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all my robutts gone
previous: https://archived.moe/cm/thread/3908596
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So the leaker was right. Earthspark ends with s2 and gets replaced by a series called Cyberworld.
Won't get my hopes up yet but it seems to take place of Cybertron not the US for a chance or at least not feature any humans so far, so that would be cool. One of the reasons for why I liked Cyberverse was that it had no damn humans or relevant OCs. Also, Cyberworld seems to star Galvatron which would be great IMO. I wonder if it's somehow related to the ONE movie.
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Wait what happened
Why'd it get pruned
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A quarter of the boards got completely wiped.
Tally of the casualties: >>>/r9k/78606086
There hasn't been any explanation so far.
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Double nigger
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Hot purple mechs in your area
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>tfw your country is the place on Earth one to start the ONE screening in cinemas
I am fine with spoilers but still retarded that it airs more than one month later here for no fucking reason.
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Slutty old man
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Robots don't have sperm
They'll have plenty of it once I'm done with them
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I still love Overlord/Tarn. The teasing alone makes me wish we had gotten more of them. Overlord is the most provocative asshole of the entire continuity but he's ass enough to be honest, so he's a great match for Tarn, the bureaucratic asshole that hides his insecurities behind three layers of performative villainy.
Holy based
These two are fucking awful together and it's glorious
It's such a shame how they squandered Tarn just like that imho. I need this idiot to be fucked three ways to January

>Black guys surrounding couch with white girl meme, but instead it's Tarn surrounded by Overlord, Deathsaurus, Pharma, Nickel and Kaon
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I love current self/past self confrontations, especially for Transformers where the old character can be a whole different person of different look and alt-mode even
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Speaking of it I wish there was more Pharma vs Adaptus content
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Another based Sentinel to add to the team
I need him forcefully inseminated right now
Me too. From what I heard so far he basically seems to be IDW1 Zeta Prime which sounds fantastic. As one of his three worldwide fans I am pleased and Sentinel's design isn't bad. I love that they finally gave him wings like his comic and toy counterparts.
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I need him chained to a public toilet as a free use hole god fucking damnit
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I can't wait for the porn once the movie is officially airing everywhere.
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Someone out there is already drawing him getting tentacle raped right now
I just know it
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Gonna see the movie tomorrow (and hopefully snag a Shadow the Hedgehog poster according to the promotional site), I hope it's at least decent.
Have fun
I'm planning to go there on Sunday
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I have returned. Movie was actually pretty nice, not amazing but much better than I expected. Jokes weren't as bad in context. My boy Soundwave didn't do too much but he was still cool (can't say the same for Shockwave though, poor guy). Standouts were Megatron and Sentinel. Wish there was more Buscemiscream. I'd give it 7/10.
Also got my Shadow poster, it's pretty cool.
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I wish I could use spoiler tags here
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Sentinel getting what he deserves https://x.com/SEV_315/status/1835991990590414960
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Motherfucking whore
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>look at japanese reception to sentinel
>they think pretty much the same way we do
Porn's gonna be good
He's a smug asshole with a stupidly handsome face
Literally tailor made to be tentacle bait. They even show him getting grabbed in the trailer, as if they wanted the eastern fujos to get to work immediately
Seems like the movie isn't coming out here until next week
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Hope the movie is successful because I want this and I also want a sequel. This is the first time a cartoon did the fully animated, no human story right. I adore the comics but the majority doesn't read so I want something representing such a setting in the form of a cartoon that has more mainstream appeal.
Also, less related but I am happy that there is finally a Sentinel who seems to be actually popular. It's time people finally realise how perfect his archetype is even if his personality varies to some degree. It's also funny how he's either orange or blue, the two most popular complementary colors.
Same. Here it's even October for some reason.
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I loved Animated Sentinel but TFOne Sentinel activates my "GUARDS IMPREGNATE THIS MAN" instincts like nothing else.
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He's smug
He's pretty
He's evil
And desperately needs to be filled in every hole
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I just have a thing for powerful authoritarian personalities, fakers and enforcers that eventually either break, mellow up for a specific other character or, well, just get fucked in the ass or tentacle raped. Nothing against the characters. I just think it's hot.
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The Sentinel thirst is in full swing
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S-source please...
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Nevermind found it
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Stupid sexy Sentinel
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Kino ahead
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Why is he so raepable
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What I would give for a Trigger TF anime...
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From time to time I always see someone on TF twitter going "I don't get why people ship x when y is better" or "people who ship x are problematic!1!"

Do these people ever remember that just because people want to slap their toys together and make lewd noises doesn't mean that they're trying to play marital matchmaking for the characters
And also that these characters are fucking fictional
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I (luckily) rarely see them in the TF fandom. Technically TF should filter these people hard with almost every character being a war criminal, fascist (unironically) or at least a serial killer or thug. It's ironic but also funny when you imagine people being into something like space hitler but calling a ship with him and space goebbels morally questionable because they had an argument once.
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Our hero...
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This is unedited apparently
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Bro got promoted
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