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Post your favs! Dimitris would be greatly appreciated ^^
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It's been 5 years and I can't get over him
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He's so handsome!
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5-6 to start a thread
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This scene made my heart race when I watched this movie as a kid. Wish Dimi would say this to me.
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M!Byleth is also highly underrated, there's not much fanart of him compared to F!Byleth :( was disappointed to find out that there was no romance option between Dimi and male Byleth.
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I remember when I first played I thought Sylvain was cute, but as I got to know him more through the support conversations I was a bit put off by his personality. Still very loveable though!
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he has kind of a weird arc, doesn't he
>oh, you're cute
>oh, you're kind of a bitch
>oh, you're sweet and a little suicidal
and then in the AU he invents america
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>and then in the AU he invents america
Lol I do remember thinking that he became strangely kind of cool all of a sudden. His character did a complete 180 in the AU, its actually hilarious when you put it that way.
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Gaahhhhhhhhh he's just so perfect man...
House leaders! Love the way the artist drew Dimi here. Claude looks stunning here as well~
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I have like no AU Dimi fanart so I've had to just stick with screenshots directly from the game. They went to WORK on his design-- hair, armor and everything and it shows.
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When I played his route in the AU, I was glad at first, seeing he didn't have to go through being homeless and having a psychotic breakdown in the original timeline but his passion for wanting to be a good king was not really there and felt like more like him doing his duties out of obligation-- eternal wagie vibes. He suffered a lot more in the original but seemed happier than his AU counterpart after his redemption.
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Warning cursed image
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Kill-mode Dimi awakened something in me. What does this mean.
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Seeing him switch from someone so well-mannered and seemingly wholesome to to bloodthirsty, barbaric-like.. why does it intrigue me so. Why did I kind of like it
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Men's backs are so appealing. Artist captures it beautifully in this fanart of Sylvain here.
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Dimi's all black armor is so sexy. His broad shoulders and thin waist... what a body.
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... no, that's not Simon
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I’m not gay and I don’t self insert but I like pretending Dimitri gets a happy life. Like I can’t explain it. There’s like a medium. I don’t want to be him or want to bang him.
If you're not gay why would you browse this board?
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womst is?
Yuri Leclerc, from the DLC for 3H

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