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Post about boys being mean to eachother

Try to keep more severe bullying relegated to the "ouchies" thread if you can help it.
Details I left out of the OP to limit bloat:
This is mostly a wedgie thread, "bullying" is general enough to make the thread more accessible. Humiliation images can be included.
I could've easily made this a /y/ thread making it way easier to find appropriate images, but this board is specific to cute boys so it'll have to do.
Feel free to have discussions, even if it's about a character with no art. Really the images are only secondary, I mainly wanna discuss characters you find bullyable, speculation about their underwear, personal experiences, etc. from either fetishists or intrigued anons.
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I see you started the party without me
I thought he was wearing a vest in this one. Don't know if anybody here has played Danganronpa, but the third game has a tremendous bully-victim dynamic between the main character, the secondary protagonist, and the secondary antagonist. Pictured here is one of them. I always found him to be the most wedigeable, but more for fun than malicious intent. He would definitely fight back, or at least strike back at your when you least expect it. Definitely my favorite character in the series.
Don't know anything about these guys, but I often see the top in many gay situations. He's cute. I'd let him do this to me.
This piece is exquisite. The panties, the emphasis of the dom's nuts and ass pressing against the sub's head. The blushing and crying from humiliation and pain. Even the little shock over his cock that indicates pain but the doodled hearts indicate secret pleasure.
I love him. Want to kiss him on the mouth and turn him into my wife.
Not a furry, but giving a wedgie to a boy in jeans is always a bonus. You can't pick through denim so easily unless you turn yourself into a hand puppet. You have to go in from the top and work it out.
There's just something about being completely and unquestionably dominated by another guy, and a wedgie is as close as you can get to it without just fucking them. Yeah, noogies and wet willies are whatever, but you're literally being indirectly penetrated by somebody stronger than you. Getting one unwillingly in front of others is a humiliation you can't come back from.

I met a guy on Tinder who wanted to make me dress like a girl so he could treat me like one. I chickened out though.
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Nice to see the thread pick up a bit of steam. Here's an experience I had.
I was at a friend's house, it was just me, him, and his older brother. I didn't know what a fetish was but I knew that the topic of wedgies made me feel funny. I had already gotten up to gay stuff with this friend before, only because we were stupid and didn't know what we were doing, but that's besides the point. Only guy i'd regularly seen with long hair. One day i'm hanging out at their place, when he suddenly gives his brother a wedgie. His brother gives him one back, suddenly they're in a little wedgie fight. I was freaking out on their bed, they were asking me if i'd seen who gave the first wedgie but I pretended I wasn't paying attention because I was scared they'd give me one next. What's interesting is they were both wearing spongebob briefs. The waistband was light blue and the legholes red.
He's spoken for
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How can we forget the titty twister?

When I was 19 my friend at work randomly gave me one. From then on I started playing with my nips.
Bro is ruined for life.

God, I wish that were me.
Is it really bullying if the boy likes it?
I hope so. Wanting to be bullied is what drives me to breathe.
Being given a titty twister at 19 is pretty funny
It was the first time I was every physically bullied, and it awoke something in me. Feeling helpless as another guy just starts pinching and cranking my nipples in public? Hot.

Anyway that's how I got here.
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When I was in fourth grade my friend and his older brother would repeatedly pants me and smack my butt whenever we were at his house. He was obviously gay, but desu I never objected. We had known each other since kindergarten and I remember we had to walk to the bathroom with a buddy and he would always open the stall when I would take a piss.
When I was growing up my little brother’s friend used to be obsessed with wedgies. They would get into the trampoline and he grab onto my little brother’s underwear and bounce as high as he could. Once he got my little brother airborne, he spin him around and send flying. They did that for a good 10 minutes before my mom told them to stop.
Lmao the three reactions of wedgie boys.
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I've been craving wedgies for years, but Everytime I get so close to becoming a victim something falls through.

Right before Covid, I was using Whisper and found a mid-girl who was into getting wedgies. We swapped pics and arranged for a meet up. Two days before we were going to meet she said she found somebody else to join in, a guy, and I got more excited at this prospect. Finally, the day comes. I drive like an hour to her house ecstatic that I have a chance to get bullied. And not just bullied, but wedgied into oblivion by somebody who shares the kink. I go to her room and she follows behind. She starts changing into the underwear she wants to try out and I casually bring up the guy and ask when he's showing up. She tells me he bailed at the last minute because he wanted a blowjob and she refused. I went flaccid instantly. Then I told her to message him and tell him that I would blow him if he would wedgie me while I was going at it. She laughed it off as a joke. I guess I should be thankful, because if a guy pulled on my underwear while I was sucking his dick I would die from all the blood in my body going directly to my penis.
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With the loads of wedgies in cartoons in the 90s and early 2000s they were common knowledge between me and my best friend in elementary school.

One day we decided that we were going to give each other a wedgie just to see what it would feel like. He decides that I should get one first, and he yanks my little tighty whities up. It hurt but part of me liked it. Now it was my turn to get him. I go to grab at his underwear, but he was going commando.

He had tricked me. I never got to have my revenge by giving him a wedgie.

And after that I have been obsessed with getting wedgies and being bullied.
Wasn't there a commercial like this for Yahoo
oh yeah that commercial. my friend gave me the wedgie at my house though. so nobody else was around.
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Tickle bullying is mean
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Please watch Senpa Is An Otokonoko
Where can I watch it?
Forcing your friend to crossdress IS bullying.

Also, Pit is such an easy target.
And who are these guys? Looks like the characters from One Wheat Mark.
Artist's OCs, sorry.
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As I live and breathe,

May God look upon this day and see our most glorious victory.

This one is for Gyatt-kun, wherever his self-bullying, beautiful ass may be.
Lololol if you're referring to me, I appreciate the tribute. I'm still going to continue my wedgie experimenting though. Maybe post some pics to /soc/? We'll see. I've already grown my hair out so it's too late to turn back now.
Mods destroy this emo's boxers
I wish SOMEBODY would
Ever watched this show as a kid, but Danny Fenton is built for Being Bullied Constantly.
This is now a guys getting wedgies in girls' underwear thread.
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Oh cool, that's mine. As a treat, here's an alt. The piece was done but a miscommunication with the artist lead to the whole pair of boxers being white, as opposed to just the webs. Personally I kind of like it now, it's not as "tacky emo" but it has some nice contrast as opposed to the dull looking black boxers. I could've gone with skulls or just plain navy blue, but what's done is done. Freidesuu's nice, I recommend them.
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Harvest Moon boys are underrated.
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Me in the middle but also on the left and right.

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