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Hug :)
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I still wanna blow Shinji
but he has a micropenis.
That just means i can fit the full thing in. He'd definitely cum down my throat in just a few seconds too
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imagine him stroking your hair and whimpering when he's close
Fuck that's hot
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i bet he'd thrust into your mouth involuntarily when he cums and get all flustered after. nervously asking you if you're ok
I'd keep sucking anyways even after he cums. He'd probably start pleading for me to stop.
overstimulated shinji is cute... the desperate sounds he'd make, his spent little cock twitching when you pull away
i want to cuddle with him after, i'd love to see him exhausted but happy in my arms
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Forcibly kissing him and making him taste his own cum while we feel each other up...
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I want Shinji to blow me
imagine his breathy little moans muffled by your lips as he gives in... fuck i want to pin him down on the bed and grind into him while my tongue is in his mouth
Ultra based! I want to hear Shinji moan from pleasure
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Imagine tying a vibrator to his groin and watching him squirm
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i want to hear him whine and whimper desperately and then shut him up with a kiss

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