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Isami's birthday in few days and Anisama stage!
previous thread
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It's a good opportunity, since yesterday a big doujinshi happened, to share your dj wish list or ask other anons to click the restock button.
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the main djs I'm waiting for to drop are the ituka/tomo ones and pic related (artist said they would keep printing it until everyone who wants it gets a copy)
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it wasn't in my list of doujinshi to buy but really liked the premise so i was considering, but the time i decided it went sold out
they couldn't print this in time for the event, im waiting to be put on tora
the author updated saying that the page didn't updated probably because the copy they sent to tora, left from the event, weren't many. at this point i hope for a reprint in december for the next petit-only
i'm waiting
>all omochi dj

but if i don't manage to get all i wanted guess i'll buy second-hand
not a fan, but things sells out way too fast and between official merch and dj, bravern is costing me a fortune.
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they posted a pictures of the physical dj, saying that will start the mail order early September if there are no delay with the shipping, typhoons etc
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Ituka dj is up to pre-order, i just got my copy
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also got my order in~
this was also back in stock
anyway, the eng fandom is made of 10 people but we still get antis and weirdos. incredible.
>Bravern antis
2020s fandom is a mental wonderland.
They are even harassing jpn folks and posting out-of-context screenshots.
People are reaching a new low for the stupidest shit.
the term anti existed before zoomers, but idk how to call these people aside the usual slurs.
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Was browsing 5ch Bravern thread (they call it homorobo, there is complain thread a normal one) curious to read people talking shit on what happened the 25th about the 人外cosplay but I found something more interesting
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happy bday ryoma, i wish you lasted more
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wolfbro_barking @ twit
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I'm just thinkin Isamisex
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Someone posted some more details from the anisama pamphlet in-character interviews. why are they so cute?? (password is 02140831)
ok, didn't expect the question about isaba and isami reply at smith is so??? they never gonna beat the allegations
and of course bravern and smith are separated, it's not set in canon so they can keep both character at the same time like the matsuri
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He named his Tamagotchi, "Isamicchi" ahaha.
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>pinky finger

so cute I'm gonna die
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the sketch was showing more ass, i think will we get the whole illustration in the bromide/mega jacket from cystore/amazon
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Birthday boy!
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Obari reiterating that Smith is Bravern on Isami's birthday lol
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the madlad, but smith being a chuuni doesn't surprise me but the extent in which he is a chuuni is amazing
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of course he's the kind of guy who comes up with lore for his toys.
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Isami birthday never ends

also, the anisama flower stand:
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It's SO nice
one of the person who planned the project tweeted this
and i'm reading comments of fans at the venue saying that there is a crowd in front of the stand lol
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>ス「ふたりの日頃の訓練の成果を披露できること イサミは楽しみじゃないのかか?君も本当は脱ぎたいはずだ」

>今年のテーマである「Stargazer」 についてどんな印象や感想を持ちましたか?

>イサミと見上げたハワイの星の瞬きを思い出す。夜空にきらめく流れ星に、「私の中にずっとイサミが 乗っていますように・・・・・」と願った。きっとイサミも同じ願い事をしたことだろう。

