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Cute lil bros edition
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I was on a YouTube video and I found out that flapjack has a different version in fusion fall, now he's a cute 14 year old sho ToT
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You have to post at least 5 pics btw
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Too lazy to repost, so I'll just link a thread with a bunch of pics of boys with baby brothers I posted some days ago: >>3900121
Does anyone have the translated version of this pic?
wwyd if a sho cried in ur arms
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And here's a translated version of this pic.
Obviously you slap him and remind him that boys don't cry then call him a pussy for not hitting you back when you slapped him.

Jokes aside though, I have no clue.
>Jealous that you're looking at other boys instead of just him
Where were all those cute lil fags when I was young? :(
Just finished reading all of Dungeon Meshi's manga. It's one of these stories where every character is your favorite character including the antagonists, who manage to make you feel genuine sympathy for them.
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Which one would you guys prefer, /cm/?
Right? :(
Give me the sho on the right
Would shos be openly gay or would they try to hide it?
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Why posting Thistle in the shota thread is okay even if he's probably older than 500 years old but posting Chilchuck (28) will make mad lot's of people and they'll start arguing he's not a shota? (I really like Thistle I just want more Chilchuck here)
Strictly speaking neither is a shota. But cute is cute
Openly gay and oblivious as to how people might react to their gayness
Chilchuck is used goods. Look at how big and loose those ears are.
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Happy shos make my heart melt
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@ akapinekros on Twitter
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Did you guys train today?
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My guess is that Chilchuck behaves in a mature way and spends so much time reminding everyone he is an adult with an ex-wife and children that he convinced real people to stop seeing him as a child. Most of the time he's the party's father figure, scolding everyone for being imprudent and taking unnecessary risks, and in general he is the closest thing the group has to common sense.

Meanwhile, Thistle never stops behaving like a child (in part due to his madness). He throws tantrums when things don't go his way, has blind faith on the king's words, when Laios talked about food he made a childish conclusion about "being feed = being happy", and pretty much behaved like a teenager when you task them with something really important (they try their best to look "mature" and avoid disappointing adults, but are full of fear and insecurities due to a lack of experience). Not to mention that he was a teenager JESTER (for elf standards) when Delgal tasked him with saving the country.

>I really like Thistle I just want more Chilchuck here
Post him. At the end of the day the physical appearance is what really matters in these threads. A character can be 9001yo and behave like a cranky grandpa, but if he has the body of a 9yo he can be posted here.
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shotas? Meant to dominate men
back to the AIslop dungeon
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Why is this sho so swagged out
Because this is a man, he should've died already
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his dick made three daughters so you're right
More like look at how big and loose his dick is
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Wish he had sons instead
He needs to taste and prepare the bulls with his own body before they are allowed to meet the girls
I haven't watched the anime, and probably won't, just doesn't seem like my kind of show, but I'm guessing since it's a dungeon anime that he's some sort of thief / rogue class? Just seems like it'd fit, halfling, small easy to hide, big ears = high perception?
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Shota Laios...

What's he saying?
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he likes big and thick chocolate mushrooms...
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*happy shota noises*
Happy shos make the world go round
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Yes, he's also light so he doesn't trigger traps
Need... Sho... BF...
The “girls” are just boys pretending.
Sir all spergs must be kept on a leash at all times until you're inside the fence at the sperg park. I'm going to have to give you a citation if you don't get it on leash immediately.
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Will you watch his anime?
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All of this but also have Gon and Killua take turns sitting on my face after a long training session!
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I want to make him even happier.
Not a shota. He's like 30 or something.
Imagine this scenario:
You are walking through a public space such as a park when you see the shota of your dreams approach you to pronounce the words in the video with all the sincerity and innocence in the world, and once done he stares into your eyes completely waiting for a response while trying to hide is own nervousness. This scenario takes place in the present, in your current situation, so your response could affect you in multiple ways.
This scenario takes place in the present, in your current situation, so your response could affect you in multiple ways.
How would you respond?
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>He's like 30 or something.
That's what makes him so hot
Hug and give head pat to sho
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Sho wants to be ur fren
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left gives me big bro vibes
i may be alone in this though

ugh it’s pathetic enough to envy the attention a little brother gets…
Bare-butted or no?

God, it'd be great either way.
Why do you wan that kind of affection? Do you feel you never had anything like it?

I wish I'd had an older brother growing up, probably for the same sort of reason as you. I've always been of a nervous and weak disposition, and I've always thought some kind of steadying/reinforcing older pseudo-paternal figure would've helped.
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tag team attack!
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i can still take care of myself
but yeah, i’ve never had a big brother or similar figure in my life ever
An older boyfriend can really help shotas
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This must be my new favourite character type: Shota father (actually 3000 yeas old but looks young... Or just a regular kiddo)
Picrel is Riku and he has twin daighters.. Don't ask what happened later though
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Ken my beloved... how are your legs so perfect?
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Shos protecting other shos is so cute!
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no homo
A shota bf can really help a putative older boyfriend.
Naughty boys.
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He's been posted so many times, who is he?
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He's Syaoran Li (alternatively Xiaolang Lee) from Cardcaptor Sakura, a magical girl series from the 90s by CLAMP. He is a Hong Kong exchange student sent to hunt the awaken magical cards that the heroine is also after. The two start off as rivals, both for the cards and the affections of a nerdy teen boy. He's super cute.
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An absolute qt that's who
Shos in short shorts ToT
I want to pinch a bare boy's butt!
True, it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.
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Shos love shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear.

...Easy to take off, too...
Some of us never outgrow shorts.
>Hate when a shota type character is 18 or 30 years old
>Like it when he's 10000 or something years old
Wonder why I feel this way.
Maybe it's because one idea works for a vampire that died at a certain age and got to keep that cute look for an eternity.
The other makes me think of Andy Milonakis where he might as well have a weird disease and maybe has some subtle weird details like a well hidden facial hair or something.
Also https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117515721
It'd be awesome if you could lock in your age at exactly where you wanted. Science get on this please.
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Smooth sho legs...
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I found a new manga about a failed mangaka that travels to Brazil to forget his dream but meets a cute brown shota that wants to be a manga artist.
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i miss my sho bf

So is the boy in a human trafficking ring or does he fuck dogs / donkeys / horses? That's the whole brazilian culture right?
The premise makes me feel it will be a mess of a plot
Only one chapter has been released so far, but it shows that Joao (the boy) works in the morning, collects cans from the garbage to sell them in the afternoon and may be lured to join his older brother's gang. Also the MC saw the guy that originally was going to give him a room get killed by a rival gang member.
Just give the manga name if there's translation?
Favela no Mangaka AKA Mangaka da Favela.
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best love story ever told?
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what was he like?
Straight couples aren't allowed on /cm/ newfriend
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I know, but fuck the police
Not having a sho bf is so fucking lonely! :(
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what do we think about gacha shotas

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