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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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This thread is for
fem/andro/otokonoko/crossdressing shotas.
-Characters that physically look closer to older shounen are NOT allowed. ie: Felix/Astolfo/Rosado etc
-If above are drawn as shotas, then it's fine
previous thread >>3878372
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His old outfit was so much better than the new one.
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I actually like the modernized oversized hoodie. it's cute but not nearly as iconic
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Tokiyuki is cute!
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Can he really be considered "girly" if that's how everyone used to dress back then?
The outfit has more traditionally female elements than male
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It's not the clothes that makes him girly. Take them off and he still looks girly or rather androgynous. Regardless, he's a trap in my book.
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>traditionally female elements

He's 8yo at the beginning of the story. Boys his age commonly are androgynous.
Even later as he grows he still looks girly imo.
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if you dont think he belongs in girlysho dont post him here
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I just wanted to have a bit of discussion. I think he fits in both the "regular" and girly shota threads.
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He totally does though.
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I was told this belongs here
are you from the /y/ thread lol
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he doesn't really look like a shota to me but what do I know, these threads are hardly regulated to begin with
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>drawn by one of the trapshota OGs
That's cool.
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he's certainly blown up in popularity lately
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who's he?
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Otori-tan from Even the Student Council Has Holes. a promo for the manga got popular on xitter and a bunch of people found him attractive but many were unaware he's a boy despite the covered nipple bandaids and breast jiggle
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He reminds me of the Inazuma Eleven traps here.
that's one of them so yeah lol
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>manages to appeal to both shotafags and trapshotafags
>even non-shotacons love him
How does he do it?

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