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Sunny days, beaches, bug-catching, sunflowers, popsicles and anything else that represents these hot months.

Boys of all ages are welcome.

Also feel free to discuss anything related to the season.
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Cute shorts.
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>live in a shitty neighborhood
>hear young boys going on adventures at night and see small shapes flitting between street lights
>think how absolutely dangerous that is given the shit that can happen
>realize I'm the creepy old guy in those stories parents tell to kids to not stay out after dark now
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I’m going to read Ponytail Shota and The Summer Hikaru Died, but are there any other summer-themed BL manga I should read? I’ll probably also watch the movie The Stranger by the Shore.
S wa Fragile no S is an instant classic
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Umibe no Etranger has a manga and a sequel, but you probably know that
High Speed! is the manga Free! Iwatobi Swim Club was based on. It's pretty nice
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Is it getting another movie adaptation?
this is an absolute banger
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Cute. Here's the rest.
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Sweaty boys...
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I need pics like this.
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Drinking boy sweat heals you
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What a cutie.

S/M and R/S/E are both good for the summer.

Pokeboys are so cute
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Summer is shota season.
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When shotas have that little adonis belt I go crazy
What a qt
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You dont have to be. Be the creepy old man who helps the kids.
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Noeyebrow is so goated
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So this is how these "male vagina bones" are called. Thanks for the info.
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Hot summer
Hot boys
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