>アニメ・アニソン現場で「愛を送られている」 「愛を受け取った」と思った出来事について教えてください。

Sumiisa undressed on Anisama stage and people cheered.
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>先にスミス声優が前開けてイサミ声優に手を差し伸べてイサミ声優も前開けた えっちすぎた
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Isami didn't want to undress but did it anyway because Smith told him to...I see I see.
Not posting the photos since its 3D
>The best part was when the guys (the tweet says 男たち) behind me got crazy excited the moment Sumiisa took off her clothes and screamed "Woooooooooooo!!!" That's fine
Men really like Sumiisa kek
More photo, before and post stage
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big discovery: a colored version with more ass exists (picture is isami birthday cake they gave to Suzuki lol)
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they leaving the full illustration for the bromide or the amazon mega jacket
Suzuki is super hot goddamn, eagerly awaiting for Isami redraws as this https://x.com/ryt_suzuki/status/1830236056652009736
It seems whoever drew >>3915544 was too hayai
holy shit? 10min ago they posted this and it's already out of stock?? how many.copies they printed????
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absolutely floored. wasn't the anon who at the top of the thread wanted to get this but i was considering...
So cute that the end of the performance they left they stage like that, still holding hands like picrel
Anybody manage to get these ac stands? I want them so bad but I think the artist said they have no plans on releasing more and I'm devastated
Nope, i was considering the keychains but decided to not indulge in fanmerch like that.
The designs are adorable, it's such a pity... maybe they will re-release for the next Bravern Bazar in December
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at first glance from the backstage photo seems like they wearing a very similar necklace? maybe it's a coincidence
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need plump blonde tokufag marine bf to cuddle with
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the suzuki mirror selfie showing approx 1/5 of a nipple is the most Isami thing.
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need a mecha bf to cuddle on
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Bravern -only confirmed. No date atm
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>Smith x Isami
>Satake x Isami
>Bravern (Jingai) x Isami
>Isami x Smith
>no only for the ACTUAL Bravern from the show
that's crazy honestly, I hate fujos
what fujos have to do with that when clearly non-human folks hijacked the ship and their bravern is more of a yume/self-insert character than the real one
i don't want to defend anyone, but here it's just a minority that's really shitty and taken the place of the bravern/isami shippers who left because were hurt by bravern's identity
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people were joking when episode 9 dropped, saying that bravern/isami and smith/isami should had came together in a single municipality because it's the same ship, but after the people left, like you said, there were sumiisa shippers who had no issue with the twist and non-human bravern who had a breakdown and decided to ignore whatever was happening in their face.
we should blame sumiisa shippers who don't want to draw bravern or self-inserters who decided to stick and misunderstand the story?
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male lulu
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Smith/Isami and Isami/Smith usually show Smith as Bravern anyways.
Not sure if related but I have noticed people dropping the BareIsa tag, or specify in the tweet or their profile that the Bravern they draw is Smith, writting something like "(sumi)bareisa" or "su=ba" probably to keep away the loud minority that get annoyed about it.
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Cute sumiham
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I still wish we would have learned more about the Lulus. I loved the fan theories that assumed that the DDs were from the far future and Lulus just clones of the first perfect pilot and that's why they're called Lulu (Sumerian for "human/person").
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I have a hunch they might add more lore in the Lulu spin-off [spoiler]since the presence of the DD clones (at least what i understood from people summaries)[/spoiler] in a world where Superbia didn't die and Verum Vita is still around.
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ops, forgot that spoiler tag doesn't work here
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>since the presence of the DD clones
Man I really have to keep up with this didn't know about that yet but sounds interesting. I wish I could read Japanese. Maybe we will get scans one day that might make things easier. Kinda want to read it myself.
Did anybody ever fully translate the BD novel? I wasn't really active the last months. The facts I know about it made it sound cool as shit.
You can read the spin-off novel on the magazines but they released each chapters (with a month delay) on Hobby Japan site
>Episode 1
>Episode 2
>Episode 3
>Episode 4

About the BD novel, full translate I can't say. I only found on tumblr a translation of the letter in the first part and the second part fully translated.
Letter in the first part
google doc ver
After Story part 2
looking for the translations i found on tumblr there is also this one, the seiyuu interview in the BD booklet
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Holy shit, thank you.
Maybe someone will translate them one day. Though I will try google translate + a bit of editing later. I noticed that google trans isn't so bad anymore for Japanese fics. It's mostly the pronouns that are fucked, but those are issues that are obvious and easy to fix.
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Np, the western fandom is small so we have to share what's possible.
There should be around the translation of the live reading dramas they played at the morning and evening stage at the Bravern Matsuri.
This is the first one
>「オペレーション・ボーンファイア フェーズ2
And the second one it's only a summary
also something that is not said in that summary, but it's important since became a meme, is smith choking/throwing up while eating yakisoba while isami was being assertive towards bravern. he says something like "i felt something (ズキュンキュン) in my chest/stomach" and there is superbia commenting "why are you feeling like this when he wasn't talking to you? a-ahaha you are bravern, now makes sense ahaha"
the same person who did the translation posted a audio with translation of that scene but they deleted because nips started to notice it and they were getting upset, since was paid content (livestreaming).
if you're catching up with translated stuff there's also the live seiyuu drama from matsuri.

