossdressers, and more. Ignore and hide all bait and tranny posts. No Genshin posting either, please -- Venti is everywhere, I'm tired of seeing him.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Offshoot of: >>3895388, as it's been converted into a general trap thread.
Girlysho thread: >>3878372
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can't remember the pixiv id. but you can iqdb it
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>no genshin
>posts Freminet
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He is the cutest genshin shota tbf
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i didn't know it was a genshin character kek
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The default pixiv filenames lead to the exact pixiv file id, especially with 4chanx where it's just 1 click away- why are you changing them to a broken url.
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Based Envy poster
There need to be more yandere shotas like him
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>everyone's twitter likes private
>can't crawl through the likes of artists i enjoy anymore for similar artists
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this person's oc is really cute
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>No Genshin posting either,
Cope and Seethe.
>Offshoot of: >>3895388, as it's been converted into a general trap thread.
I genuinely can't tell the difference between both threads. OP claims the other thread has become a trap thread, but then wants this thread to be about otoko no ko (traps). He also states that shota and Genshjn characters aren't allowed, but then posts exactly that during his initial dump.
Genshitfags and barafags.
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1. i wasn't aware that was a genshin character. but desu it's one very off-model picture amidst the 15 or so i posted
2. that thread is now full of shota/toddlercon tier stuff. i made the first trap general with the caveat that there shouldn't be any shota; people have decided they want them there (despite the girlysho thread existing), so i just made another thread and am filtering/hiding any shota posts itt. by 'general' i was quoting this post >>3895955.
3. i haven't actually posted any shota.
>b-but you have!!1
ok, to you

note that i don't actually hate shota or genshin, i just want to see a very specific thing that isn't being posted anywhere else on this board. i'd also hoped to see higher quality art being shared, a lot of what's posted in the trap thread so far (and the shota stuff itt from who i think is the local schizo) is very poorly drawn and boring to look at.
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The genshitfag (genshindyke) you mean?
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Med the fuck up autist.
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This is shota. Freminet is shota and looks like it in the art you posted. Half the stuff you've posted is tagged as shota on the pixiv variants. Take your meds, roastie.
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is that Astolfo
calm down kek
>”take your meds” he says, while ragequitting over the implication a stranger online doesn’t want to see shota
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Ignore the discord poster
>Literally posting a woman
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what the fuck
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what's the matter
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i really dislike this picture
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much better
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>still spamming shota stuff
>three threads to post in
>insists on coming here
pressed and obsessed
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>thread for posting non-shota otoko no ko, crossdressers, and more.

>half thread is shota
>other half is otokonoko/traps

could've just made a bishounen thread and that would've worked
>posts a shota while melting about shota
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What's the deal with all the shota on /cm/? I remember it being a large portion of the site even 6 years ago but I don't remember it being this bad. Something to do with tumblr going down or something?
Maybe it's due to being banned everywhere? It's only here or X almost.
>Venti is everywhere, I'm tired of seeing him.
L ass take. I'm not.
tumblr hated shota retard
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to be fair, i did politely request no shota...i guess i just inadvertently pressed down on a shotafags sense of oppression or whatever and he couldn't help but to meltdown all over the thread (e.g. angrily quoting multiple posts and spamming his ugly images)

