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i imagine one day where i can wake up to an irl version of cyno, that is to me, the dream. holding each other close, putting my head under his chin, him adding some pressure to reassure me, playing with my hair. i can feel him breathing on my hair, random shorter strands flailing around, but too engrossed in the moment to care.
maybe we might go shopping, maybe we might watch a movie, or he can just watch me play some games. maybe we play something together? tony hawk?
it’s a nothing day. one of the best days.
we go shopping! we head to a second hand store, i’m looking out for some old games while he’s looking around for whatever’s cool and old. honestly, i’m not really sure why he wants to come with, he rarely gets anything, but he seems to find something interesting all the time. maybe it’s just because of me, but i immediately head to the video game department, which is usually just a couple sport games on the ps2/ps3, but rarely i find something… this time though, no luck. it’s all just shovelware and sport games, which is fun but ehhh, not today. we both leave empty handed.
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we go to another store!
this time, it’s a vintage antique shop, which is sort of different. they do sell video games, and a lot of other things, many many decades older, in fact. he seems to like these way better… he likes the rust, i see it as dangerous, but he finds it interesting. as long as he doesn’t hurt himself, i don’t see a problem… yet. him and i wander around, me, a little faster, towards the video game section. they have a much wider selection, but they know what they’re selling, so these aren’t cheap either. i manage to scrounge out a xbox demo disk…! i… ask cyno to go get the guy to open the door, cus… i’m too scared to ask myself… what if he says no and banishes me from the store?! i’m too scared just do it for me pleaaaase.
i pick out the game and ask if there’s anything he would like, he does want something, but wants me to see it instead of him explaining. so i have the guy take my game up front while i go see whatever silly gadget it is he wants me to see.
it’s a wall full of vintage toys, but he specifically wants a nascar tin car, it’s not too bad, about 10 bucks. i make sure if that’s the one he wants and he takes it up to the counter, i pay for it, and that’s it!
we’ve only gone to two stores, and while we do usually go to three or four, i’m getting too tired to sustain another store, or even a fourth. both in this fictional story i wish so dearly to be real, and in real life… see ya cyno… i hope to dream of you again, the closest i’ll ever get to having you. take care…
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idk how to post multiple images at once… if that’s even an option…
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how he looks at me when i order the same food from the same place for the 3rd time in a row…
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heyyy! there’s no reason to be jealous if the cat!!! cyno is way cuter…
hnnnnggg… i’m so sleepy… please be here cyno. please…
i guess cyno is pretty cute... are you the same anon from last time?
By the writing style, I assume so.
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pooner hands wrote this thread
op have u tried reality shifting
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i want to sit on his lap while he watches me play video games… the warm embrace of him as his arms wrap around me and he lies his head on my shoulder… even if i’m losing, i don’t care. i need him. he tickles my sides sometimes to mess me up, but it never actually does… and even if it did i wouldn’t care. maybe he whispers in my ear, tells me… everything. i get shivers and he just keeps complimenting me… maybe we play something together while sitting on the floor, and when he loses he throws himself onto me, like a weighted, warm blanket. he sits, legs crossed, and has me lay my weary head on his thighs. i would immediately fall asleep, especially after a long day at work… he just keeps stroking my hair, in and out, sometimes slowing down, but never stopping until he’s sure i’m out. he carries me to our bed and just lays there next to me, looking at me sleep. until he falls asleep too…

