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Previous >>3896403

Other mechas also welcome
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dumb motherfucker sharkface buckethead
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Luv me Beasties
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Built to be filled with transfluid and techno-organic eggs
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I wish Milne would already sell these online. Nobody from the fandom is willing to even scan them so I can only see what twitter chooses to photograph in bad quality.
Hot Motor Oil 3 will be released on the next con whenever that is.
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I need him in my basement
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giw they looked like this
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Sir, this is a blue board
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I can fap to cable porn. I love the fics writers that make use of it, it's a bit underrated.
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Extremely based pairing
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Software porn is even more underrated, sadly
You'd think there'd be more people interested in mindfucking mechas
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Yeah, especially with all the mind hacking and brainwashing happening in IDW. I guess it's just harder to write and fap to so most settle with physical sex that is easier to describe and visualize.
In general I would say that the robot/sci-fi aspect is criminally under-used, especially in the cartoons. Cyberverse had the cool timeloop mindfuckery at least, but most shows seem to limit the fantastic part to magical gimmicks and mcguffins, despite that you could do so much crazy shit with sentient space robots.

The TF would is a huge sandbox for fans with massive potential. I think this is one of the reasons for why it has so many fans that get inspired to create fanart and fics.
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You know what they always say
>Be the change you want to see in the world
archiveofourown dot org/works/57382534
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>>Be the change you want to see in the world
Based mindset
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Based as fuck. Will read. Thank you anon.
This makes me want to draw my favorite niche bots again. If I keep drawing them some others might do so as well. Already happened a few times.
I haven't read the fic yet but I like that you ship OP/Prowl. They don't have much fan content even though it's one of the more obvious potential ships IMO. Exploring the rare(r) TF related fan ideas is one of my favorite things about this fandom.
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Prowl is my fandom bicycle and I would have him stuffed with cables and robococks from every orifice by every character I can think of if I could, including his SG versions
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I'm sad that I missed a "Prowl's exes" fan event some years ago because I have so many ideas. I should maybe just draw them anyway. I recently noticed an increase of Mesotulas/Prowl fanart which is nice. Maybe it's just that one artist that got into them who inspired a few others.
FortMax/Prowl and IDW1 Sentinel/Prowl are way too rare IMO considering that he wronged the first (perfect for hate fucking) and was the lackey of the latter in his early years.
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