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Who tugs on your heartstrings? Previous thread hit limit >>3886833
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You are supposed to post more than one pic when you start a thread.
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I love how onion wears faggy shoes like those
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How his hair do that?
He fined his hairdresser and ran out of the salon halfway through his haircut
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Allister's shoes are cute
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I like Kieran but i wish Florian got more solo fanart.
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I can help with that.
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Last pic.
This is rude. That is his antenna.
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Has Florian taken the throne from Nate for cute protags?
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??? But Gold has worn that crown for 25 straight years.
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aw, it reminds me of gently patting my tummy as a kid and liking the shivery feeling Id get from it.
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huh? when did homoscience make a comeback?
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I love him!
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Kieran feet
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Still can't believe we were lucky enough to actually get them in the game
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