a sweet little nap

i wake up to him smiling at me. he’s been waiting for about five minutes… i could just fall back asleep for a little longer… we’re both under the covers and it’s so warm… we only napped for a couple hours, since the sun is just now setting.
i recently found out he makes a lot of puns… i love puns… i would fall for him on the first one. i have. i would fall forever. i am. puns aren’t the best form of humor in my opinion, but if it came from his mouth, they are the best form of entertainment period. i want to hold onto every word he speaks. every blink, every wink. i would treasure him like no other. unbeaten by even the most of “perfect” people. he is the one i long for.
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I like how he’s basically a Sasha baron cohen character in every way, except that he’s a feminine twink and almost looks like a woman. Chinese cartoons can be based.
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i’m sorry for leaving. i was busy.
i won’t ever leave him though. all the time he is on my mind, even if something else pops up. i want to be with him all the time. experience everything together. i want to smell every flower, see every tree, climb every mountain, swim every sea, eat every food, walk every city, with his accompaniment. even if i go to work, he’ll be on my mind. waiting every hour, minute, second, to go back to him. to feel his embrace, tell him everything that happened today, and him responding with his day, sharing opinions, asking questions, bonding over each other. i want to know everything there is to know of him. i want him to know me more than i do myself. i just want to hold him. one day maybe things aren’t going too well. he tells me what’s been going on, and what’s on his mind. how it makes him feel, all under my embrace. i want him to know that i love him, no matter what. that i’ll always be here. that i can comfort him. i hate to see him cry, but crying is normal. crying is good for you. and i want him to cry on someone he know loves him. i would do anything to make his day even one degree better. anything. make him his favorite food, order a pizza, watch a comfort movie/show… even if i can’t handle how boring or stupid it is, if it makes him feel any better i’d sit there forever. i don’t care if i don’t like the show, i don’t care if i don’t feel like cooking, i don’t care if i’d even have to make the pizza myself. if he’s happy, i’m happy. i’d do anything for him to smile at me. call me his. see his eyes shine as i stare into them. i want him to let me borrow his hoodie when i’m cold… i want to hold onto his muscular but skinny arms. i want to nuzzle his face. i want him.
this was shorter. i am still tired.

normalfags pretending to be unhinged is the most boring shit this site has to offer
1/10 only because you posted some good shota bussy
i disagree anon, i choose to believe there is autism this powerful among us. Theres dozen fanfic like this and its ART okay
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we’re driving, its the evening. we just finished going to the zoo…

it had an interesting smell though, it wasn’t that bad, just interesting. my favorite animal there was the giraffe, long blue tongue is cool. he really seemed to like… believe it or not, the seals! it’s always the seals… i can’t remember the specific one, but he really likes them. and they had them. many seals, just sun bathing. i almost had to drag him away because he would stick to the plastic shield a foot away the metal railing. i can’t blame him too hard though, since i think they’re neat too, but not that neat! it felt like a third of the visit were the seals, but i can deal with that. his expression the whole time was irresistible… so i let him have it his way.

we’re driving home. he’s at the steering wheel. some light music is playing on the radio. we have never used the radio, i want to stay awake, but after the zoo and dinner, it’s getting a bit hard.

