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Share your artificially generated cuties!
Previous thread >>3883822

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allow me to introduce you to my childhood husbando (he's from the game only I played)
trying to get his design accurately with AI is pure suffering, but the results aren't actually as bad, and even somewhat close to what I'd consider the best image of him [spoiler]that my brain poisoned by anime is able to envision, as it's not even close to his actual OFFICIAL design lol[/spoiler], but I hope you get the idea here.
it the end, it all comes down to how least unfucked the details (especially the hands) look like so at least you can somewhat cohere it...
welp, done for now I guess, hope you don't mind the spam (I just really wanted to share the character)
For phonefrens
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I thought this looked pretty good until I realized that’s not a cow behind him..
Does this hit the Twinkjak aesthetic?
A guardian angel chilling on the grave of someone he used to stand by for their whole life, feeling happy that his ward has finally found their eternal peace. Or something like that.
and another one I also kinda liked.
A random slasher guy.
I have a weakness for Victorian era men being dramatic in their Victorian era environments.
horror game protagonist I guess (I had Simon Henriksson in mind, it's not actually him, I just liked the "tears" and scars from cutting)
This is SD, correct?
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There's this tool:
>rentry dot co/bicedit
That let's you make wide pics with dalle, I think you would like it, never used it before but I'm firm in that dalle is better than SD.
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I love boys so fucking much
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Pretty neat, thanks anon. I'll play around with it a bit more.
Dall-e does produce high quality stuff, I just feel like it's more restrictive than SD. At least, for now.
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Can't post this on /h/, need help picking the most aesthetic or accurate one.
Well, I'm not really into SD and I would tell you to go /g/ sd threads, but here's what I think:
>first row: 6, 8 and 10 are fine
>second row: just a woman, none of them are really accurate
>third row: 7 is good
>fourth row: 5, 9 and 10 are good
>fifth row: 7, 9 and 10 are fine
That's what I think, purely subjective obviously.
>more restrictive
It definitely is, hopefully we get better alternatives in the future, awesome gen btw, really aesthetic.
Thank you. I'm leaning towards 7 but they all screw up the mantle and facial markings from certain angles. Seems like it needs to be remade with images focusing on those parts which is what I'll do.
You do your thing, when trying to recreate official art I definitely lean with "it's either accurate or it's trash" mentality, especially with something I love like say Dragon Ball as an example. Dalle also does mess up and occasionally turn Kilua into a girl when I'm trying to do a specific thing that isn't "one boy staring at viewer".
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I mean that doesn't make much sense with Killua since the HxH manga art style is pretty inconsistent
I hate sharing it but it was supposed to be Kilua blowing a kiss to the viewer, I guess you could say it's kind of androgynous but that's not really accurate to his design.
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Yeah, not really a fan when it makes them girlier looking, but i can tolerate slightly inaccurate faces.
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Yup, I agree. Btw, are you the guy who made this? Because I think it's the same style you're using.
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Also, if the guy who made this is here, drop a shout out.
Glad you like it. It's an old gen, dalle was giving me trouble with getting them topless so I went with tanktops, and even with that it gave me trouble.
I'm sure it's only a matter of time, AI image generation seems to be improving at a pretty steady rate and there's decent(-ish) competition.
And, thank you, as a flowery writer, aesthetic is my jam.
>flowery writer
I don't know what's that exactly, but if you wrote something good, then share it.
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A boy deemed too hot for CivitAI
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What's the name of the pose?
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Yup, i just like how blue tone as a prompt usually looks lol.
Could you please share the prompt? That would be really appreciated.
I member...

The early dalle threads were amazing
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Wished I was around them here, I was in /g/ threads and then /v/ after the /g/ threads became slow as fuck. I only came here lately, you probably think I'm the guy who made this, I'm not, he shared the two outfits and the style and I fell in love with them. Made plenty of pics of the two boys, probably should make more because I'm fairly certain they upgraded dalle understanding of hands.
Yeah you should whip some stuff up. Going through early dalle stuff, I noticed how bad the hands and feet actually were most of the time. If it's better now it's def worth it.
Yeah, check this one I just made.
And this one is an old gen, consistency of hands definitely improved.
Yeah, I just noticed this one has 6 fingers. Oh, well, ai shit still got a long way to go.
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boys factory Lora?? these guys lol
Cute! Prompt?
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Don't know why it keeps giving him crop tops but i ain't complaining.
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The first one uses the Shounen Zoom LORA on Civitai:

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, uncensored, outdoors, summer camp, forest, cabin, from below, 1boy, solo, shota, brown hair, black hair, brown eyes, scout shirt, khaki shorts, sitting, hiking boots, open mouth, smile, (upshorts), foreshortening

The second uses the Boys Factory LORA on Civitai (both by ShoAI):

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, film grain, outdoors, field, tree, shade, fisheye, foreshortening, from below, 1boy, solo, shota, bandaid on cheek, sitting, foot focus, foot up, soccer uniform, dirty clothes, sneakers removed, socks, looking at viewer, upshorts
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Sadly i didn't save the original prompts i used for those pics but i could somewhat recreate it using these
yukine from noragami, winter jacket, blonde hair, renaissance painting art style, oil painting, blue tone, on a room, pov hand giving flowers
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Thank you.
These are very nice.
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Finally, my dream goth boyfriend
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What's the prompt for him?
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Made the nerd emoji a twink
This one relied heavily on vixon's gothic retro anime lora for the overall style.
>1boy, male focus, dark red hair, goth, gothic makeup, dynamic lighting, depth of field, sunset, tearing up, sitting, playground, black lips, pale skin, g4n1m3
Thanks. I will try playing with it later.
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Very cute :3
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Apparently this one is just too spicy, civitai slapped it with a XXX tag when I first posted it there.
Reminds me of these I made some time ago.
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Great minds think alike
why does everyone in this thread post the most boring, vanilla and unimaginative shit ever? AI literally lets you go fucking crazy, yet all I see being posted here is just basic sameface Korean teenagers.
Okay, then why aren't you contributing to the thread with your non-vanilla, non-boring and imaginative images?
Let's see your AI generated boys them
because it's a shitty thread overrun by pedos, obvsly
meant for >>3904443
forgot to tell you to kys btw
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were retarded.
I like making angels (usually with animal companions at the side for added wholesomeness), are they too vanilla?
I really dislike how his wing is clipping through the tombstone but eh, otherwise it turned out fine I guess.
Hate when a seemingly perfectly generated image has one small annoying mistake
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Don't you just hate when you're getting you're DIY on and suddenly your bottle of glue explodes?
Yeah right...
Are you implying that this sticky, white substance could possibly be anything other than glue??
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Is he against homo sex?

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