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Should I watch this? It’s taken over my twitter feed.
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It's enjoyable
is this show really just entirely shotacon bait?
Sex with this small boy
Surprisingly not, it has some decent stylistic choices
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It's a manga about a relatively obscure period of Japanese history with a coat of cute shotas and ikemen and a side of brutal permadeaths, and spiced with the classic bizarre Japanese humor. It's a really good manga if the idea of a /his/ x /cm/ anime with weird humor doesn't filter you, and the anime has been one of the best adaptations of the year.
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>this jizz whizz isn't constantly under threat of being raped
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His close retainers have incredible self-control (specially the girls, who talk about "sharing him" multiple times), but common soldiers wouldn't hesitate to fuck him "for good luck" and to "improve the morale".
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Kojiro has top-tier armpits.
Although Tokiyuki's aren't bad either.
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Uoooh, icy cute male erotic. Side pants segs.
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Uooh, ass grab.
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Love skinny.
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Does the older guy molest the shota?
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I need more art of Kojiro.
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He tries to, but Tokiyuki is faster than him.
Dio! You bastard!

No shota molestation in that manga, as I recall from the /a/ testaments.
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