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Isami sex..
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Thank you anon(s?). It's funny how often I end up liking series that are popular in Japan (and sometimes Korea and China as well) but irrelevant in the west. Well, sometimes it's for the better. And all of them are getting tons of art regardless.
My only gripe with Bravern is that the doujinshi it gets are sold out within what feels like hours or days at best. It's a bit hard to coordinate when you are using a forwarder that forces you to ship the package after a month when the different doujins appear at different times depending on the reprint dates.

It's easy to buy secondhand on mandarake but strangely there are still no Bravern doujins available there. I guess it's too early and the fans that have them are still collecting.
About Mandarake there are two pages under the Bravern tags and most of the items are dj
About buying new releases, it's all about luck and timezones. I don't use a forwarder but a proxy like zenmarket/buyee etc.
I use zenmarket, the price increases a bit with the shipping and proxy fees but they keep your stuff for 60 days and never had a single issue with them (and they let you pay VAT/custom taxes in advance).
The only downside, like i said before, it's the timezones and sometimes the proxy won't buy in time but it's not a big of a deal since dj events happens often and you just have to wait for the next event for a resale.
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Isami and Smith sex wearing anisama costumes
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Sorry anons, I'm an oldfag so I'm sucker for egg babies
the design of sumiisa's kids as twins is so cute
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>SMITH! Did you lay this egg?
is isami who laid that egg but is smith whos taking care of it lol
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No way, Smith is the one who gets pregnant
oh i tried to gave i quick read but the handwriting it's a fucking a pain but i have to correct myself, is smith who laid the egg (and its fertilized egg).
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Isami sweat...

all the bravern -only ships (sumiisa, isasumi, alien braisa, sataisa) going to be held in the same day, july 13th 2025
oh no, they're going to kill eachother
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not sure which is more dangerous, non-humans folks or riba discourse between sumiisa/isasumi
so far the only comments i read between 5ch and twitter are about that
if non-human side doesn't want to cause problem they should ask to be put far away from any smith/isami/smith tables
the riba discourse is annoying, i only saw ppl on 5ch be more vocal about that while between twitter and bsky it's 50/50 so dunno what's gonna happen
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the only problem was caused by yume/self-insert aunties. ironically even inside their own circle some people were judging that person pretty hard for causing such a ruckus with that cosplay
they know they are a minority and they don't want to antagonize the whole fandom for acting like that in a public event
anyway, we are talking about july of next year so who knows how many will be there or not
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I have to remember that I need to buy this one doujinshi with Gagapi as soon as it's available online. It looks cute and it has Cupiditas. But I will most likely forget and it's gone soon like most Bravern doujinshi.
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if you mean aikawataro dj that released for the 8/25 is still in-stock on melonbooks
Cupi a cute
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new kichi comic

before bravern wasn't into macro/micro thing, with bravern is hot but with smith is hotter.
btw, smith's va talked a bit about anisama behind the scene during a web radio episode and ppl are amused by the whole thing because he was the one who convinced isami's va to undress (and he was confused about that lol)
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this human/insect au is so cute
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For me, it's wedding rings.
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Is shipping and fu/BL considered completely different things in japanese spaces? I just saw a fujo have a meltdown about how much she hates shippers and that Smith/Isami is BL and NOT actually gay on her priv account
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I'd be curious to read who is the person is but no, it's not the first time I see that related to BBB with Smith/Isami because their relationship goes above bromance.
It's the old discourse that a lot of old fujo don't want to mix real life with fiction so they want to keep things separated. Homophobia? Maybe. In comparison to western tendency to make everything about representation of real life issues, a lot of Japanese (not just fujo, but even people who enjoy yuri or other kind of things, like otokonoko) prefer to not to.
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Feel bad for the poor intern who was looking at yaoi and rt that on the official account
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congrats on the wedding (again) re: new merch
the tea set looks so nice too bad that just the thought of importing it gives me the anxiety
and anyway, obari saying that on his secondary account kek

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