anyway hiding the thumbnails takes less than a second. mildly annoyed that i have to do that -- especially since i'm sure they wouldn't appreciate me posting an "older bishonen" in the girlysho thread -- but it's whatever at this point
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Everything posted has been twinks
The only one angrily spamming is you
Big L
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love the mole
wrong thread, /girlysho/ is down the hall
They're all too old for girly sho
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female character
nigga marulk is literally one
He's 13 retard.
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>forcing a war criminal to run around as a jpop star
Dumb doggo boy otokonoko
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who's this
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Just the artist's oc. The original artwork has been deleted (along with 99% of the artist's other work) so I can't say what the exact description was but I remember it being tagged "otoko no ko" and "original"
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Don't use my ship to shitpost with dumb woman.
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yet the 1k+ year ones are ok? yeah you're retarded
Don't use my husband to shitpost with dumb woman.
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>even the japanese consider her a girl
>wiki chooses to misgender her unlike the official Happiness wiki and Wikipedia
She would be upset at being called a "trap"
>a majority of the thread is canon transgirls
He belongs in the shota thread
feels bad trapfahbros. We got #1 and #2 both taken away from us
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>taken from us
The only things trannies take is their own worthless lives
Now check out this neutered dogboy trap
>The only things trannies take is their own worthless lives
nice comeback. but i really am not into making them humilliated or suffer. im more of a person to approach them with good intentions (before fucking)
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How do you feel about tranny chasing neutered dogboys
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>implying nari is supposed to be troonari
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Don’t you just want to motorboat his big natural dogboyboooba?
What’s the distinction between trannies and fem”boys” who get surgeries and use hrt? Aren’t those basically trannies?
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Chadtham does
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Both are BPD men into exotic body modification
One fem boy of the two has a separate mental illness called trannyphoria
Chadtham growing in BPD tranny Kaveh’s moobs for motorboating!
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>BPD tranny Kaveh’s
BPD demon tranny Kaveh
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Is it not enough that genshinfags ruin their own thread with their retarded nonsense? Must they come to a thread that asks them specifically not to and shit all over the place, too?
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gachafags should all be slaughtered, inshallah
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Yawn. Is that the best you can do?
They were never yours to begin with. They all want to be or come to accept that they are transgender or nonbinary
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all penis havers are men and even you know that which is why you cry about these men on a board for males
Listen, if you feel represented by these characters thats cool and all but why complain about it on a board where people just come to look at cute anime boys? If you want to post about these characters being trans go on the lgbt board or something.
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Based wiki comments for wanting accurate translation. To keep her male when she is highly regarded as transgender is to insert politics into translations. Same with Bridget. In all games starting with Strive, she is a transgender woman.
Then we can post Poison itt since she has a penis?
>Listen, if you feel represented by these characters thats cool and all but why complain about it on a board where people just come to look at cute transgirls? If you want to post about femboy erasure go to pol or something.
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nobody cares tranny
Poison has big breasts, so no, she wouldn't go here. She's also more a case of
>Draw woman, call newhalf (male) to avoid censoring
Than anything else. Whereas all the traps you are crying about ackshully being t-girls are just traps who are called trans women in the west to pander to trannies
His old design was so much cuter
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youre 2 years late (woah) for the bait
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holy mary mother of cringe
El goblino
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>muh twink death so take hormones chuddie they/them i have titties now
>i hate wypipo despite being one
Jesus, he is the pinnacle of mental illness, that entire account is a trashfire of self-hatred. Ugly as shit too. No wonder he hates cute boys.
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The funny part is if you go into his likes before they were removed he likes only straight trap stuff.
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Me after reading this thread.
>MFW femgen chad that moved to other boards
>mfw people trying to insult me claim I’m a foid and go YNWBAM
The superiority of femgen over twiteroons is affirmed once more
I draw the lines at cowbooba which are gross. Minor gyno as a result of anti twink death regimens are acceptable losses. Cowbooba deserves to be punching bags.
If you take after twink death it’s useless. HRT femboys cheating twink death are based and redpilled tho.
Your waifu suck. Which is apparent by them trooning.
Didn’t read. Fuck off with your offtopic images, tranny.
stop replying to her and just i+r the spam
Like the jannies ever do their job, she lets them fuck her tranny slit.
God damn he has a glass cutting jaw, ugly faggot.
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>posts feminine men in androgynous outfits
>fuCK oFf with YOur oFFTopic ImAges11
Also not a troon basedjak. You’re the one simping troons who’ll likely troon himself.
DESU the bigger problem is a long midface which is one of the most neoteny destroying traits someone can have. It’s also very hard to fix. Euros and bongs tend to have it real bad.
No part of that image is trappy it's a regular anime boy squishing his ugly gyno pecs- and the OP clearly stated she/he doesn't want any of your Genshin garbage posted ITT, tranny.

He's ugly because he's a 3dpd, grown, giant-chinned man trying to look female, like all 'femboys'. Plenty of the quote-unquote sexist women alive; Adriana Lima, Scarlet Johannson, Jessica Alba, Kim Kardashian, Gal Gadot, etc, have long midfaces. If you're attracted to children/neoteny that's a (You) problem, but trannies/femboypedos can't pass because they're adult virilized men- not because of facial harmony/genetics that equally effect real women. Now dilate in the corner of your room and cook up another assblasted seethe post.
What's with the mental illnesses in this and the trap thread
trannies from /lgbt/ don't like the idea of men passing as women when they can't
dont you mean "androgynous men in feminine iutfits"...?
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There's some anti-gay femboy cord.
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This explains the anti femboy attitude since many femboys can male fail. HRT femboys supersede troons.
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>She replied to me
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That’s not a Genshin boy, retard. Also not a tranny.
> giant-chinned man
Obviously but the reasons are facial plane growth, the long midface and chin and the midface is medically unfixable.
> Plenty of the quote-unquote sexist women alive
Lmao at your incel list. Also your “long mid face” examples have a 1:1 eye mid face. Which is actually not long and still neotenous. In men that ratio often leads to a baby face. If it’s worse than 1:1 you really are screwed, especially if a foid. Shitty cope mid face troon.
> femboypedos
Ironic name coming from a literal shotafagtroon. Pretty sure most of them getting blacked means you’re the only pedo.
> EqUAlLy EffeCT Real womeN
But you’re a guy, a guy with a long mid face which is why noting how important that is made you tantrum.
> virilized men
This is why the smarter femboys use shady drugs before it’s too late. Which it probably is unless you have a weak/late puberty which is thankfully the average twink. Compact midface and lower face are probably the key to having a baby face, and baby face + slim body seems to be enough to cause unintended male failing. Not going to stop counting markers of neoteny because you’re triggered.
> dilate
Why are you telling me about your troonoid activities?
wash your hands or you might catch her groomer hrt mental illness
poison doesn’t have a penis, they just said that so they could pass her off getting beaten without making it C or D rated
america loves violence so they didn’t need to pretend she was male (tranny)
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Stop replying to her. She’s here because lolcow banned her for personalityfagging. That’s how insufferable she is.
kek she's still seething
every single boy like this needs love and delicious dick guaranteed in his life
she fingers herself to male attention
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Lol troooons
He looks so cute!

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