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Ebin red pilled femboy trolls
god shorts look so good on shotas
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Inb4 racist redpilled Russian troll farm nazi femboy scara.
Also he’s Japanese.
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>be scara, troll Kaveh by calling him a toon and going “ynwbaw”
>everyone laughs at you and calls you and ftm troon and claims you have no dick.
>seethe and tell them they’re wrong but they just laugh harder.
Being scara is suffering.
he's a cute shota
japanese aren't a thing in genshin but cute headcanon sis
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Hai has been feeding Kaveh impossible whoppers…
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Its our fave autist's birthday today! Say something nice about him!
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He has a small penis and it's cute.
teucer's butthole

Sause? Plzz?
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Yae has gifted him a life time subscription to Narukami’s basedburgers as a birthday gift
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Why are fictional blonde men always crazy and effeminate?
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hinafying the dog turned out to be one of the least degenerate things fans do with gorou
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shota sexo
this is rule 63 from a chinese comic and they turn female and grow real breasts
please stop forcing your transgender fetishes
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I don’t understand Chinese cartoons so how should I know
>calling Gorou a troooon
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Ignore and report her played out spamming and trolling.
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horny shota needed a leash..
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He is a slutty boy.
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What would happen if someone used Kavehmoobas as punching bags?
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> too many impossible whopperinos kaveh
thinking about teucer's tight little boy bum
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Same and also Fremi's boynips
Hot steamy bubbly bath with teucer and fremi
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Kaveh’s man nips
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Scara’s attempt to return to Japan and take revenge on Yae and Ei goes disastrously.
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I need to marry and take care of these two
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shota onsen
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Can't believe Caelus came to Genshin Impact just to groom shotas like Aether into being meidoboy sluts like him.
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> Caelus booba
He’s also tricking Aether into eating onions
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Holy Shit, Bilibili is so annoying to use! I got 5 popups in less than a minute!
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Nari is so lucky to get two dogboys
Ad block m8.
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I do have ad block. 2 of them, the popups were for getting me to comment and log in
is it ok if i wished someone pinched my nips?
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Just don’t eat onions like that stupid Shiba did, okay?
Huh, I have ublock origin and I don't see any ads on it.
Pop ups*, same thing
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Face of a puppy, mind of a serial killer
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I ate some onions today, what would happen to me nwo 0-0
they had steamy underage sex
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You get literal bitch tits and want to be bred by Chad
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Dog got an actual Hina skin. Best played with his JP voice where he actually sounds like a war criminal and you can laugh at him.
Damn she's still here?
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>not wanting to see a war criminal forced to run around like this, tail between his legs.
>not wanting to see his soldiers murmur about him and lose faith while some turn simp and want to hump him
>not wanting to see him cry out of frustration
God I love 4chan x, literally the best filter in the business.
Just filter her like the rest of us. She never posts any good images anyway.
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>schizo tranny Kaveh dressing like a schizo tranny
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You know what? Fuck you *un animals your animal boys *
cute shotas with unmutilated genitals
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Most boy dogs lose their balls. It doesn’t count as mutilation unless you think you mutilated your pup
Natlan boys.....soon....
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Booba boys
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He has no balls that’s why he looks like a shota even though he’s an adult
Neuter all femboys
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I really want to suckerpunch kaveh cowbooba
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