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Shota doges Edition
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Wtf happen to board.
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Mods killed it and a dozen others.
mods dumb
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>Previous thread
why isn’t the post even pinned
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you made him cry mods
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How the hell do you accidentally delete multiple boards worth of threads??
my brain has 2 sides. One is "you dont need these tucking fag drawings anymore you have over 4000!" and the other is "I NEED TO DOWNLOAD THEM ALL!"
>tucking fag drawings
woops teehee :3
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Dumb puppet messing with the world tree again
i meant ducking
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Messing with the irminsul without permission... Needs correction by plapping
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You make Kaveh a mod
i still don't get it
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BPD bunny boy
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BPD men be like
lot of filtered posts suddenly

captcha: SPAM2
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your problem
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he deserved it
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Are you ready to watch the Genshin spinoff: mlem boys?
my femboy wife (male) aether.
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you take that back NOW!!!
Wish it was a hotspring scene with Kinich instead of Mualani but I'll take what I can get, shirtless Aether with new hairstyle is still perfection
why is tighnari so small ToT
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He an angry lil fox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KulwxBFpdw
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it's okay, he totally loves being bullied, look at him smile!
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Twitter was salivating at shirtless Aether.
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I had a filter for UUID filenames, but lost it when I had to update 4chanX.
Wow that is actually a great idea. Would make this thread so much more comfortable to browse
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These two filename formats are usually used by phoneposters (mainly iToddlers). Slap them on your filename filter tab and you're guaranteed more quality posts.
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Nobody knows. The /co/ mods may have had something to do with it, but that's only specilation because of their trolling.
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Suicidal Ideation
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Yep yep thank you anon. Can't wait to never see another one of "those" posts again
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That's kinda gay...
Cum on his feet.
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BPDemon being cute
what is it about kaveh that makes ugly trannies latch onto and project onto him
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IDK but what I do know is that after setting up the proper image filters there's no tranny kaveh at all for me in this thread anymore and that's beautiful
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Not a tranny tho.
Kaveh gets called a tranny a lot since he acts hysteric, has mood swings and basically already wears women’s clothes right down to the red hair clips.
There’s a reason /v/ calls him troonveh
desire, and by extension, suffering.
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Anyone have a sauce/know artist name to pick related?
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>desiring a mentally ill twinkhon
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>tfw Bennett will never give you his autograph
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>be kokomi
>walk in on your general acting like this
Wat do?
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Sanrio collab when!?!?
Patiently waiting for more Benny lore in Natlan
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New boy won me over very fast, he's cute, cool and the JP VA is awesome.
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china did hit the jackpot with homolust huh
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Need to breed!
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because they're projecting trannies like you? yea that's what he said bro
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Cyno is trooned out desu look at that 70s female hooker hair
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>Think troonveh getting bullied is funny
>laugh and go hahaha look at the absolute state of the Kaveh
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Stop replying to them, it's so easy to filter the schizo out with a couple filename filters plus the 3 or so buzzwords they always use. Your mental health will thank you.
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Cyno is a femboy not a troon.
Huge difference.
He just got groomed into eating impossible whoppers by Haitiham but that’s not his fault.
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>Be Kujou Sara, taking command of shogunate armies while the resistance is at its peak and has breached Kannazuka’s defenses
>all the men are demoralized after losses at hands of the anti-shogun dog but they’ve cheered up because Narukami sent some famous idol to preform for them
>see your looser Nii-San spouting defeatism and revealing classified information to that thot
>storm over ready to punish him before realizing he’s talking to that fucking dog and your men let him into your headquarters
Your move?
for the last time im not beating neither a dog nor a cuteboy
4 days!
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Why wouldn’t Tengu general beat up the anti-shogun for corrupting the morals of her men?
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>beat up the anti-shogun
Beat up the anti-shogun dog I mean
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how come in the canon alhaitham doesn't breed kaveh every night? is he stupid?
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It's the coolest boy's birthday today
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I already have another god as my lord and savior
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>no other Chongyuns for today
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Self conscious potat
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Go home, lil bro. It's time for Razor's Birthday!
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I'll post mroe tomorrow when the time zones align.
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This artist draws the best Thot Kaveh
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have another
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he 'eepy
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Obligatory Mika post.
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A feral dumpling!
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The purple is from the lipstick I wore while giving Razor Birthday Kisses.
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Why does his brother give such strong Vulpes vibes?
Why does your vag let off beer fumes?
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Why do you call everyone a foid?
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Gorou smells like a wet dog even while thot moding
Is that okay?
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Web event wallpaper. Haven't been this hyped for a new character in a good while
Why do you pretend like anyone other than you is obviously a female troll?
