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A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3911845

All traps: ded

Shota traps: ded
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what did they die of
broken hearts and ligma
MODS got stroke when they see cute boys in female clothes.
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and why? How could anyone possibly not like that? Are they like... retarded or something?
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Otori-tan is about as shota as Astolfo (So nothing).
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she does it on purpose
Hojo Tokiyuki is 8-11, stop spamming shotas go to the girlsho thread, roastie.
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y no penis
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oh, so he grew up
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Pixiv ID 13951958
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New skin sure hits different
I’m sure he’s just dressed like this for tactical reasons
damn they gave the shota breast implants? hot
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He probably just ate too many impossible whoppers
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>170 cm
tallest trap alive
what the hell is broken hearts?
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your supposed to say ligma balls
lurk 1000 years more underage b&
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Tactical espionage mode unlocked.
You now play the game with a femme fatale mode dog boy in a dress.
squishy shota tits
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tits are fake
He just sticks slimes on his chest for espionage
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uohh trap shotas make my cock so hard!!
TToTT uoh
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Prepared to pickup bitches on the beach.
I like how 90% of the no-shota/genshin thread is just random shotas and genshin. Very spiteful ladies here.
Surely those arn't shota.
Only that, save for a few posted (Tokiyuki, Basil, Minato, maybe Nagisa and 1 original character) most aren't though. Many are the equivalent of hebe at most.
And I don't mind them because I like them but sure, there's another thread for those. Would be cooler to see them posted there instead.
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Yeah dude love it full grown adults xD >>3917642
You're a joke, spamming threads because you're too pendantic of a roastie to post in the right ones.
new berb >>3917919

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