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Unsaged omoricaca thread
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FNF like having fun, I don't give a fuck
post 5 you monkey
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Retard OP
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Third image
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Original thread was autosaged because janny had a clitty leak
no, the entire board was nuked, along with several other boards, because mods are retards
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Yes, but also this thread was autosaged >>3913075

Oh I'm a jarty cuck yeah, yeah I'm a jartycuck yeah
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Oh I'm larping as a real women
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I'm a jartyqueer cause I'm a jartycuck
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Oh I'm a coaling spamming acking jartycuck
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What's with the retarded basedjak party cross-site culturedropping happening in this thread? Is everyone into Omori this cringy and underage?
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Mostly just ill in the head
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is this really the thread we're stuck with
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Licking Kel's sweaty tummy
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Just you guys
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omori is colorful
I'm literally Kel (brown)
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Prove it
Anal training with Basil
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Janny, your warning is without merit.

>4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/

I posted GAY shit for MASSIVE FAGGOTS. Basil is a young man and thus it is GAY.

Will not straightwash me. You are in the wrong and you know it Mr Janitor.
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holy fucking based.
janny on suicide watch.
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Kek and sunny look like they're doing something else...
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Cuter than the Basil we got
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Kel is hit he isn't brown he's just tanned since he is outside so much!
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cope, kel is a mestizo
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He's literally Mexican
I want to lick basil's feet.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
Trips of truth
>durrr white people can't get tans durrrr

typical untermenschen
Play the game you insufferable retard, Kel and Hero very obviously come from a Mexican family
How "obviously", exactly?
>mexicans cant be white

why are americans like this?
That would be like calling arabs white
They are.
youre not familiar with canelo alvarez, are you anon?

maybe if you learned more about the world you wouldnt have such absurd ideas about nationality and race
they have an ofrenda in their house for fucks sake
that would be a good gotcha if they were white, but they're brown. kel is marginally darker than hero and that's plausibly a tan, but hero still isn't white like aubrey or basil.
bro, im white, but if i lived in ecuador for 8 months id be brown

your definition for white people makes no sense, white people can have brown complexions and mexicans can be white
Trust me when I tell you that a white mexican is as rare as a non-shady chinese supermarket. Rule of thumb is that mexicans are not white no matter how hard they try and trust me, they TRY.

>im white, but if i lived in ecuador for 8 months id be brown
Being pale doesn't make you white, that's called being a mestizo.

Now can we go back to talking about men?
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ok well in the rest of the world "mestizo" just means "white"
>"mestizo" just means "white"
it means mixed european-indigenous but this is getting boring, post boys
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irl or headspace basil?
>they have an ofrenda in their house for fucks sake
That's pretty good evidence of at least a mixed household, yeah.
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big strong gardener
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basil feet or basil pits? 'tis is the question
Basil in a pit.
Not enough rape porn of this fucker.
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Even faceless men have better taste than to chase Basil. Kel, on the other hand, is in great shape from running from the rape mob.
I want to bury my face on Kel's armpits so badly...
kel smell...
kell smell...
>how sunny would react if you showed him your dick
That's a cute Basil, bribing me with food.
Rude, you're supposed to cuddle him and then gently molest him.
Raping is bad and you should feel bad about it.
grab his violin and smash it on the ground repeatedly in front of him!
Should be blushing here
Brown and white boys should kiss.
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Snuuy is asian right?
xey are a hapa mutt, elliott rodger style
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probably half
my hapa cousin looks a lot like sunny
his mom got the bwc
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Pull the shorts up his legs then push his legs back and put the shorts behind his head to help hold his legs in place?
Both of his parents look asian
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This but with Kel
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Basil bros...
have you sexed him
Kel always wins.
Incest belongs in TCOAAL threads
that game is about straight incest tho which is bad because you create retard babies but gay no retard babies so it ok
Have you partaken in gay incest?
NTA but my oldest cousin and I fooled around a few times.
why are feet so enticing?
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Someone needs to shove that cactus up Basil's boypussy.
kel can't possibly fit in there...
This, so much this
Abusefags are so cringe
post basil
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Bvlt for rape
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Need to see them kissing
I don't get it. Why would anyone want to hurt such precious thing...?
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i keep thinking this is somehow a zelda omori crossover thread because of the green OP thumbnail. anyways [spoiler]cm sp test[/spoiler]
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Ewww they need to eat a burger or something
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they aren't known for eating very well
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Licking Kel's delicious sweaty body!
Would you aggressively, violently, non consensually and without any remorse, rustle his hair? If he's not holding the knife of course.
I want to kiss his bare shoulder
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So fucking cute
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Proceeds to raise both Basil hands above his head, turn him around backwards, cross his wrists at the same time, tying both his hands to a post, dropping his pants, and ravaging his backdoor.
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/cm/ omori server

No one wants to join your shitty server
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wow hot good shota
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Me on the left
lol isn't that a omocat quote
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portable boy
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mental illness and jewish brainwashing. but mainly the latter
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I just want to kick it until it stops twitching
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same TBQH
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>t. Tyrone phenotypes
Kel has the most sex appeal desu
yeah, but Basil is the most rapeable
That's Hero
I want to see Basil overdose on heroin and die
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