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The tits are fake. He just stuffs slimes down his dress when Thot moding. Maybe the slimes would bite him and make him bark?
Can he count as one when he’s an adult dog war criminal and his disguise is as an Ara-Ara?
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just one more day I can't take it anymore
stop harassing gorou already
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Anemo-coded dendro boy
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Cyno offers you some impossible whoppers
Wat do?
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Yeah I'm thinking this Hoyofair is gonna be great
That art is for a song that's being released on this Hoyofair which will also be sung by kana, Aether/Scara's Chinese voice actor https://x.com/Nico_nico_Sou/status/1837084339500454220
Also participating is Sou, who's an utaite and has done another Hoyofair song for Scara last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIowtS5CJzU
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BPD coded bunny boy
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Gorou can have one more drink
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He want the bepis
NEED gorou butt and thighs on my face bros
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He smells like wet dog and sounds like this during sex https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sQWmjMWxAaY&t=0s
Genocidal war criminal belongs on a cross.
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Class A war criminal goes into hiding after losing the war. His disguise is being Japan’s #1 Jpop starlet
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who's the best childcoded shota and why is it actually gorou
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How can a shota be pushing 30?
He’s just a smol doge.
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>go on /cm/ for once in a blue moon
>see a Genshin thread
>open it
>there is a sizable population of fujos unironically fetishizing my mental illness
geniunely why the fuck would you fetishize this shit? having BPD is unironically hell as a guy.
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Nice furry dog boy
I wish genshit wasn't genshit, I'd love to play a game as a cutie, but the gameplay just looks so bad to me
Play ZZZ instead we have Seth
The leaked ZZZ Gorou DLC looks hardcore
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Genshin's gameplay is unironically pretty fun though, the game is smooth and polished and plays well. I don't see what the complaint is unless you expect dark souls combat from a comfy open-world exploration game
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As in singular.
The answer is Mika
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Are you new here? It's one single schizo who spends all day in this thread posting the same shit about Gorou and Kaveh. A few well placed filters are enough to hide all their posts, thankfully
Yes. Like I said, I don't come here often. I made a thread trying to get reference for a comic I was drawing. I was surprised there was a thread. I'm usually on /vg/, or /trash/
/vg/ shits their pants whenever a male comes in the picture. That place is insufferable.
...Yeah :(
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/vg/ is so hostile towards any male characters that not seeing any discussion is actually more fun for me. Aside from the one schizo this thread isn't the worst, there's always an active Genshin thread here as far as I can remember, usually separate threads too for the most popular boys like Scara
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Ngl, it’s kinda funny how /vg/ calls Kaveh Troonveh
Gorou is the 4th best shota, Fremi Scara and Mika exist and they’re better shotas.
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That’s okay because Gorou is actually the #1 Ara-Ara (male)
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Is Scara a shota? Some boys are pretty much universally agreed as shotas such as Fremi, Mika, Gorou, Bennett. But I've seen people calling Scara (and other anemo boys like Xiao/Heizou/Kazuha) shotas while other people are suprised at them being considered shotas. Even when lurking JP comments it seems to be a thing.
>Be gorou, go on /soc/ to try and get a BF
>they laugh at you and tell you you look 12 and then ban you
>one guy goes “you have a pretty face but would look cuter in a dress”
>go back with Hina disguise Miko helped you with, get simps and simps offering money for things like feet pics
How do you keep dog boy manlets from getting trooned when society won’t even recognize manlets as men
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>Is Scara a shota?
Short answer; No. Long answer, it depends. My understanding is that Asians don't have a word for youthful young boys (well they do, but it means something different entirely) so they default to shota. While most would use "twink" to describe the anemo boys since they look fuckall like shotas, Asians and especially the Japanese default to shota since it's close enough.
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I think part of it is that shota isn't an inherently dirty word in Japanese and even if you do sexualize it nobody cares. If you call Genshin's shotas this word in English, even the obvious shotas (Mika, Gorou, Xingqiu etc etc), the western fandom will jump down your throat for "sexualizing minors" or whatever they're screeching about on twitter these days. So even people who do view the unclear ones like Scara, Kinich like shotas will refrain from calling them so.
Suisei (JP vtuber) call these kind if boys shounen.
what do you think would happen if i fucked gorou in missionary while rubbing his nipples and shoving my face into his soles
File deleted.
It’s funny how characters that are obviously adults in lore get called that
How can you be a kgb general who graduated Middle East Harvard and a child?
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Official Fremi thighs
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We love Freminet here.
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Sand dog takes the final post

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