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Osomatsu-san and Osomatsu-kun thread
BLmatsu allowed
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Ichimatsu is the best matsu
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No, he's literally the worst one, Oso is the best! He's the cutest and silliest and not a fucking edgy that's not brave enough to actually kill himself
Todo > Jyuushi > Ichi > Kara > Oso > Choro
This except in reverse
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Oso > Choro > Kara > Totty and Jyushi > Ichi
Todomatsu is the worst and it isn't even close.
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You don't deserve him anyway
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Kara > Ichi > Oso > Jyushi > Todo > Choro
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These things almost ruined S3 for me. I hope they don't return for S4. This show is best when the brothers are just getting into petty fights.
It'd be better if they fix their error of adding them by making them useful instead of pretending they never existed
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I think the younger brothers are the most boring ones
Ichi is just and anxious, with low self-esteem and and edgy guy, he's really basic and generic, there's lots of characters like him, he has nothing special and has no character depth
Jyushi is the comic relief and a silly guy but nothing more, they had to give him a girlfriend so he would have *something*
Totty has no personality bcuz the staff doesn't care about him, all we know about him is that he likes to be cute but lies and pretend a lot, we don't know his hobbies or what he actually think about anything
The olders are way more interesting and there's a lot to dig on them to see everything of the way they behave and think
I don't hate the youngers, they used to be my faves but I wish the show give them a personality or some character depth
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I should use this as an opportunity to catch up on the show
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