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I'm not sure if this is the best place for this thread but I thought it's a cute idea and a great way to find a smaller artist who draws cute guys! So yeah show us your own or another artists original character. I'll humbly start off with my own.
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Pimp shota
aren't you that one himmler obsessed kid with the binky
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Thought it was Hank and Dean Venture from the thumbnail.
Couldn't find the picture but there was a trending picture of a kid infront of a nazi flag sucking on a binky. He's autistic and has a weird hyperfixation on Heinrich Himmler, guy made like 100+ fanart of him
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Please post the picture kek
Omg I used to know him. He's being groomed by some 32 year old man and I tried to help him but he lives in Germany so not much I could do. Rly strange boy
You can't fool me this is just really crappy Venture Bros fanart.
Posting real people is against the rules also why do you want to see a fetishy picture of a 14 y/o
he posted suggestive pics here he is a lost cause.
why do you look at and fondly recall fetishy pictures of little kids?
what the fuck is this shit lol
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>wants to see funny picture
I'm very fed up why can't you guys stay on topic I just wanted to see other people's OCs
Is this some kind of self insert OC? Why's he so ugly?

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