after the zoo, we had dinner at some restaurant. he ordered a breakfast meal, consisting of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and some hash browns, which is odd i guess. but if that’s what he wants to eat, i won’t stop him! for myself, i had a lemonade and a steak with fries, it was a pretty regular meal for me. i made it halfway through, but he ate it all, which was a surprise. usually we both leave something behind to take home. maybe all that seal seeing made him wanna become one… i’m joking! he probably burns all those calories by just walking. i love sitting across from him though, we sat at a booth table, it was sorta busy, so they just squeezed us in to whatever table had been bused and emptied. the environment was great, but i think he was 99% of the environment from my perspective. so there’s no way it could be anything other than great! i love watching his eyes scan the menu, and his reaction to seeing something he wants, and when he starts eating, the smile… ugh. perfect.
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we’re two hours away from home. we’ve just started driving. i’m full, and the sun is almost done setting. i could so go for a nap. he notices me start to drift off, and he says a couple of words, one after another, while smiling. the letters dart into my subconscious, i dream of climbing them. they’re like big colorful balloons, but more grippy. at the top is him. i reach out to him. i wake up. he’s been smiling at me. not too long, probably a couple minutes.
please. let this happen.
why cyno and not someone like tighnari?
i don’t feel any love for tighnari. if you prefer him, i understand. unfortunately, he’s not my type.
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i want him to crawl on top of me and lay his head on my chest. i want to kiss his forehead as he wiggles around, so cutely. honestly, he would probably overwhelm me. just his looks stun me. every time i lay my eyes on him, i envision a hundred different scenarios where we’re close, hugging, caressing each other. i would do so much for an evening with him. just looking at him makes me feel safe.
He kinda looks like me lol
Sand dog act just like shitposters
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don’t say that. don’t give me hope. i know i was doomed from the start. and also, he’s adorable, so i guess you are too. if that makes any sense.
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his warmth as he lays on top of me. the weight… the calm extended breathing as he relaxes, holding the cold parts of my arm tightly as i lightly flex. i would love for him to whisper into my ear. calling me his. telling me i’m safe. honestly, i already knew that. but the reminder cements the feeling harder. his weight paired with the strength just has me pinned down, unable to move. i trust him though. i would trust him holding me over a cliff. i squirm a little, he lets off a little bit and asks if i’m comfortable. i say yeah, just adjusting a little. he goes back to laying on me. i smell his hair as it blends into mine, we’re like yin and yang. the smell is so potent but so, so beautiful. i tell him how much he means to me, how precious he is, how far id go for him. every sentence he squeezes a little harder, pulling on my shirt with his hands, tightening his grip. by now it’s getting kinda hard to breathe, but i love this. i want nothing more than for us to be one. an inseparable pair that will go through hell and back for each other. i know i would. he flips us over and now i’m laying on top of him while he’s wrapping his arms around me. the flip was quite eager, but i love it. the pressure he puts on my back as he tightens his grip is so loving. but he takes a hand off, then starts playing with my hair. it’s quite different than his, which is why it’s so interesting to him. i love it when people, especially him, plays with my hair. it’s just calming and reassuring. just looking at him, it’s simultaneously calming and exciting. oh i love him. i would love him so much if he was real. i would go so far for him. i would. i so would.
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I want to play old-school Yugioh and Magic with him.
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i imagine us first meeting. it would be wonderful. just strangers to each other, turn lovers in an afternoon. perhaps we meet at a coffee shop, or a book store, or maybe a mutual friend hooked us up… i would love any encounter. though, i probably couldn’t contain myself, i would most likely pass out if we were to we see each other. i imagine him reading a book in a library, tucking his hair behind his ear. the long flow of his hair as it curls around his ear and settles in a new position. his eyes piercing through his hand as it moves down from his head to a resting position. his intense stare into a book. i would definitely lock up. i’d have nothing else to do there, nothing more to see, nothing more to read. he would be all i needed.

i don’t know how i would even begin approaching him. i would be too nervous to even walk up to him with the intention of talking. maybe he notices me staring at him. and i break eye contact out of embarrassment. then we bump into each other at one of the aisles of books. nonfiction. i lock up again as he looks at me. he would probably ask what’s wrong… and normally i’d say something like “nothing, sorry…” but for whatever reason this time i blurt out… or more so whisper… if i could have his number.

he would never say yes to someone like me. but i somehow got it anyway. he smirks, turns around, and walks to the checkout counter and leaves. i stand there dumbfounded. a piece of paper in my hand. written by him. ten whole numbers. his ten numbers. numbers i never thought i could’ve ever thought to be this important. numbers that link me to him. numbers to happiness.

i could probably be blown away at this point, my soul left my body, a cheap fan could slowly turn towards me and sweep me off my feet. i have nothing else on my mind other than him…
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maybe i should call him. maybe i should text first to see if he’s available to call. maybe i should send a test text to make sure i wasn’t tricked. maybe he hates me, some weirdo staring at him at the library, really? what is this person’s problem? (my problem is him, he’s too gorgeous) (i don’t know how much father i can stress how badly i wish for him to be my bf irl) (i need him) (please)
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