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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Post your favorite /cm/ image that you have collected over the years! This thread has no theme, so feel free to post whatever.
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want to KILL my poor little meow meows
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This is now a /Liakulea/ thread, post watches.
Why is SS x Jew always gay or lesbian?
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Bonus; Otoko Kusanagi
Why are they on fire when they had pools there? Just jump in the pool, stupid.
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Cool I've been thinking about making a thread like this for awhile
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Good but you could have made it loli as well.
Lolita Kusanagi is canonical. Shota? No.
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The SD OVAs are based just for making Kamille a catboy
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do you think he can be my brother
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Still can't believe there isn't more of this little dude.
Feel the same with Andy from heart of darkness. Would love a remake with modern graphics and a cuter redesign for him.
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I wish my boywife was real
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need him
I'm exactly like him
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The boy from this meme, thinkin' 'bout tits n' shit.
Wtf is this
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I don't know but it is cute. More.
he looks gay.
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bro got the creeper hoodie on
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I guess this is where I can post Brawl Stars stuff
Was thinking of making a thread for mobile games but then I realized it would get filled with gachashit
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Oh yeah, the characters are Larry & Lawrie if anybody is curious
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his anime might have ultimately been kind of mediocre but i love him regardless
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This just makes me so happy. Gale not being lonely and heartbroken and Astarion being safe in a comfortable home with someone who will treat him well.
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Who's the top
I like to think Kars would top unless Esidisi is being a service top. Unfortunately Kars gets over feminized by artists and thus almost always bottoms in the fanart. No matter what, Kars should be utterly imperious about sex.
No:6, good characters, bad story. I hate female authors.

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